The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-12-19, Page 27, • Why We Cask** Christmas We ode* think that Orisons is for Sant* Chita, presents, window trod Christmas trees. That's not at all what Christmas is all about. Teo about whet Jesus wee both in a sable. It* *bout when the wiietnen caw to AOC Baby Jesus and* gar sent by god guilkel them. It's about when they lave Meg and Joseph presents to celebrate Jesuit1. Vivo *oft singinx "Soma UUI 1* coining to Town' instead of singing "Away In A Mangerwq you don't really know.thOgm 'g of Christmas, Remember * Jesus Christ. Tanya =Out Grade 7 L,D.C.S. i'lrhy We Celebrate atristotits Christ is burn Holidays Renewing David's line Christ resd? So God please ui Touch of Ciod's love Ciwkilmaa Chrieurias i* time of year diet we celebrate Jesusbirthday; when 1think about who Imo was born. I feel sod that Jesus was not horn in a hotel vvith doctor. 'Whet even makes inc moot sad is that Jena had to die on the etau. But Jesus was born in a itable mapped in cloths lying in a maser. When the shepherds 4:ame to see what was going on they saw Jesus. They bowed before him. Tice wino.** found the star end followed it to Jesus to give him riches. Matthew hint* Piel Lucknow COI:laden School Glade Christen* • I am the star that shone on the stable . where Jesus was • born. When the shepherds and Wisemen saw me they laww I wss the star that led them to? the When the Wisemen got to the stable they gave Him gold. Imp*. frankincense. When the shepissols came to see the baby they admired Him. Mary and Joseph were very happy about the gifts that thee Wisemen gave. They were also glad that the shepherds could see Jesus. They all love the Christ Child tdot, • Yolanda Risme May Christ lead us • , Also bring the sinners WObeing saved So He must love its all.. Jamie Stant Grade 8 4 Lae& • Luebew Sitadtmi, IllsdNaaday, Daeonher *, MOO pl. SA A Merry Christmas It is ail ensuing thought that God should eves. choose w enter PersonsilY into the wodd of people. It is oboist incredible to think that the Oodd of the whole naivete* would elect to come to earth in frail human form. But he did. Behind all the glitter and celebration of Christmas as the MOW SCOW* " " tecdialf owl* with its burden - God's Son. St. Paul stated it so we when he wrote to the I3tiilippians (2:5.7) "HMI this mind among yourselves, which you have in Christ Jefus„, who though he woo in the *inn of God,• did not count equality with God a thing to be *gaspedbut emptied himself*, taking the form of* savant, being born in the Nkomo of men." Now we stand at another anniversary elitist event Which hoe Tana:1W hister)", Children's voices echo the angelic choir as the3r offer pinkie to God in recitations and soapat disk Odom pitipammes and special services. Mothers and grandmothers wink with one another to set out their testiest dishes for us. AMOCO scattered through the yew come together to worship God. Pilmilfcircles bow in the intimate quiet of their homes to draw OM to GocL 13 11 only beautiful tradition? NO! It is tile power of God at work in thaw who bete Set accePted the Priceless (ourgiirtstlioirfohneshis, agitide:ohniryesstornivenintotothleivwore ildths:olith,tuhtwelhst, mightlive livhrthroubrihed4to" 4:9) • live through him." • • ir our sincere chrism," colebradon evIdeuee allthe world that in fact • Rev. Gerald ticVadoo Lucknow United Church. • , • In happy anticipation of the magical Christmas season, our sincere thanks. RIPLEY The best place to get a new muffler Is the same place you trust to take regular care of your car. Hokin!' SERVICE CENTRE LIMItak MUFFLER WORLD DEALER Let your gladness have no end. We're so very glad to know and serve you. Many thanks. • Brian, Kathy and Staff LUCKNOW VILLAGE MARKET LUCKNOW 5284001