The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-01-17, Page 25284026 bra $O FahrilittnOtetiveronti .„1 Page 2 Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, : January i 1 Facing more reductions roan page 1 23 per cent reduction that most municipalities were bracing fon "All indicati+ns are that we will'. be facing another grant reduction of similar prop+o►rtions, for 19971" Mrs. Andrew said. West lirawinosh t rar ° West Wawanoshy g Township, the single block '. transfer of funds appears to be $10,000 more on paper. "But in reality" says Clerk Tre .asuear' Li ane 1, Mark Becker, : rktrea- Nolan, "it is not." Koss g .l eee surer for Kinloss Township, agrees • with Mrs. Andrew , that the calculation for the ..t . ul o Ontario leo Municipal �, pl'rt .. Program is, very complex. g p While it appears that iuloss is receiving an increase of $29,534,,, ,they municipality is in bet faced with a reduction of 12 ;per cent over last year's dollars received in road giants and unconditional funds. In 1995, Kinloss 'received a total.`(roads and uncondi- tional) of $419,269. This year's single 'block 'transfer amounts to $448,803. However, Mr; Becker says when ` you deduct the $80,564that should be put into reserves for equip. ment housing and nontruc> tion, floss is faced with a 12.2 per cent. reduction: Information on the Willage of ,ucknow'ss tran s- fer payment will be includ- ed in next week's issue. Area applicants may., go to Doon or Stratford •.from page 1 and the applicant interest. for the September 1997 enrolment. Applicants from 'this area still may apply to the loon or. Stratford practical nursing programs for September of this year. n Koch jailed the deci- sion eersiva to suspend the pro-< gram regrettable, but said, "We are all in difficult utanaial times." He also said the hospital remains committed to prowdmg ee thnecessary space for the program if it is able to restart in 1997. As far as the nursing school building is con - coned, Koch said it has the potential to serve as the hospital's new i ie eal clinic if extra space is aeddeed.,;That possibility will continue to be investi gated, he said. The. nursing school. building was constructed in 1969, but the history of the nursing assistant or practical nursing program' in Wiingharr .goes•. back Much further. Much he training sehool was started in 1942 by the late Iris Morrey-Fielding. Since that time, hundreds of young women and more than a few Young men have. -trainedhere in. Winghant. The program was taken over. by Conestoga College in 1993. LUCiNO Wer Rarry The RMUht To LI oft*.� ra1M..�-v Om. rr.w 1.+14.N� i With this Coupon.save,3.00 oft, ...400g'-425 9 Boxes GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS: Special price'without coupon, 3/8.99' Coupon expires `Sunday,January 21,1996.,: w.. Wm W.,:... map mow... w.liawsboo :^ Wr..rM.iearr W:..._-1yY•. ill H MPTY D MPTV Assorted Varieties Chips`ot 180 g Bag. KNECHTL Straight' Cut, Crinkle Cut 76249916 1- J CA•MIIIPBELL'S,, Crea ml of Mush roc m Sou 284 ml Tin With this Coupon Save 20 off t 350(t',,-.400 g,Pkg. °McCORMICKS VIVA PUFFS . Special price without coupon 19 Offer expires Sunday,'Janivary 21, 1996. with coupon: 41 625646 Fresh.. Boneeiess and Skinless Fish Sticks or Fish Fries 700.g Box SCHNEIDERS .Dutch Treet, Lifestyles, or Reg. D nner Franks `• Red Hot Weiners45 �a i l �. FRESH BAKED White Bread it 450 g.Ldni ange in ER servi+�e at hospjtal byr,Marr'garret Stapleton Doctors at 'inghan anaDistrict Hospital' have indi9 cared * willingness to participate in the province's mews. rani of payment to physicians ians coveting low-volume emergency departnts. A letter was sent to the Ontario Ministry of Health by pro- ceedJan. 5 deadlineconfirmthe to doctors'intent . tq reQm ceed with the revisedmethod of payment and negotiate a 'more -detailed ' agreement once. the . prototype has been made available by the -Ministry. What this means to citizens of Mush= and :area is no change tothe operation of the hospital emergency depart- ment as it currently stands. The chana in funding tlow-volume emergency y rooms was announced late .last year by. the province.. As Qfparticipate ' e . � 15,� hospitals Which h in the program yVrrll. see paid: a ,si. nal fee .of : $70 r hoar for. physicians s q .. 1�,. weekend and night call; Cuifently,'they ate paid on a perr` patient basis. In . speaking . forthe hospital medical staff, Dr. Brian Hanlon said it still does hot solve the cnrtent manpower shortage in the emergency department. However, in answer to a question from Mary Lou• Cameron, Hanlon agreed that the new arrangement may attract doctors, to town, who can make .a decent living doing weekend work until they establish a practice. severanceli Ashfield Township. coun- cil , has made "a recommen, dation to ,Huron County Council that an amendment be. made to the OfficialMan to delete pol cies. for . sever ing sitrPhis residences, The matter was first .. reviewed at the ;local : level when council met on Nov 7.. The current .Secondary Plan 'allows a property 'owner who'. owns two or throe .parcels "of land, all. ,with : residences, to sever. homes on land other than thee'honne set-up. • A public meeting was - held Jan. 4 : to discuss the • policy.: Along with council,, Sfivecot, rrTaar,teousapayw;, ers plaBnnruceer~ t Machan, a Member of the countyy's. planning. ,and development committee were in, attendance points of concern raiseed. during the meeting were: • the effect ons taxes and rural population, • lot boundary adjustments between farms and non- farrm lots, k • directing non-farm devel- opment to the hamlets, • the need for severances if farm . sizes continue, increased • tightening of thea "sever. ance policy but not prohibit- ing • loss of, assessment from " houses' torn down whether or not severances , are allowed, • leaving policies un- changed* • 'merging, of abutting parcels under common ownership and property standards. Council subsequently made the above recommen- dation eco a men -dation to county council. rrom page saliva, such as sharing bev- erages or cigarettes, or kiss- ing. - About. 25 : people, including the, boy's immedi- ate family and members of his hockey team, which share water bottles,wee' put on'prreventive antibi- otics, A .bug called neisseria meningitidis may result, in two diseases* meningococ cemia, or meningitis which is an infection of the lining of the brain. It used to affect small children, `,but ha:, changed its mode of attack and now appears to be affecting., adolescents, McQuigge said. The symptoms of menitngo- coccemia reseemble the flu when it first strikes. A per- son may feet .weak, achy, nauseated and feverish. The distinguishing feature is that' ,. it takes "a pretty rapid downhill coujrse,. much more rapid then you would expect your child with the normal flu," McQuigge said. It may result in headaches°, extreme weak.„ ncess, lack of , appetite and bruising underneath the skin that shows up in a form of a deep purple kind of rash. " y that stage in the . game they're in pretty des-: perate straits," he said. McQuigge said while he feels confident' the bug has been isolated, he ;addedpark ents need to look out for'. flu-like symptoms that rapidty deteriorate.' : a •turn to page