The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-12-24, Page 1Bruce'on.
While other families werebusy..
on Christina* Eve preparing for
thin opium day to follow,
Edythe and: Bruce McKenzie
matted a very special occasion
in their lives - that of their 50th
wedding anniversary,
Edythe DeGruchy, of Montreal
and Bruce McKenzie, originally
of Holstein, wereunited in mar
anlage on December 240940 a
the Mount Royal United Church,
In Montreal, with .Rev. 'Hawes
officiating. The young man d
woman were -introduced to h
otheii . , through. a ,girlfriend of
•They spent their first. night as
husband and wife at the Queen's
Hotel in Montreal, paying $5.00
for a double room. Bruce's jOh
with .CNR didn't allow for many
holidays in doe years,Ahus the
Christmas Eve wedding; On
Christmas night they returned to
Ontario • where they . took up
residence in Melton. During their
early years ' of marriage; they
moved to different towns and in
1947 settled in Lucknow.
'Upon his retirement in 1975
Bruce had worked 40 years with
Edythe worked for -many Yeats
at Morgan's Department Store,
(similar to 'Simpsons) in ' the
adjustmentofBce, She said they
received a wide range • of
complaints but . the most
humourous was a lady who.
retnrned her dead canary, s Ortly
after Christmas. The b 'had
been purchased at Christmas'
time, and the lady was very
upset , with bird's demise.' She, ,
demanded' an autopsy be per- ,Edythe anon Bruce McKenzie, of 'minted their SOtlaWeddl
formed at the company's ex-, anniversary on Christmas Eve. They were ,tparrrient on, December
pease. Edythe said the manager 19401n Montreal, at the Moat Royal United Church. (Pat Livingston.
did his best to explain why such `photo)
lythe mark their 50th
relimilc could not be met, but
the lady left in quite a huff,
In their retirement years,
Edythe collects china shoes,
and thimbles. Her china
now number over. 150 and
her spoons over 100. She enjoys
the wonderful friendships they
have made with many area
Brine keeps busy every mores
ning going to the arena where he
the pop 'whine filled and,
in waking ter. lie also gives
a; hand to any neighbours
whenever needed. As members.
ofthe Muted -Church, Barge` sits
as Clerk of the Session,
;The McKenzies have two
daughters, Marguerite Sanderson,
•ofLucknwwandBeverley Black: •
Well, of North Brook, in the
Bville area. They are
grandparents now ,to • four
grandsons having had one pass
away earlier this year, and one
granddaughter. They have two
great grandchildren
Edythe -is from, a family of
four girls: and one boy. She has
one sister still. living,. Gladys
'Reed oftrickly* and,
Alex DeGruchy,;who lives in the
Montreal area, •
Bruce is the youngest of seven
child ren:, A sister Rose Weber,
.lives in Holstein • and ' another,
Elizabeth Wilson in Marmon.
Edythe said they, have had 'a
good life togeiher,,perhaps not
exeiti eg by other's standards, but
the past 50• years have been.
for than.
he summed the 50 years up
by saying she wouldn't change
herr' choice in. a husband even if
she could - .'41'd never find
.' anyone : as kind andgood,''.as
Bruce." ,
Kinloss council
The emmell of Township
met in special session on December
17. David.Eadie Stated he had a
conflictof interest according t0 the
agenda, due to the tenders sub-
mitted' for blowing snow.
The tender of Murray Weber in
the amount of $44) per hour to blow
snow at the Kinloss Waste Disposal:'
Site was accept s ffo r the' 1991
. During the meeting the following
appointments were made for the
year 1991: Maitland Valley Conser-
ration Authority, Gee McBride;;
Saugeen Valley . Conser vadon .:
Authority,.' David Eadie;
Whitechurch Community hall.
Board, George McBride and David.
MacKi n; Lucknow and District
Medical'" Centre, Barry Johnston;
Lucknow and District Fire Commit-
tee, George McBride and Cliff' •
Fielder; :Lucknow and District
Arena `: Board . and Kinloss
Recreation otnmittee ,:`(joint'•
. recreation committee), David Eadie
and David MacKinnon.
gendent was
instructed tote cont�Maitland En-
ngineering to .;draw ;up` proposed
plans for the repairs to the township
shed roof..
Abuilding permit application for
Joannes Wilkens, , Rene 3, . SDR,
Part of lot 7 to add on a, front;
porch to , the . home: was accepted„
subject to the, building inspector's
appioval.. '
Bylaw 281:990 'was passed
regulating the`°issuance of permits
for the erection,- enlargement,
alteration, repair, demolition and,
. relocation of buildings pursuantto
the Building Code. A revised .fee
schedule became ;effective with the
passing of the bylaw.
Road>accoumts for the first^ half of '
December in the amount of $28,273
were approved„for payment.
l ions to
Old • Age Security; Guaranteed°
Income, Supplement and Spouse's
Allowance will go up in Ianuarry,
• the . honourable. Perrin Beatty,
Minister of National :Health "and
Welfare °.announced recently.
Effective January 1, 1991, the
maximum_°Old Age Security pen-
sion will be increased to $354.92.
monthly' from., the present $351.41.
The maximum , monthly sup-
.plement (GIS) for single, kiw-in-
comeioners ,wrl1 ' go .up to .
$421.79•from ' ; .$417.61. The
maximum for low-inconle trawled
people will rise to $274.73 from
$270.01 for each spouse. '
• The :maximum 'Spouse's.: Al-
lowance - paid to needy people
between 60 and 64 who are married,
to GIS recipients - will increase '
from ' $629.65 from $623.42. The .
maximum. Widowed Spouses's
Allowance Will rise to $695.14 a
month•'frotn $688.26.=
All 'of :these. benefits are fully
indexed every three months based,
Jordan Andrew. did a simper job in his role as The Old Man in 'The on .increases in the Consumer Price
Spirit of Cbr " at the Ckri matt concert at Brookside Pub*ie. Index, Statistics Canada's coostmof.
School:. last week, '(Man Berichti rt photo) living measure.