The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-02-14, Page 16• . a Page 1e lfAelitiow Sentituel, Wes uesday, February 19$ Valentzne wishes ,•i Coinmunityshows its pp for v ixns community of St is . spearheading. fund-ratstnr forts to show both, moral and financial support for Bill send Freda Dankwardt. The Danlwardts lost their workshop and .all its contents in a. fire on Jan.. 5. "Sill`: is recovering from second degree burns, he sustained -when the explo- sion occurred: Donation boxes are at Shetlers° Store, St. Helen's, or in Lucknow at. Beckers Milk, Home Hardware, Bank of Montreal, Mayfair Restaurant, or the Cut and Curl. Happy Valentines Day 1. Once ag'ain the funeral home was a busy place on the weekend with services orJarnes Orr, formerlyof the Langside area, Qu Sunday afterno,n .and ser- vices for Douglas" Famish, formerly of Ashfield, on Monday afternoon. Both if these gentlemen had been living in London, for the past few years. Birthday boy is 97 A big hello goes out to Wilfred McQuillan cele- bracing his 97th birthday on Valentine's Day, Feb. 14. . Mr: McQuillan ,says he continues to enjoy very good health and is still as "supple as akkitten." Grove news *from page. 13 Annie McCosh and Maly Anne Kukoly were guests on. Saturday with John and Joyce Farrell of Wingham. Mel and Reina Arnold' visited Friday night with Jim. and Fran Farrell and family. Morley and Deanna Scott attended the funeral of Morley's cousin, Stan Matin in Mitchell, on Friday. Unit 3 f 'S . Andrev+'s United Church, Ripley met, ` on Wednesday ,night at the home of Marilyn Johnston. Another business donation; to Phase 11 helped boost efforts to pay off the project. • Dave Pellowi, pharmacist, and owner of Umbach Pharmacy, . happily handed over a cheque for $1,000 to John Hamilton,fund-raising committee. member. (Pat Livingston photo) o t 110)Did you know?q► The average hospital stay for those who have had, a stroke is 38 days versus 11 days"for heart attack. Thinidng of farming? This course will help Some farms are being purchased by, people who want a rural residence or: - Ing or hiring custom work, , lifestyle; others want to and. to be more informed start farming but have' lim- when speaking with your machine, determine the .best value between buying,teas- ited experience. machinery dealer and finan- -A five eve>ti'n course (Feb. -Max.) has been Bevel- A two-day course on ani- .. pea to provide basic infor- , final' agriculture, in March, motion for those who have will introduce participants purchased or are thinking, of ; to' the current issues affect - purchasing, a farm. r " Participants will learn about• Ing animal agriculture in the. P nineties. A combination, of resources available as well lecture and participative as general knowledge ori how to get started. or make styles will, be -employed g cial institution. the . best use ,of their faint with lots of time for discus- resources: • cion and Commentary. A otie-day workshop' will Call OMAFRA help fanners decide whether Walkerton. at 1 -800 -265 - they -800-265-they should fix up and keep 3023 for further information or . trade for another and to register. • COMMUNITY SAFETY AND CRiME PREVENTION GeT.".,. INVOLVED! I have a respo nsibi 4* to scop male .violence againitwome A'n'n' from Of Cwlndn $uhry Cwnd • The story behind 'the word Adam's apple - This is the name, given to the projec- tion of the largest cartilage of the larynx at the front of the throat, " especially in men. It is a translation of the Hebrew tappuah haadam; and .refers to the belief that, when Eve game Adana' the forbidden" fruit or 'apple to eat, apart -of it stuck in his throat. As a matter of interest, water: is known as "Adam's ale" or "Adam's. wine," and • "Adam's needle" is' a species of yucca with spines on its leaves, a name that harks back, to the Bible, Genesis 3.7, "they sewed fig leaves. together, and made themselves aprons." most oneyn Invest in your community credit union NORTH HURON CREDIT UNION LIMITED 8 Alfred Streeto 1Ningh, U►airis 3574311 Call us for competitive RRSP and TERM DEPOSIT RATEs Al! funds reinvested in our local comrnunity and deposit insured to' $60,000. The Huron CO**ty ward of Education KINDERGARTEN AND JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Children born in 1991 and 1992 are eligible to enrol. in KINDERGARTEN and JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN. respectively for September, 1996." Contact your local . Public School Principal as soon as possible to confirm your intent to, register. Your call will allow your school to provide you with registration details. and will assist the Board in planning for staff. Proof of age and confirmation of property assessment information . will be required. ‘01 jit Roxanne Brown Chair 440 Yeast Infections, Common Hemorrhoids, constipation, menopause.. Ike the Starship Enterprise, Pharmacy Facts boldly goes where few have gone before -- ublicty.. discussing topics that most people would keep to themselves But that'sthe world of pharmacy, treating your aches and pains and illnesses and :this week,,.. your yeast infections too. Candidaa Albicans, . or yeast, is a fungus growing naturally and. harmlessly in both women's. vaginas ,and the intestines of both men and women. Like the bacteria that lies in the mouth, yeast rmnatural flora, posing no problem tiniest it is throown.out of:balanre: l3ut.as over 50 per cent of adult wontef who have suffered from yeast infection will ,tell you, balance is something 'that`is difficult to maintain. What causes imbalance?' antibiotics are one culprit, so is the pill Menopause -related laorrnori^cs, chemical douches, spermiciides,' dry intercourse, tampons or just about anything else that irritates the .vaginal,wail or upsets the vagina's eao system Pharniac• i Paul Carroll Director i► a robiem are others. In' short, the less, acidic the vagina, the more prdne you are to yeast infection. While symptoms include intense itching, a sore, swollen, often` reddened labia, and a thick,white, curdy discharge, your doctor confirms infection by- examining the, discharge under .a microscope. Then, he or. she Will prescribe an anti -fungal • medication in order to kill the excess yeast in the vakina. 'while it sounds simple, most women who have had a yeast • nfcction know that It isn't. In other words, yeast infection is one aliment that ban often keep ming back. But you can strengthen your otdds against yeast infection Improve hygiene, avoid long use of antibiotics, wash withnon= perfumed soap, avoid tight clothes or long periods in wet bathing suits, and stop taking long, hot bubble -baths. As well, cut out or minimize sugar and dairy products if your milk -sugar metabolism is defective. Treatments include anti -fungals like Miconazole (brand name Monistat), Clotrimazole (brand names Canesten), Myclo,• and Teronazole (brand name Terazol). Another 'remedy :may include Betadine douches. All of 'these products are available as vaginal creams, suppositories, ovules, and tampons. In conclusion, if you are trying to cure a yeast infection, both tampons and sexual intercourse ate discouraged. If all goes accordingly, things should be back to •rtorrnal in thtee,to seven days. Your Luckiow r Pharmacists. aclists.. "ALWAYS THEER novo .u" Pard ;Adverliseinenst