The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-01-17, Page 5La k other i The telephone contin- ues to grow as, an instrument to be used to ,access information. We have the 1.-900 numbers, that_at a. Bost, can; now answer your medical; and legal needs, as an example. Mid of course there are the i-900 numbers that can folk fill your fantasies' or help pan y. our°destiny according to astrology.. The latest information to come across my desk, whereby we citizens can expand our knowledgf,. in a very important area, is a toll free number established by the ` Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario: Being of an inquisitive nature, I 'wonder'ed if the number put you in touch with areal person, or if it was necessary to havea touch phone to punch 51 the area of interest. So 1 let my lingers dothe work and was pleasantly greeted by a'°real° personwith a very friendly voice. The voice at the other end of the phone explained that the Healthline number has been in place for about a month now. They were receiving a. lot of calls, , and expect to be even busier during February - Heart Montle. She explained, as au example, that if. 1 had a question on angina, she could. (a) give me some information over the phone, and (b) nail me a fact sheet that .would have full infor- oration on that subject,. It's a totally interesting concept - preventative med- icine by phone. Letter -to Barb Fisher Time to live up to promises The following is .a letter Specifically, we want you to written to Barb Fisher, by publicly protest this tenni- • the Power Workers Union. nation and demand the rein- statement of Murphy to the Dear Barb: board. During your campaign There are several reasons • for MPP, you made several why you should take this election promises about the action. Active participation way in which you . intended of employee representatives to represent the interests of has long been viewed as a the part of your constituen- sound business approach by cy comprised of the Bruce many progressive comps-. Nuclear Power nies. The Progressive Development and its Conservatives, who are employees publicly business -oriented, You made it clear that the.. needs of your constituents is would " supersede your. alliance to any political party, if a conflict were to develop. This included strong, continuing support for the nuclear program which represents a signifi- cant part of your riding's • economic well being. The Government's recent announcement to terminate John Murphy's Ontario Hydro Board of Director position creates thea situa- tion where we expect you to live up to your previously stated . commitments. should be very supportive of the continuation of; a . PWU representative :fin Hydro's Board.. • Murphy has been and. will continue to be a strong supporter of the nuclear program at Ontario Hydro and nationally. His voice is required on the Hydro's board of directors to ensure nuclear issues are accurate- ly portrayed and appropri- • ately decided. This includes the future of Bruce Heavy Water Plant, possible options for Bruce A, the Mixed Oxide Fuel program (MOX) and ITER, (fusion plant), all issues that could have, a drarnatiodramatic impact on the future economic viabili- ty of the communities in your riding. Removing Murphy from the board has minimized the effectiveness we had in making sure these issues received proper attention, During your pre-election statements you spoke clear- ly learly and strongly in support of • collective bargaining and the right to strike. You are likely aware that Mr. Farlinger,;: tydro's , new4:'. cha Tian, has requested the removal of the PWUJ's right tQ strike. He has also shown a total lack of respect for employees in his comments about our upcoming negoti- ations. This approach needs to be balanced with some- one who can explain the PWU's position, particularly at the Board of. Director level, to promote positive. relations overall. With Murphy's removal from the board, the ability to obtain *turn topage 6. ..Birth.d4y wishes. Pinecrest tesidents ow Sentinel, Wednesday,, Januar 7, 1996 Page 5 MAR,±;.I( FASHION... Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home has severakesidents celebrating birthdays this month, Congratulations on your special day go out to Stanley Cooper, lan, 1; Gordon Carr, Jan. 23; Marg Collyer, Jan. 6, Terezia Rab, Jan. 15; Katherine Smith, Jan 16 and Vera Priendorf, Jan. 1, A memorial service was held on Jan. 10 for Wallace Wilson and Eldon Culbert who passed .away in December. To celebrate Robbie Burns Day, several events have been planned, Norm Dunsmoor will entertain at. 2: 'p. . on Jan. 19,. The monthly birthday party is that 'evening; at 6:30. Lorne MacKenzie will entertain at 2' p.m. on San. 24. For Robbie Burns Day, on Jan. 25 ,there will be a Scottish` meal for the residents and several of the .`Lucknow Pipe Band members will entertain at 6:45. The Pinecrest residents appreciate all the visits ..and treats they received over the . . holiday season and wish all a.I-aPpY New Year! ral 220 Durham St., Walkerton 881-30 1S FASHIONS & MAITRINFIT All Sales Anni STORE110130 MON,-FRI. 9.30 a n 1..5;30. p.w ..so a.m,.5;0O ppm. ANNOUNCEMENT COOK'S DIVISION OF PARRISH & HEIMBECKER LIMITED is pleased to announce the following additions to its Marketing ,Staff. .. GARY YANTZI will assume the position .of Grain Merchandiser and ROB TAYLOR will undertake the duties of the newly created Grain & Soybean " ogistics Co -Ordinator. Both of these positions have been established in response to our producers' desire to increase brokerage grain transactions with Cook's. Managers at our eight plant Iocations, which include Hensall, Centralia, Kirkton, Walton/Ashwood, Amberley and Parkhill/Beechwood can be contacted for up-to-date market information, forward contracting and pricing of current and new crop corn, soybeans and canola, and other feed grains. Dvision et Parrish i Heimbecke , Limited PARTS VALUE OF THE MONTH WHOLESALE & RETAIL BENS -GRAINS -SEED ARM SUPPLIES SERVICES F.` 1 Get started right now with great battery va ues. BCUI: 'Fits many . , Ga'irclen Traotors and Snowmobiles.. Be ready for another season of lawn cutting with reliable starts' every tipie. , • 2i1 Cold Cranking Amps ... • 40 Minutes Rewire; Capacity CB2472"w Fits many G.M., Chrysler and Farm . Equipment applications. Check the tremendous value on this Maintenance.Free performer! • 550 Gold Cranking Amps. • 135 Minutes Reserve Capacity , RA.35 ONLY # , ; ONLY We carry a huge selection of Batteries for all makes 0i;vehicles and equipment. Megan aogternbeitgives little sister Carrie a spier around the ice. during • moms and tots 'skating at the Sports Complex last, week., And .a good job • she did too, despite the fact Megan is stilt a wee bit tipsy on those blades.. (Pat Livingston phOto) 529-7993 HOURS: Mon. • Fri. 8 a.m.., 5:30 p.M. • CLOSED Saturday during January and Februaryr1998 CASE 11i