The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-01-10, Page 8ge 8 !Want,- Sentinel, Wednesday, January 1 BDOCHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS r offerino a ftsft cairn, Wriicas; au iii.; , aixouiir- WARD 1WALLE 1 1 L Mg, pui,iess iricix ,Q tax pcarirjaw, per. t naiwiai' ria i *i , C CP24ter 6ita'r 0> ralEgit sew c $: HANOVER WALKERTON 1410UNT PORES PORT ELGIN' �9. Ar aisi'ey, B.Fihoms n, FPA PiotnQA , aoiton,?A Q7P. Vain QA aa QA RR. NOW, CA 4J. Dort, CA Q,4. Murire .A' p , CA. F .Tnowhas CA 884-8790 881 -1211 28-2881 832-2049 M.ATERNITY FASHION... AIL' a SH NS Ail Sales Final MINS w STORE HOURS • .EASIIIONS11 MATERNITY 930 .-s;30 p.m �t•�, 0 .sMwaWA. 220 DuJr°hauiJ SL? Walkerton V 9 su r�.W<S:Qfi p. , ]Nob.ie.m Fe.et!. 0 Professional Rrsing Care for . * Ingrown Toe Nails „ * Corns * Callmes . * Thickened Disfigured Nails Diabetiie.Feet Appointments, Available Mondays at LOcknow Cut & Curl 528-2914 For private appointments 5284050 Care given by JoAnn Todd RPN WHO'S FOUND YOUR YELLOW PAGES AD? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MAIL PIECE YOU SENT? 998 nu ; 1;Jr 6'� u+pr} QUA �'E �E�r; i na�tbOnnancl�Rf 4drarna t s� nave concernso4, There was standing vroomperformance. only .at the West Wawurosh ° Raymond Dalton, Dan council 'meeting on Jan 2 Dalton, Marcella Courtney when approximately '25 and Helen. Riegling attended Dungannon citizens' attend- ,the funeral Mss of the ed toexpress the many con Resurr edtion celebrated for coifs regarding the Sister Denise (Patricia) Dungannon Drainage Wetia, ' Sullivg in London on Dec. 1995. 28. Sister Denise was born 13ring your, written pr b- 'at Kingsbridge to Patrick lems to a meeting with aid Margaret (O'Callaghan) council at the Senior Centte a Sullivan. She was in her, on Jan. 20' for further dis- 98th year and 75th year of cession.. religieus,life. Congratulations to Sincere 'sympathy .to Clarice Dal'tori and Jean Elaine (MacIntyre) Collins Simpson oil the birth of a and family onthe death of granddaughter, . - Hannah her husband 'Lloyd on Jan. Flora MacLeod Simpson, 5 in the \Vingham hospital. born to Art and Jackie Mr. Collins was it his 60th Simpson, ' on Dec.', 15, year;,A private funeral was weighing 7 lbs. 10 oz. held on Jan. 7 from the.. Hannah is a we sister for ' MacKenzie and McCreath funeral H,• me, L.ucknow, Spring burial at Lurgan. Beach. Xan and Donnas (Lannon) Parker of Bryanston were dinner guests with Joe and Teresa Courtney on Jan. 6. A fun time was enjoyed by allat the Dungannon Senior Centre on Jan 5 Abigail, Rachel, Catherine ` and Rebecca. Eric and Anna Courtney, Sarah' and David,of Burlington, 'visited With his parents, Joe and Teresa Courtney. Two separate Christmas .dinners were held because of the,ehicken pox,. which kept Etric's;, family apart from his brother.' when the first Olde Tyme Gary's fancily in Blyth. dance for the year was held, St. Joseph's Kingsbridge, Music was by Country+. and St. Pe•;ter's Goderich Ramblers. choirs combined to present Mid -western Ontario'•s "On the Twelfth Day of fist newcomer of theear is Christmas our .Choirs Gave Hailey Louise, daughter of to us° - a Christmas concert sherri (Smyth) and Mike at St.. Peter's on Jan. 7, McIntyre .of Brucefield. Epiphany Sunday. The Hailey, 6 lbs. 10 oz. arrived choirs received' a standing . at Seaforth Public. Hospital, ovation for an outstanding at 2 a.rn. Jan. 2. She has twin brothers, two -yew -olds Jessie and Cody, and is a granddaughter for Judy Smyth, George and Barbara Smyth. ' Welcotn4 to village 'new- corners ew-ce ners -. Tyler . John 'Clements who arrived Dee. 27, and Jessie James George Hunter, whose birthdate was Dec. 31, . Donna Young, has spent the past four weeks with her daughter, Sharon. and Pastor Donald Schieman, awaiting the arrival of their daughter, .. Shawna Dawn on Dec. 28, at Humbolt, Saskatchewan. Shawna is welcomed by big sisters Allison and Juliana. ",Vicky Lanka, Kitchener, spent the New Year's holi- day with her son Jim and Corinna. Ionescu and' family. 'Something new' has been added, creating more fun and interest at the Dungannon Senior Citizens Centre. The highest euchre score will be hung in the 'Hall of Fame' Until a higher score is attained: The first honor went to Margaret Errington, playing a white card, witha score of 92 for 10 games on Jan. 3. Other winners were Dorothy. Cuyler, Kelly McNee and John Harris. Seven tableswere in`play. ". Thy Day SW Devotional Darrcrs presented. 'Honoring the Human Split'' ,at the Seniors Centre on Dec. 30. The response was. hen *ming and encour- aging and they look forward to dancing together again soon. The first Agricultural Society euchre tournament for 1996 was last ,Saturday with . players for 16 tables " participating. Clarence and Jim Doherty were in first place, followed by Hazel and Delores, and Gary and Irene. Amy Glenn waltzed all the way home with her novelty .prize. The Covenant Service of John Wesley was observed the' last .Sunday of `December with Rev. Alex McGilvery officiating. Rev.'Phillip flandbn con- ducted the Epiphany Service on Jan. 7. The Dungannon confir- mation. candidates and their parents were guests at a lun-. cheon served by the Session, following the ser- vice. ' Congratulations to Harvey and Becky Culbert on the birth 'of their first great grandchikl and to Bev Ohm on her first grandchild born to Trisha Ohm and Ron Clements on Dec. 27 at the Goderich hospital. Tyler John weighed in at 7 lbs. 7 oz. WHO'S LISTENING WHEN YOU'RE TALKING? People who read the .newspaper are not dust " reading it for the news. They're also looking*, for corrent events, commentaries; sports, fashion, ; enter"ta nment, classifieds ... and the advertisements! for advertising rates and information WHO'S WATCHING YOUR COMMERCIAL?