The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-01-10, Page 13nnry^e�,ty; ��qyr�. . nyyyyQ.nqq�i��®©i�+r . i vr�+'yi + nr,,e�..y.�..yp,ye.r bny, ,,,o .,t6Xy�a _ 'J o,�-y. iiicul taour ant ll*lar�R Mititu'e air Januar iii 19°9 1jge 13 42 Ob tuai`ie JANET ANNE FARR Janet Anne Farrell, off R`:iR. ,Ripley, ;passed away at the Kincardine and District Hospital' on' J :1,: 1996, She *as 67 year: d. The former Janet Anne Hutton was born on Aug. 28, .:1929 in Kincardine. a daughter of'the late John S.' and Lilies M Do Id) butt n 42, Obituaries LLOYD HENRY COLLINS Lloyd Henry Collins of R R 3 pderich, passed away at the Wingham and District Hospital' on Jan. 6, 1996, in his 60th year, The Ashfield Township farmer and owner of Collins Construction; was .a member of the Ashflea Presbyterian Church. He was born in 46 In Memoriam GREEK .. In loving lnemory of a. dear 47, Card* of 'Thanks husband Harold (T by) who ECKENSWILLER r. 9 pgga��ssed. away, January 11, ■ 995. There is a garden in my heart Where happy memories grow Of those who mean'the most to me seasons come artd 90. • Y , Kincardine on 19 °:a And amongthe finest flowers ' Mrs, Farrell. IS sut�rivred by her . Aug 20'n , , , son' of Hiram aro Es er ' And the loveliest.far, children. Susart�.�nd husband d th . by Peter Roberts of Ailsa: •Gral , (Soott)(.Coilina, Mr, Qollins is:.. Are the thoughts t'Il always ." g Survrived byhis wif Elai ,: ` ehensh Jirn� 'arid. wife Fran Farrell of.e Elaine Maclnt te� f Of h RR, 3j; .Ri wife.,( y l p� o ��. C�,�, how very deal'. you Were,;. . , pleyn .Dairy ,and Lour F r II URI I K th Gaderich• They' were married Sadly -missed but' lovingly , and husband'Al Martin f in Brampton .on -Dec, 19, 1959, remembered, Ilene. -KO2x sb A�aino l would like to thank my family,.. neighbors and friends for the phone calls, cards arid, visits while in the hospital -end `since coming home Thanks ,again Grant. ,�<0 e PORTEOh S l would, like to thank my friends." 'for their visits and treats' during; the' year and the . Festive- -Season. estive - -^ eason. Best Wishes td each of you for health and happi- ness in 1996, .Jennie.. , ° :He is also survived' by dough- Dimling' . Kitchener, Janice and husband � G.RERR . _.. George .Miller of Th;. rad :le ' tars Lori Collins and her, friend In ":Events g o a ' Te Pfaff, ORA louring emory, Of a dear, R, 2 1 ll. Ho%' and 'wife Canal n .Frrrall: of .. , a +: ansa rand a and wh se' __. Y Janice, eleeties of Goderich, g , P papa o Passed QINGC): Guelph; loved by i8 grandrrhil4 ... aw :.one year a o: Janu r, . • .Julie and her husband :Chad .: Y 9 a y drsn. Also mourning her , pass- 11, :199`5. in_ era brother Mrenn of I I.R, 2, I eeswaterd � a e a re►t r D+t�naid Your �smile is gone.forever and . Shelley CitoMns of Hutton of Ripley,, and sis#erg " Your hand rate cannot touch, and brothers-in-law Jean arid, Godetich; sisters Reyta and John; MacDonald of RI ley,. husband 'Mario Rizzuto of p file one rive loved'sot much. Marion and oew` Cliffe of R,R. Beaverton, Leona Maclntyre Your memo: is our,keepsake 1 Kincardine, F f and friend Ron,Edwards of . , n ardine, Kay iraser owith which iw a will never part . , Point Clark; four grandchildren, R;1 . 1, Kincardine, I on Tiner God has yoyou u inin hisour keeping' his mother-in-law Mar(orle of: R.R. 1, Kincardine, and We benne heairts., cltyre of R.R.7, Luknow;Ethel and John MAN , of R.R..R; Love "you., Heather, Andrea,, t -Kincardine F rai as several aunts and uncles Mr, - , MrsFarrell i w Michael, Kyle, Matthew, Marco predeceased by her ,husband, G.ollins was predeceased by and Adana. —02x , hisparents,Visitation was at John F. (Jack) Farrell `in 1"995, J+X7RN$TQNE her parents, two sisters-in-law, the MacKenzie' and McCreath F: ' uneral Home, Lucknow, In loving memory of a dear Eileen i~mmerton and Helen where' the -private family -neral husband, father, grandpa and Tiner, a brother-in-law _GlenP Fraser, and brother Mac was conducted on Jan. 7 by , great grandpa"J,C, who passed R awayJanuar)/9,1982: Hutton. Visitation was: at the Hey- P. Chambers of the . ° MacKenzie aridat McCreath Ashfield Presbyterian Church. 'In a quiet country church "yard, Mr. Collins' niece, Heather Where the snowflakes softly,.. Funeral Home, Ripley; where Coleman, and nephew Scott blow, the funeral rias held. on Jan. 5. Rests a love we havef .. Coleman, read " a. poem.notor... Grandsons :Matthew ` and gotten, 4. We have so many :memories Of Officiating was Rev. J. Kolohoni, of St. ,...' PauisAnglican Church Ripley, Mrs.4.whsre' Farrell ... a:: -member, : a, rail was.. P Alba s' r David. Farrell, Wesley''Sloetjes Were fi �'wer' . Who left us four years ago* i !� bearers. Pailbearers Were. ,'Lovingly remembered" by wife Aloe : amities. r 1 ., .. . . Y+� and, f - town, ,Donnie Reid, Ivan Cook, . a ib are, 'wee , avi .,; . , Bar Cliff Doo ' ' M ' onaf Don' Ciylling, Vortnart Anger LED IY :. , ' ug, '... and e Jim Jim' oGibson:, Spring inter , '`Macr�oni�ttd, ' :' Shana 'Ernirii3rton :.al'i Yrerr ` t.F :Y Donations to :; .Ashfield' Emrnerton s`Yirn interment • Gotii0Or ity. Nursing •or ,: ..n ia:.CaC r5 'ie ut.• a n n e Society d ry Presb :teriat Church, Y R i • e'ta . Donations to'' ° R pleY �t�erri ryY. .' ,. ham anti Distrifct Hospital!, •• PBtiil s An tceirt Church or #he:, .. = 9 Were, ratefull ackirowlerd ,d 4v , , g Y" . lie Diabetes Association were - . the appreci ,as. !exp eSsio ka qty � � r ng.:. -..02 by family, ar In loving memory of a dear ,9 Y father - randfather -sand'' great grandfather Raymond J. ,L.eddy who passeu . away orcein ber 28 1986. �C3 e� but en. on fig d. �Khis Alrrtray�s rorne(mbelre y famiily.--O2xc. Goderich Knights of Columbus, Thursday; 7 p.m, Columbus Centre, 390, Parson's Court,. $0450 in prizes,. $1000.00 Jackpot must go, - t5tfar ONTARIO FARM ANIMAL COUNCIL OFAC deals with animal care, food safety and the environ- rnent. Come out and loin us'for -an-.interesting day of discus- sion. Speaker OFACChairman Jim Magee, Wednesday, Jan. 24, at'QMAFRA, Clinton, 1 -4 p.m, •Sponsored by the Huron County' Federation `+of Agriculture (Storm -date Tu:esdayi', Jan. 30/96).' --,: •w1,02cc HURON COUNTY BEEF PRODUCERS Association".annual . meeting, Wednesday; Jan. 17,.11;15 .0 . a lin ._ 1 lin arca ,Le ion.$10 per Person. See. directors, orcalI, 7.6156. *-02 AUBURN' UONS CLUB BREAKFAST AuburnHali,Sunde►y,Jein: 14,.9 a.. - 12 (noon. $4.5Ofpersort, i f>urrrl M' s dtaat- IY yrs. ed b ; Robinsons .- y Q Syrup Products..Proceeds Blyth Minor -"Hockey -' and Figure= '. 48# Coming Events SINGLES DANCE Sunday, Jan. 144 at the Wiingham p.m. Hall.' Da��{{n0cl`rig from b p.m• to 11 p,m, .T.usio^ by ;! he Westernatres, Dress` code in effect. --Ocit 'Phis' Is your invitation to bring. y,our :ideal�+ ' enthusiasm ?�, Y .si sill and .your energy to the QMAFRA lel Clinton on Wednesday, day, Jan. 17 at 8' p.m" to. preview the .prep sentatlon. Huron County Plowmen will be presenting, at the',annual meeting of the 'Ontario lo: Plowmen �rrnen in the, Waterioo°1nn on Monday,. Feb.. ,12. We need to know how many went to stay for the ban- Omit* �!.0. oc LUCKNOW AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Annual meeting. will be held on Tuesday, Jan: " 7 p.m. at the Lucknow Presbyterian: Church. For .tickets call 528-3528 before Jan. -16. -02ar STHELEN'S, SNOWMOBILE POKER RALLY Sunday, Jan.- 21: Registration 12 noon - 2 p.m. St. Helen's WI Hall. $4:per hand, 8/$10 ..O.F.S.C. permit .required. Postponed date Jan. 28. -- 02,03 Quilt displ� 10 president honored. About 300 people, attend. ed a "Friends of Marg Harris" evening sponsored by London Area Women's Institute tttute gin. Komoka.". Community Centre,, Marg fs the newly elected president of Federated Women's institute of Ontario. President of London area WI Dolores' hapton wet. corinedeveryone and con- ducted the evening pro- grair. Entertainment was ,provided by The Pe errones and a skit.Th. PPe Tri' 1. ouf Mar.g Harris per- formed by South 'Lobo WI .branch. A. tribute to Marg in song was enjoyed by all. Tributes came from her family, Middlesex North WI, past president Peggy Knapp, and ,South Lobo Branch who also presented- Marg with a - Life Mem$ership in their branch. There was also a presen- tation of .a,giftof money and vase from London Area and Friends. at Museum . The =-:includin"Ygear's,sBest is' able to en,.o tt' iae'rtva r.ie ty o r exhibition of miniature,: calors} textures and guilts and wall hangings patterns that contribute to award winningthese works se fJan.bean,a �n. - tMat., .17 'at{the Bruce ingreception at • t e ,;, n' Y" 4 v e Mase rn' o Cowtity Mtiseurir: .,, an � �. d • This exhibition �'sowS *inners - -be showcase.mxnxature : announced. xncaY after-7 , EONARD ARCHIBA D COURTNEY ;1923-19 Passed away at Kincardine ' andDistrict General ' Hospital on Friday, December 22,1 995.. 'He Was, 72.- He'was born September . 22, f 923, In Kincardine Hospital to Archie Courtney and Lottie Reid. He married Muriel McDonald, far- mrly of _Hayter, Alberta on May 17, 1947" in Fordwich; Ontario: They farmed , in Humid :Township and were Members of Pine. River United Church: .He is sulvived by his wife, sons' Larry of Point Clark, fan" and. Cameron both- of R.R.1:Ripley., and Paul of Point Clark; daugh- tern Margaret Anne McNall of g .Y. •; Kanata and Mary Jane Luescher"of'Point Clark; 14 grandchildren; ane brother. Robert, of Point: Clark; and one, sister Geraldine MCLecid of .H wa : rede- :Kincardine.e. sp e, ceased by his parents and two n ,Blain' andWayne and - so s, uv�ry a al► Thefuneral infant eau brei. was conducted by .plb'fr. Sherlee McGregor-.McCuaig at the Dave-Linklater Funeral y Home. on Sunday, December 24, .1995. 'Pallbearers were his- .1 is ' four sons.. Larry, Ian, Cameron and Pau -and two. sons-in-law, • ,ricMcNally.r. F'atr k aind.� ttc+a . ..'Luescher. flower bear"ors'were.', grandchildren • Belinda . . t Michael McNally, • Cour n tt r:Na ". a Court*, Jesse Luescher and Trevor Courtney. -. 2x PLUMB. • In 'loving ' memory of a dear wife, mother,,and'grandmother LaUretta' Plumb, who passed aWay January ,5;.1995. " Never more than a .thought' away Quietly remembered every day No need for words except to say. Still loved, still -missed in -every way,- Love Jack„ -'Steve. lave -and a ies, --02 fl xm.l GREEK In loving memory •of a dear dad who left us suddenly a year ego. God looked aroundhis g ardeni 9 , And found" an empty apace • Then hp looked down; upon this earth, And saw your tired face., He put his arm.around ,you •' and lifted: you to'rest, God's garden must be beautiful' For he only takes the best. He knew that you 'were' sruffer- ing, . that'o were in ,,M1 He knew y u rp pain,. He knew that you•woutd never get well, U"nt his earth a+ -in , He saw the road g was ettin rough • The hilts werahaurd to climb • so he etosed your eYe- lids, And whispered,., "Peace be: thine.*•. ` r. l ,.r em ed,b � ur Loving y" erre be Y Yo . .family, ' Joanne, Edith, Fausto,, • Donnie and Carol, --02ic Thanks so muchlor,your calls of concern with our shed fired. Thanks also to our Wand'Wonderful faintly on the cleanup of theshed. Spec ial..thank . you to, everyone who- brought and donated food and coffee. Also a special thank you for the generous donations. A very special thanks to a -special friend "Jane who helped with the cleanup meal. 'Your gen- erosity en-eros ty and thoughts• will always be with us. God Bless you all. Mary, John' and fami lies. Ogee • COLLYER A sincere thank you to my• rola- lives and friends. °I do apprecd-- ate your' visits and treats during theyear and the Festive �, Season.. Best Wishes to each .of.ou for health' and happi- ness ac ' i- y .:p� ness in `1a996. Margaret. 02x COU 'fR, N The family of the late Leonard Courtney would".yliketo thank friends, neighbors(' and rela- tives for.their support,. cards, flowers, :"contributions ° and". donations, and for: food brought to the house. Special thanks to On " Knox and staff of Kincardine Hospital Bird staff of `rillium Court. Thanks, also' to the ladies :Of Pine•River. lnited Church for: lunch after tho.ser- Vice, and to':Reverend Sherle e McGregor-McCua:io for her heartfelt Words. --02x at 'the' Kinioss Community ENJOY a FASHIO . CcaUN'FRY MEALS Centre between 4,and ''6.p.m. on Jan,' 14,i Jan. '28, Feb„. Feb,5 at: trine 4. ,�1 �"`2 'M ar. 4 M ‘, C gives, nod to healthy Everyone welcome, 402icc:. r• prOjedt fOr 'MOH liars noon demonstrations` will and. viraxlhangin,gs mania by° g�Members of rthree local take Place, vilet gsutialresBlu.eowoetr, Viewing the . exhi bit io n is during regular Museum, There Will be both tradi- hours; Tuesday - Saturday, do/tat and contemporary . l0"�a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and P ,� wtitk and viewers will be Sunday p.m. to p.m ckDoe for Allan Scott and MM Murray Saturda J tett 2U Brussels Community Centre Dancing ,9.- Lam Tickets Povided rickets $5. "' Call 526-7607 Bus available from Montgomery's Cali Ken'Invin 528-2270 AI ttiNTiON EX -SERVICEMEN AND 'WOMEN & DEPENDENTS The *opal Canadian Legion. Service, Bureau Officerr, Mi. ]teaslr►1 ,. Groundwater;, Prav%c*sill ,n . rrvice fficerY.. 0 ,. tondo), Ontaiio will. visiting in .the area4 Anyone wialliaig ia'formation, advice or assistance regarding: • (a) War Disability PenC► is rns, in. ' Trertoteiit: ..tar` : entified veteran t,l ..p .til sii f ,•-•suiverise olaaI appllca#lois for War, Vete-ins • ,arid, Widows Allowaaee .. t '. )relit :'ca ..: ., ,to, n_..I�s+r9tsrr�ice Orrice ur,'Secretary of',tke t'urcrrl branch,. "whose'Owe app ears• Kele w,•net lateri" than Jn vary. t9, tom. n. 1rvtae Btay Throughthe Healthy . tions of the .:cotxnnut committee, sup - Community Grants Programts the Ministry of Health'. has made funding available to organizations and community .groups, in. Huron and Perth counties. The purpose- of the Healthy Community Grants is to enable people to gain more ' control over and improve their health by par- ticipating in Community- based ommu nit'y..based initiatives. The amount of funding g ported by council, have been' ` submitted to the Ministry of Health. The' following is the list of the six projects recom- mended to receive funding, with the applicant organiza- tions included in brackets: A Community Database to Monitor Socio -Economic Determinants of Health in Time of Economic ° Uncertainty (Huron - Perth Centres for Children. and Huron Youn) , Youth Health Healt h available to the .- Project (Listowel Youth . Perthdistrict, to support Support Committee), such initiatives is $27,577,- Physical . Activity Sixteen y ' Promotion; (Summer Active S�xteon. ` 'proposals, x_ t Y �of. "96 - Huron . County 'Health requeskrn;g , at total � � Unit . Perth County $121,3'1, were' submitted ; Child �, County, to the Huron Perth 13istrict Abuse Prevention Plan (Perth County'Child Abuse e�th Council: - ...: . • i, Prevention Team); Healthy Community 'Grants Committee of the; Community Kitchens ?DHC Met toreview and dts (Canadian 1ental Health cuss, the `proposals'' and Association Huron '.. Y , A... ..,,.' Branch). a } r brought forth their: reccm- B Y f you 'have anyuestions iCrlorldatt><tlris to � council on.� � !� Dec. 15. The recommend .: about ' ,the Healthy ,elly Gillis, HealtitPlanner ,Community: rants at. 2724480. Programs, please contact