The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-02-07, Page 9Graduates with/10nm* Lueknow Seutiuel, ' eduesdayy, February 7,1 - Page 9 c erenayilit$ `t>eat Sandra Van Gseli, Courineyy, son of Mike and Sherwood. ter of Dolores Van Gseh ' Jura COM -WY, lucky wan What do cher the late Antone Van Osclt and net of $200 in. the Arena rkindei'garteu to cher and° n graduated with •distinction Drive in: 95 Lottery Dram Albert Street Hairdresser ,on Feb, 2, with an honors, and to Julie Kwik and have in :ee ori? Feh a degree in Natural Resources . Tammy DeJ ug lucky $50, 3, birthdays. Dinner parties Management R.Se..,Agr, winners in the Kinsmen ;_were held .in. each their from the 1'niversity of Cash Calendar Draw. • honor by their family and Guelph The St. heleri's friends. , ' Attending the cortvoca,- Snowmobileobile poker Rally Rob Widdowson, St. titin were her mother, was cancelled for the third Marys, candidate, for the Delores, and •Sandra's'friead • Sunday in ,a row. minislty, 'based, his sermon - Craig Irwin. In the evening John and Rose. Austin. on Matthew ., verse 13 7 the family gathered at the celebrated birthdays this "Ye are the Salt of the Breadalbane Inn, Fergus, to • past week. Rose on, January Earth" on' Sunday at celebrate the 'occasion. 30 and :john on February 5r Dungannon and Sandra is presently, work-- Bir=thdarcelebrations put on Donnybrook Churches¢ . His, r g at the university of by her family were held in mother, Earith. Widdowson, uelph as,. a Research. Termite on Feb. 3, from Sarnia Accompanied Associate in the Department Travel is a sure cure for : him un'his travels. ., of Land Resource Science, Winter Blahs, The Lone The Dungannon Congratulations Sandra Rangers have returned from Agricultural Society' hosted from. all your relatives and. 'visiting friends in Fort 14 tables• of .euchre- at their endsy, Meyers, Florida monthly tournament on On Feb. 3,, Delores. Van Shelly Ulch and friend 'Saturday.. Osch.'and family attended Mary Smith holidayed in Sharing first and second :the funeral 'in Arthur of Ocho Rio, Jamaica. A prizes were Jim .and Donna. ,Ambrose Heffernan, brother week's. trip to Cuba by Hayden, Barry Nivins .and of the late Crime Heffernan Gwen Caesar, Marie Michael •Curran.: Lois and brother-in-law of Yvette Stewart, daughters Annabel Haggitt and Raymond, Heffernan of Huronview. • and Elaine grandson Curtis, Esther Murphy and Anna.. Due to stormy. weather Nancy (Cleft) Hamilton and Linklater split third prize' wtth;, "white outs, many two' other friends was while Don Henry and Ilene activities Were cancelled enjoyed. Sillib' were novelty.winners, this week including the. Hotel accommodation At the Seniors Centre last February Olde • Tyme dance was central in the Santiago Wednesday, Joe Courtney at the Dungannon Senior area, which was small and and George Cardiff were Centre. primitive, without the con- high and low winners on the Frank Riegl i n g of venience of electricity. white cards,Grace Finnigan Nanaimo,. British. Columbia, - They visited a one-room. arrived home onJan. 29, school house and a small. and Dorothy Williams on . just before the storm blew hospital, in a near by village T the•pink. ` • .irr:' He is' spending two in Cuba. Coegratulatio is. to. Lexie, s vacation atthe home om h e The people were very (McWhinney), ,and 'Of his; parents, Carlland Fran friendly butt conversation < Murch, Clinton, who ag141;A, fauly Part ..! {• d . t , .bratetheir- wedding ,was :held at the. home. of spoke Spanish. anniversary ° at Fish and Max and Helen. Riegling Sickness prevails around. Gamy �riday�• t©,celebrate � his. the Village. Get well wishesClub, February 3 are extended to Doris (actual date Feb.. 6 a home comuag.. . , with Congratulations to Greg Hodges' and :A• J. family, dinner. Hare fys0 IIICLE ivisINTEE , a• unpo4wmpo STORE - pus apartrnebt, Main Street 'corner 'location. $65;x: STA HELE'HR 4 ountry 'bungalow, 2 car garage, finished basement, • 4- bedrooms, reduced. DAIRY b 140 acres, 39 ties, 3.. bedroom; bungalow, • 130 workable,. Kinloss Twp. • 100 ACRES - 30 •workalle, fieldstone ,house, beef barn,n. shed.linlos Twp.: $49,90.0 Two .bedroom btu.ngalow,. 2 baths,,, new Windows. Assumable .$43,500 mortgage. ''ASHFIELD - 1/2 acre with :three ,bedroom house, 24 x- 50' shed: $62,300. . 100 ACRES 7 year old, :3 bedroom, house, 40' x 100' barn, 10 .acre. orchard., $5 workable. $138,00Q,• 100 ACRES - 5(v -workable, balance pasture. $79,900., WHEELER ST. = 3 bedroom . bungalow with carport, oil.. • heat, $52,500. PORT ALBERT - 2 bedroom bungalow, garage, new carpet, $52,900. 75 ACRES .. Vz workable, balance fenced, pasture with creek;. Kinloss Twp. $52,500:, .FARM PROPERTIES WANTED 1::li:..rIiito.t::0'. The. February meeting of the. Holyrood Women's Institute was held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Edna and May Boyle with an attendance of nine Myrtle Percy presided' and welcomed everyone, This -was followed by the regular opening and the minutes and correspondence were read by Bessie Moulden which included a letter from the. FWIO presi- dent Each -Institute may order an anniversary rose. This is the International Year ..o f the Women's Institute and Joan Murray Program Co-ordinator gave inforirfatinn on it. The first meeting, was •on• Feb. 19,1897 Stony Creek, Ontario, when there was a need for the pasteurization of milk to save the children. By. Feb. 6, 1919, the F'B`IOO, had taken it on and by Feb.' 13 of the same year it went on, to the .FWMO. The motto is For Horne and Country •and: the Colors;°are Royal Blue and Gold. .ln 1950 the Grace began also; the Badgu and the Ode and' ibe.'' cry Stewart Coll+ctW ° A W�Mi's I Readings on - the Women's Institute and the President were given. Two Valentine. Contests were enjoyed with the prizes going to Agnes Hodgins and Edna and May Boyle. The meeting closed with singing 0 Canada and Grace and refreshments were served by the hosts esses... Op Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller held their 10th anniversary at the ,Helyrood Store and Post • Office. We are fortunate to have these services, in our own community and we also remember our efficient' itute mail carriers- Leo. and Imelda Murray. A number of special events took place to mark the occasion. We send our best get well wishes to Donald'McEwan,. who has been a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital. Bill Burt, of Kincardine and formerly of 'here, is a patient in the Kincardine and. District Hospital. We send our best get well wish; es.: We extend sincere sym- pathy to ym-pathy'to Helen Haldenby of Westford m the death of her:, mother Mrs. Arthur Campbell of Kincardine. She was the former Mary Pettigrewand grew. up here where their family lived on Conc.14: est *ishoto Nprr* This area extends sympa- thy to Marilyn Macintyre and family on the death of her husband, Donald. The funeral was held Sunday from South Kinloss church. We all wish Norris Messenger a speedy rood; cry: He was a patient in Kincardine Hospital; and is now in Owen Sound, Hospital, Give than a Lt: basks ossa balloon boaqur t Order �ree� In -Tow cli 4 tat ead% mer .." mah idRsized Cars• Cl$Rpas�geyrq& g�� i1 fa .l 4us, Pickup e�1s, r.CiD,illy, Weekiy1 %n ly®: durance Rentals' & i> More 0 Free, Dehvexy tA about ourfull:,ps irpportation service E 111 :VAR RUCK RENTALS [i Divisiott or Saancoast Ford In 500 Huron. Rd., Goderieh D CALL COLLECT.Mk:for Helen 5248347 QEILl Mr5e!l 11 !' l! Ole #11i TAL 106Campbell St, Lucknow3283429 • • 1 "CLOTHES FOR HER" WKERTOI Announces its. FINAL LIQUIDATION SALE OFF STOREWID►E Good Selection of Linda'Ldsitrom Ltd.., Marilyn ,Brooks, Olsen, Como, Votre Nom, Looks, Karen Kane4, Ellen. Margaret? Moody and :more. Come in and take advantage of these Hock Bottom Prices C-41 dolour Print Film Develop & Print Single Set -4 Prints 110,126, Disc.& Full Frame 35mm. Excludes: Panoramic 35, Seattle Filmworks' frame 35mm. Quality Guaranteed '..Y 4Y.q;1�iYbx Y>R4b 6"; tl :m"H=r'p>a YYb1