The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-01-17, Page 17tr-•
Wye Lucknow Sentinel, Wedne
61 years
")C J*nu
Congratulations to
Katherine Sinith,.a resident
it l'inecret Manor, who
celebrated her 94th birthday
on Jan. 16. Happy Birthday
from all your friends.
Congratulations also to
Jim and SusanMcNaughton
.who- are celebrating sixty
:plus .one years of married
life on Jan. 18.
Lois Campbell of
Pinecrest Manor passed
away on Friday with serr
vices from the Funeral
Home on Saturday after-
noon. She was, an aunt of
Diane Hackett,
Olive Smith passed away
at Brucelea Haven where
she had been a resident for
several years. She was a
There were nine tables of
shoot in play at the Drop in
Centre last week. In the
winners' circle were Anne
Anderson, Erma Crich, Jim
Finnigan, and Lloyd
Moffat, Maimie Roulston
and Euphernia. Cameron
tied for the most shoots:
Steve' Freeman (left) and :Pat Porter, (right) the presidents of the Lucknow
and Distri0 kinOmen and Kinette Clubs handed over big cheque for
$50,333.44 to Dave Black the Lucknow and District Sport*, Com**
Phase lifundiraiSing coMMittee. This cheque ibrings the clubs' total done
lions to the project upto $1251000, surpassing their' odginal commitment by
$25;000, The'last year and'eihalf haviii0ort the clubs hold, many unique',
events to raise the money. Approximately -430250 ,has 1)qn, given out in the
Cash Calendar to, date with another $23,000 left JO. award There are about
450 Cash 'Calendars.' lett to sell which would- net another $13,500 towards
Phase Contact. anyi,,kinette$, Kinsmen, Ken Fisher. at 5282237, or Steve
Freeman at'5284123:Rat Livingston photo)
former resident:
Lucknowetini()r WI
make swags
look at
by Elaine Errington
Moffat was host-
ess for the January tneeting
of the St. Helen's 'Vs/Omen's
Institute, on Canadian
President Caroline
Menary opened the meeting
in the usual way and read a
poem Chickadee Chat.
Florence McConnell
gave the secretary's report,
and Norma Raynard the
treasurer's report.
Rollcall - describe a local
industry you have visited -
was well responded to by
12 mertibers,
Mrs. Raynarcl had the
topic and °showed a video
"Every woman is at risk"
which left everyone think -
Mrs. McConnell read a
letter pertaining to safe and
healthy communities,
Edith Cooper and Elaine
Errington served lunch.
•(*Did you know?,
For males having a stroke,
the average hospital stay is
32 days, while the average
• female hospital stay is 43
I learns mo
about insurax
w' Minor Hockey Committee
,/ • 'PIZZA DRIVE 95'
'Ou behalf of the ' fundraising •committee we would like t
all our su ors who so generously purchaSed the
. products- we of Which utade our campaign a tremendous
CS. A special ention of thank you to Coach Bob and his
Bari -bun II boys who supplied the labour to unload the pizia
, products.
AJ s° thank you to all thaother fine citizens of Luclutow
and area who helped make the pizza distribution"run like dock •
: work . •
This is another example to the great community spirit that
continues to thrive in our area. Listed below are the sum sellers
from each tateknow Team that ,deserve recognition for 4 job well
done. We were able to raise over $4200.00 whiCh will be used for
local Minor Hockey Commitments. . • •
Tykes . Cody'Kemp,
Novice A , Cory liamilton
Novice B Jimmy Kuik
Atom A DustinFarrisli
AtomPt Ryan RiVett
Pee Wee A Jastm Pentland
Pee We 0 - Cory Robertson
Bantam A Datyl Aitchison
Bantam,0 ' Jeri Cranston
-Midget .Billy Draper
' . Juvenile , Stuart Rintott
Giris• ' . *jillian Robertson
Fundraising Committee •
Doug Aitchison
Murray lvtoilat
• Ninemembers, of the by Alice Taylor an article about Robbie
Lucknow Junior Women's Members of the Luck- Burns, and Mrs. Campbell
4 had a reading on New Years
Wishes. Kay McIntosh
played a number of Scottish
tunes in keeping with the
theuto$:. Mrs. McNaughton
read poem titled The
13airrl'es Cuddle Doon, fol-
lowed klui from Mrs.
The group has Purchased
a bench that will be placed
on Hamilton Street in the
Institute braved stormy
evening to learn how to"
make an attractive
Eucalyptus swag, under the
capable instructions of
Tracy Mears, of
reportedcEovned.l. lua scted ne dag stph* rojfAai rtithank from9nly Aitchison0 you presiden-eet.,
jug Nancy the
t Audrey Ritchie
tChristmasno received
;pPeabrrutyaraynnad ofn°r
pering, were made.
now Women s Institute were
treated to delicious desserts
prepared by Susan
McNaughton and Noma
• Campbell when they met
last week.
'Rod McDonagh, guest
Speaker, shared his exper-
tise on.home insurance and
answered many questions.
Rollcall was answered by
thoughts on television com-
mercials. The ones with
either children or animals
seem to be the faVorites.
Mrs. /vIcIslaughton read
rs. Bushell
who has been a patient in
the Kincardine and District
ome f rorn atm, was able to return
home during the week. We
hOsital wish her a good recovery
Hospital with a fractured
• Some from here attended
the Ripley Happy 1-learts
Senior Citizens program
Friday af'tentoon. you must control the symptoms.
I 1
Last we:, discussed ways to
improve the use of your inhaler
medication. So, now you know ,
rthn:ghhwatleohlrslle-gtBeotOuttsehwehaintiO:hhsetirn°ifighuatite°trifmtsY°t?Iluer '
To allow you to lead as normal
and as active a life as pessible,
This area, is still having be able to perform normal daily
• its share of Winter Weather
Are are pleased to report vvith hea.Vy nowfall and
that Mrs, Russell Bushell! frosy nights.
r et -me -not tree
cessful venture
Through the generous participation of many individu-
als and businesses, LucknoW's first Forget -Me -Not blue
light tree fund-raising event was very successful.
Margie Lougheed, Alzheimer coordinator for
'Wingharn and Area Seniors Day Centre, says $280 was
raised. But, as important as the funds raised, is the fact
that "the awareness of the presence of Alzheimer disease
in our lives was raised as well." Through the fund-raising
effort, more infbrmatioii about the supports and resources
offered through the Society and the Wingham and Area
Seniors Day Centre was also disseminated.
Mrs. Amerced said the response by the COMMUnity
WO very encouraging.
activities, maintain normal sleep
And prevent severe flare-ups.
These goaiw,are reached in two
ways: (I) using medication® and
(2) *voiding asthma triggers.(such
as animals). Medicine is. the main
way of controlling and preventing
asthma symptoms, Asthma medi-
cations are divided into Iwomain
types - °Relievers" and
The "relievers" or(bronchodila-
tors) relax the muscles in the
bronchial tubes and provide rapid
relief of asthma symptoms. These
drugs dilate or open the bronchial
tubes. Examples of relievers are
salbutainol (Ventolin), fenoterol
(Atrovent), orciprenaline
(Alupent), and terbutaline
(Bricany1). These drugs act quick-
ly and provide fast relief of asthma
symptoms. These medications are
available 14 Many different forms -
inhalers (metered -dose aerosol and
metered -dose powder, oat tablets,
oral fluids, capsules containing
armacy Facts
(Pulmicort). These are available in
pows alarmedddei discs
f boinhalation.inhalers,cr
°steroid" - the ones that are 'used
to treat asthma are different from
the muscle -building steroids that
are used illegally by some athletes.
Inhaled steroids rarely produce
side effects - they only act locally
in the bronchial tubes, with very
little drug being absorbed into the
body. Oral steroids, for example
pow et or in a at on tin so u -
tions for use in nebulizers. Inhaled
medications are used wrien,possi-
ble since they give relief within
minutes and act for 4 hours or
more. The oral preparations pro-
vide a slower, longer lasting action '
but tend to cause more Side
"Preventers medicines work in *
different manner fterri *relievers*.
These drugs reduce inflammation
and congestion and help to prevent
the symptoms from occurring. The
most commonly used drugs in
courses (five to seven days).
However, if taken for long periods
of time, oral steroids can have
• serious side effects;
To gain the 02X11111110 benefit
from your medicines, it is, very
important to use the "preventer"
medleations EVERY DAY in the
dosage, prescritie,d by your doctor.
Use the "reliever" medicines when
required for fast relief or On a
.daily basis if so:instructed by your
doctor. Preventers and relievers ,
Ira often used together to control
your asthma symptoms.
Your Lucknow
Products are "steroids."
prednisone, are sometimes used to
treat flare-ups - usually in short
Examples of *preVenter" Pharmacists...
Medicines are
(Beclovent, Minced' and bi„A tors to -if CARE
Becloforte) and budesonide rfilkilVt7 u