The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-01-03, Page 2aw el, ,liiledn ,s.tbi 9 cllaapu�1` .,' 341 �:xgo �tiolnuirlu�riv titin is omit p 'k reduce costs 'iittoss; township eoun�il.. b ;el e y ,may � >! . " . The ,Huron County 84 1. of Education (HCBE) build - Mg in Clinton will be sold as ,the board takes further steps . to' reduce operating costs in an effort to offset further;reductions from the provincial government. A "For Sale" sign will be placed on the property, ;which has housed the HCBE administration for 25 years.. Wins, announced at the board's special meeting on Dec. 21 that, selling the,, Education Centre would save the board an annual operating; cost of $48,389.. If and when the building is sold, .a new, location for 906 [/��-. learned at the Dec. 18 meet- ing that .exceptforfour • arrcols of laud, CNR is ready to close the .deal for p the purchase of. the. aban- W. :doped railway. Proper title oy has not been .est bhshed on those four parcels.: C, wished to close the deal without those four parcels, until :.roper ::titles. could be established. ; 4 Council ,instructed the clerk to ° find: out which parcels are in question and report back to the next meeting. • The- municipality has received. $800 -from the province in regards to live- stock killed by wolves since April 1:99$. hasbeen not e n chosen as of yet. Possible locations cited by board'. chair' Roxanne Brown include, �Central Hunch Secondary ;School in. Clinton. or ,tVarnastra Community school. She added that moving to such locations owned by the board alreadywould be at ono net cost to the-boar+.0 Brown also referred to the possibility of amalga- mating with the r Perth County. Board of .Education: "Wedon't know whether or not we will be amalgamat- ed," she said. "If that does take�.,pplace, we will be ahead of t1ie game. We won't be scrambling to sell a build- the centre and its employees g." building will be eeting format changes by Pat Halpin Meetings of the price-Gmy Separate School boardwill have a slightly different format this Year.- Chair ear. Chair Iden Waechter has decided to give his vice -chair the gavel for part ofeach meeting. a h personnel ii Waechter said Marie Zettel, will chair �e pe urine 9cp ntittee report' doting the regular board meeting,, while he chairs the render of the agenda. , I strongly recommend other committees share duties with the chair and ;.vicecbairr to get ns many people involved ''pAssible," Waechter said: Trustee Bill Zettel a former chair and vice -chi of the board, had reservations aboutWaecbters plan. "I imderstand what yoter retrying to do, but think there a danger °flaking away frroin the continuity of the commit- tee," Zettel said. He also warned Waechter won't have as good a grasp on "the workings of the board" as a whole if be doesn't reguiarrly attend all committee meeting& "1 share Bill's concerns., You need an overall handle on what's going on, said trustee Galy,Fischer.. Christine O'Hagon-Zettell was the only trustee to speak in support of Waechter"s initiative. "It fosters leadership," she said of the chance vice -chairs will have for some hands-on experience leading a commit tee. LUCKALQW 628-3026 We Reserve; iii : To Unlit ouaiiiides 10 formal Famii R trii rents With this Coupon Savel .00 off s 1 kg Jar or Pkg• i KRAFT CHEESE WHIZ or CHEESE SLICES i Special. price without coupon 5,99 Coupon expiress. Sunday, January 7, 1696. - Neilsen 44721653 ° BEATRICE Fruit Bottom. Vogurt Asst Varieties. Plat of 12x175g' cups NO`Back Attached 4.39 kg'. Cut' From Canada A/AA/AAA Grades. Beef Chuck Short Rib or Blade With this Coupon Save,75 off, 3-22gpkg.. • KRAFT MACARONI S& CHEESE DINNER Special price without coupon 1.74 Coupon expires Sunday, J,anuaty..7,1996. Neilsen 44721644 „ ALLAN'S Pure Apple Juice 1,36 Litre Tin . WHITE SWAN Bath room Tissue. White 8 Ron Pkg. KNEIHTEL Orange or Grapefruit .Joico 355 rel Tin PRODUCT OF Premium tluaiity.. :Fresh Rcraifle . Lettuce [An Thc Bit to 1996! • Tiow laa�in; foes • the, Dee; 19i Meeting, Ashfield. council passed a bylaw setting new plan- ning fees. Call: Linda for more information *ere, No objections were received to air application by Bill Andrew to change zoning on a parcel of. property in Ashfield. Council subsequentlyy passed a zoning amend- ment on the south half of Lot 4, Conc. 8 ED desig- nating the parcel as agri- cultural small holding to allow the eXisting resi- dence and associated buildings to be severed from the fain. Council will meet tomorrow night (Jan. 4) for a special meeting on severance policies. Death rate from heart disease is higher too *from page they're eating more fat than the rest of Ontario." Not only are men in these cnties at a higher risk of heart disease, the death rate for men with heart disease is four times higher than Ontario's average.: . Men are not eating lower fatcheese, they areconsum- ing ;larger portions of fish, poultry and meat than rec- ommended, they and they Also eat the fat on the meat. Van'tFoort said that's the reason fish and poultry was added to the list of food that should be limited to 3 ounces ,per serving; The. consumption of high fat snacks, "salad dressings and other spreads also need to. reduced. Males told the nutrrition- fists, they were most tempted to eat higher fat foods when watching TV and preparing their own meals. But the majority of shopping and food preparation was done by the spouse. The health unit suggests that men ' should not eat more than 90. grams of fat a ,. day which should work out. to 30 percent of their total calories. As a result of the study,... the health unit will be tar- geting local physicians to encourage them to discuss dietary, fat with patients, offer information and when necessary refer, to a regis- tered dietician. They will also be targeting males and their spouses to mai . them mareaware of the impor- tance and benefits of a lower fat diet. Bic*ce . BiiSines • ivIcIntosh. said. The Bruce Business Directory is available on irectory loan from mutnicipal officesor for sale from the county • • planning department. The *from page,, county is iso. investigating, tresses in the county that can the possibility of putting the serve ` . your purpose','" document on the Internet. More tr Jng to sou firearins;t�o much red type to get permit from page 1 iipstructor, has seen- a larger twain usual number of people tryiing getottiselld thoftheeir fmirearmins Por sorrnc: he suspects it is t© suse ,"they .don`t want to bother With all* red tape." Andersons also suspects the new eha rge are the tea- . son °rmorepeople .have been taking the PAC and hunter safety courses he instructs. Por those on. waiting lists, Anderson hopes the .government will provide them with the PACs. "It's not those peoples fauk..tbe police don't have anymore foams," .