The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-01-24, Page 10a e 10 Ll pknow 1•? -liana liVeduesday, January ancers his The Lucknow Lancers hosted. the 1995/96 All Star game last Saturday evening. .The official: eeremeuis including the singing of Canada by Carrie Muiray. iingh ,.ITodges, of Clinton, a Life Member 'of the WCAA,, dropped the official puck to begin the game. The puck was one. the players had never ;seen before. It was a replica of the puck used in the first 4996 All Stars hockey game between Queen's University and the Royal Military College u 1856« The puck was square and one side contained all the information listed ab v,ve, On the other side was the style of hockey Manse(' in: those days - resemblinga field hockey stick or a boomerang. shape. The puck was used until the first whistle § which did- LAS"1' CIIANCE LAST 6 DAYS SALE ALL CARPETS •ALL FURNITURE ALL VINYL FLOOR . 411.9. MATTRESSES ENTIRE STOCK REDUCED TO ROCK BOTTOM! SALE ENDS JANUARY 31st 6:00 p.m. SHARP! eee% REYFIIIR Frrnit,,re s. [orpet Ltd OWER: SOUND latent - 371 -2151 MARION ei2 Benoit 534»3324 PO TE as FURVIEEeOn r4caosit 18944 Visit over 40,000 square feet of carpet and furniture showroom n't take too long; The square puck just R didn't seem to have the zing our Senior B players ale used to. Members of the Lancer teamplaying for the South were: Adam Skillen, Chris' Michie, Steve Michie,; Brad Priestap, Brad Murrayand pale Priestap. The North won the gam to:4; Lancer personnel had the. honor of being on the bench with :tie South; team; Gerald Murray, coach, Ron Stanley, ,. ,manager and Ken Irwin and. Les Livingston trainers Suowinobi le' ip Know basic first acid. Knowitig'how to respond in any kind of emergency could save a.'friend's life. The Lancers hosted the Senior BAll Star Game in Lucknow last Saturday night. Lancer goalie Adam skillen, started off -in net for. the South team and displays his acrobatic style in this attempt by the North (right) to score.. The North defeated the South 916 4. (Pat Livingston photo) Smyths back fi George and Barb Smyth have returned from a four' day trip to Eaton, New Hampshire where they. delivered a truck load load of snowblowers after they received A lot of snow down there. There was four feet of snow in the fields " and another foot fell on Friday. They', visited with friends and enjoyed the. pretty scenneryespecially at the ski hills, of Vermont. 1 •Other loads of snow blowers were delivered to Maybe you figure other retailers in your Iirte of business are going to cut back their advertising so "id's safe for you, too. Right? New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, . Vermont, Maryland, New York etc. along the pastern Seaboard. Its an ill wind that doesn't blow someone good Welcome borne to Ross and Mary Ann Brindley who enjoyed ,a weeks' vaea- -tion at Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Arriving home on Friday, they were, surprised to -see the snow banks gone, Snow disappeared quick- ly this past week due to mild temperatures and rain, even thunder and lighten- ing. St. Helen's. Snowmobile Poker Rally was . postponed. to Jan. ,28 weather ; permit- ting. Congratulations to Bob and Doreen McCormick second best decorated; home at Christmas time, chosen by the new Optimist Club of Lucknow and District. Approximately 50 per- sons attended a : special meeting called`' by the Township ` of West Wawanosh, held at ':the You're in com etition for the consu r er' doll r wrth'e r ry t her etailer' in town, " no matter i h t.•h sells.. Peb le have .ori , ys ► �•s. ndif:t�eor�t' spend :tbern ' �° forwhat ou soil tbo lis o the: for somethin . else astern Seaboard Dungannon Senior Citizens Dungannon United Church. Centre on Saturday, to hear Received into the church and receive written individ= by Confirmation was Justin. ual problems concerning the Brown, Sara Campbell, 1995 Drainage Works Chris Durnin and Tray This This special meeting. was McKenzie. called after approximately UCW 25 • concerned citizens : Margaret Errington was attended the Jan. 2nd W.W. hostess for the January Council meeting addressing meeting of Dungannon/Nile drainage problems. ': UCW. There were lots of win- . Rollcall "What • does ners at . Dungannoa Senior Stewardship mean to you?" Citizens Centre on, was well responded to by Wednesday' evening. ;lfi members and friends. Bernice Henry and Jim A table display of Curio's Errington had the high of Donna Young outlined scores, Low prizes were her feature on birds, along split; between " , Doreen with Biblical Scriptures McCormick and ""Sally" on describing ' "the needs of the pink cards, between birds pertaining to steward-, John Harris, Harvey Culbert ship, concluding with a and Harold Elliott in white musical Rapt in rhythm. cards. ` " Reports were received by Get well wishes were President Jean Errington. extended to ' Harold Luncheon was "served by Gardner, Nei;s Pearson and tea hostesses Beth Dickson " Isabel Kilpatrick. .. .andd Marina Parks. Communion was served Thanks to dapghter Lexie by the Elders and Rev. Alex Murch, Willetta McGilvery at the Sunday McWhinney was able to Morning ' Service at worship with us. Upcoming Kairshea meet ' ag meetings by Mk to Bradley Alice Ritchie was: the hostess for ,the : Kinloss Kairshea women's Institute on Jan.18. The directors, Alice Doeiman and Millie! MacKenzie, assistedby the hostess served dessert -and beverage. Donna McBride, vice president, presided. She opened by reading two let- ters, - which were written to George Burns, regarding the reason for his long.life'000 yew Old this week) and his humorous" replies.Vera Schmidt ; read some verses of the Beatitudes for the scripture.: Ruth Langer', convenor for Family and. Consutuer Affairs, gave an interesting article" Milk of Farmers' I induesa", written by Keith Roulston of The Rural oico. Onc hundred farmers from. seven 'counties ' in Ontario donate 12,000 litres of milk per month to. Food Banks, where 50 per cent of milk is used by children. She also reported briefly on the Omnibus Bill #26, which is prominent in the news now and is having the final reading on Jana 29. Muriel MacKenzie, pro- gram co-ordinator, gave an educational and informative report "Marketing the Women's Institute". There are now 70 million Institute members in 70countries of the world. Ruth Langen, Marion MacKinnon and Muriel MacKenzie put on a humor- ous skit - "Flexibility'''. we must not be afraid to try new : "formats." and ideas at our :meetings. Thirteen members. andone visitor answered the Miceli by telling about the., first' Institute -they had attended, tune Gilchrist gave the courtesies and the meeting closed; with "0 'Canada." Pork Producers The 1996. Bruce County Pork Producers annual, meeting will be held. on Feb.h at the Dunkeld Tavern, R.R. #4 Walkerton, beginning with dinner ,at 6. p.m. Updates regarding recent contract negotiations will be, given by First Vice President, Helmuth Spreitzer and local director, Andy Ernewein. for furthertforrnation or reservations call Clare Willard at 519-367-5233. Wheat and Corn Producers. The Bruce County Wheat Producers and the Bruce, County Com`Producers will. hold their annual meeting .. on Feb. 1, at the Ripley Legion. Registration is at 9:30 a.m. w There will be a noon lunch and the guest speaker is Brian Midge, marketing specialist, R idgetown.