The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-01-17, Page 3Luekuu
Seutirtete, Wedue
Cay Janus. 1711990 Page
by Chris Musser
More than 97 members of
the Bruce -grey branch of
the Ontario English
Catholic Teachers'
Associati►an. (OECTA)
cliniberj aboard' three buses,
and travelled toQueen's
Park in Toronto, to partici-
pate in Saturday's demonn
stratiou against education
nuts 'announced in the.
Harris government's mini-
budget Nov. 29,, 1995.
In the, budget, Finance;
Minister Ernie Eves said
spending on elementary and
secondary schools in.
Ontario will be -cut by $400
ikon. this year. The gov-
ernment announced it will
cut spending on school pro-
grams such as Junior
Kindergarten, and eliminate
Grade 43, or OAC, from all
high schools. The province
also plans to cut French
immersion,- music and
library programs.
"These programs are
essential," Peter King, vice
insecurity associated with
such changes. nay are
worried that student/teacher
ratios 'will. 'ontiae to grow
so that teachers can't spend
as much time wort n with
each student. And, these
changes mean the diverse
'r'ange' ofcourses offered to
students will' be limited.
"We're doing this, -
(protest): for the kids,"- King
At Queen's Park for the.
rally; the Bruce -Grey teach-
ers joined approximately
30,000 OECTA and.
Federation of Woinen
Teachers' Association of
Ontario members from
throughout the: province, as
well as ` students, parents
and other union members.
The demonstration was.
organized by OECTA
because, as provincial presi-
dent Marilies , Rettig
explained Jan,, 10, "There's
no way an additional $400
million can be cut without.
on childrenan tk e class-
Saturday. King also .sug-
gested teachers are upset
#ith the government's.
attempt to push through
changes to education before
thepublichas' :a chance to
'We're not pleased with
the lack of public input into
these decisions "° Kiing said.
"This- is similar to what [the
Harri s:governntentj is doing
with the Omnibus Bill. The
goverment is trying to rush
these changes .tbro gh.
[The Tories] were given a
mandate by the Ontario
people, but now it seems to
behoove [the government]
not to listen to us."
The province's ministry of
education is set to provide
detail's: about transfer grants
to school boards next
month. It will alsorespond
to a task force's suggested
reductions of the number of
school boards and provide
an outline for financial.
president of the Bruce -Grey ; an extremely serious impact • reform in education.
OECTA branch, said as he
boarded a bus at Mother res' cooperation
Teresa School in Walkerton
inn Saturday. "Our school . froineveryone* M
board is lean already, ,
Since the bug also causes
funding is cut further? We • "We had just terrific co- meningitis, parents should
can't afford to lose, pro- operation from the parents watch for symptomssuch as
grams like junior kinder and from the school and the nausea, vomiting, bad
garten and OAC." hockey coach. By the end of. headaches and a stiff neck.
Kung said the teachers are the day we had contacted This is the same disease
woriedthe cuts willaffectpeople that wewere con- that caused a scare
the quality of education `' cerned about and had them Ottawa about. three years
they provide to Students. covered; So quite ..con- and resulted in mass vacci-
"We already have large tent about those close con nation' n that area:
class` sizes, we've had to cut 'tacts .being covered, but
course sections, and . the
teachers' ` work load is
Teachers aree concerned
about more than the, job
What's going to happen if 'from page 2
nevertheless, having said Snowmobile Tip
that, if anybody notices Ride within the . posted
unusual symptoms in their speed limit on the trails,
child they should have them High speeds rob you of time
checked out," he said. to react to surprises.
Chris Peabody, a teacher at Sacred Heart,
Walkerton, was one of the imeiri-
hers of .the �/
e Bruce -Grey ' branch of the Ontario ENglish Catholic Teacher's
Association, who travelled. to Queen's Park, Toronto; last Saturday. The
i � a monstration against education cuts announced' by
teachers took part n de. .. g
the Harris government in November. (Chris Slosser photo
Hours of business for Country Kitchen
Catering were wrong in last week's paper.
Mon. - Thurs. 6:00 am.- 9:00 pm
Friday 6:00 am -10:00 . m
Sat. 7:00 am; -1.0;00 pint.
Sunda :- 8:00 am -8:00 p
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