The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-12-12, Page 17ew...ra M esr 1R„ 1f1N 8. Computers Videos, Etc., COMPUTERS —y used —, computers ought and sold. Terme available, trade. considered. CaU (519) 4924130L-60,51 11EI livestock • DOUBLING FARMS LTD. 11V . - Replecement calved', Ho1atetn for veal, beef calm for light stockers, tall Bill Pepper at 51 7596.E • q 11 F, Farris Produce 14. Vacation 'Properties 29. UMW: AS TAHOE PARK model with enclosed Florida Baena en your own lot located m Ronda Springs. Florida,, , C y firmed, bet eluding g,ifano, washer dC dryer, dehrr, , central air aced heat with many ° extrafl, Mani Wee. U. S. Negotiable. Phone 44400 after 8 p.m:- 7tfn HAY FOR SALE; 4 ft.,. and 5 it,, bales, Mels *5. and $10 pet bale. Phone 143746W--$0.1 111G,. Farm Equipment 16, For Rent 4 Co11'1'll4roW Office Space For Rat In the Medical Building in Village of Ripley Pleas: Inquire 395.2641 "ton+rttMShil..e ENDER for BLOWING SNOVV at the Townenip Waste Disposal Site. tot 16, Concession '6, for the 1001 season. Tender* will be received at the Clerks OffiCa by 10:00 am on December 17, 1690. Please state HP of treater and hourly rate expected, Lowest or, any tender not necesa sarilyaccepted, Mark L. Becker, - Clerk -Treasurer,, HQLYROOD, Ontario, NOG', 00 3959357$. BARN ; CLEANER REPLACE- MENT CHAIN for all makes of Cleaners, Quantity on hand at good price, ,1t Call Husky (519) 946-53M-4! IJP! r CUSTOM MANU1UGATION for as little as 1/2 cent per gal. Call Hog Wild Farms, 529-7060,---45tf: ° .LYNN LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. • RR 1 Kincardine, Ontario. For all your manure,, feed and, grain handling requirements calf 395.2615 or 395-2619, or see us in Amberley, We handle everything - almost.--42tfar .. • BERG STABLING .EQUIPMENT cleaners; Manure pumps, ventila -tion equipment, , hog equipment. Contact Loyd. Johnston, Ilolyrood, Ontario. Phone 3955390•-31tfar GILCHRIBT FARM SUPPLY - Path alibi= Atarlirle belt feeders, . •con- veyors, silo u nloaders. Fleit ,auger and` stable equipment. Custom belt. lacing. Repairs . RR 5, Luclu�ow.. 395:2851,- -42tfe r 11.1.:Wanted To Rent 117. Apartments For Rent I GROUND FLOOR heated° apart - meat, suitable for senior or mature • adult.. Phone 5283045,---50tf LUCKNOW ' •• 2 '. bedroom and 1 bedroom apartrnenta available im- mediately. Phone 5228-2031.-49,50ar 1 BEDROOM ° APARTMENT, available January 1, fridge and. stave included, d, heat extra. $240 pet month. Phone Paul 5204710.-49t£ 118. Houses For .Rant WOKING TO RENT 'crop `land ,for 1991. Phone :3572095.E-49.50 12 CROWN LAND availability and On- tario properties to he said for un- paid taxes. For information write: Properties,' Dept. .CN, Box 5380, Stn. F. Ottawa. K2C 331.- 45bc • Estate For Sale HANOVER COUNTRY'HA IE' Brandnew brick raised ranch with single car garage on 2 plus acres with stream, on paved road between Hanover &. Durham. Ready mid December. Asking 4175,000.00. 369-5667.' 1 30, Ernployment Wonted EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER available ; on . a parkime bads to. assist you; with your ;smallbusiness or farm records..:Computer'; ex-: periience. Phonedays 396-2271,: evenings 5284112 or or 396.2914,-48.50' 1 31. Service Directory =mail' OF RIPI EY, Huron Township,: Phone -390-2447;--40 24 Wanted To Rent; WANTED; Inside storage space for a :ca' in, the Village of Limbo*. State price, Phone 528.2245„-50x; Flelp'Wante PART-TIME- - CLEANING HELP Phone 52.1.2913.--60ar RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS. We need nit' and wosnet to sellrand market. our. -fine -product :lines. Start at ad- visor .position Make profit on retail, 596•Up to'20%, bonus money extra.' Startpurchasing products, frown; the right. away. Call, collect 519.-50 127, Wanted General 31. Service Dir.ctory SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS - lawn garden, coererarte, automotive, wiring, painting, aver *IL albeit mote. Dews Equipment Ltd., 3 ranee East of Kiacerdiele on No. 9 highway. '2•� folilliS REFRIGERATION & Ap- pliances Service, Dependable �� to all �� of major . appliances. ceaF. Phoae REFRIGERATION AND' Ap- pliances Service • rebuilt ap- pliances; cash for your op- Ppi�la,,w% gC_arll lairknow Ap,pliarc Centre, .528.29;!!6,9--4tfar AUCTIONEER SERVICE, Grant' McDonald,. Ripley; Wallace Ballagh, Teenager. Licensed Auc- tioneer, Sales of All Types, Phone Ripley 395-5353, Teeswaterr. 392.6170.--tfar: CUSTOM `SEWING and alterations, reasonable rate. Call Ruth Ritchie at .521-3141 or. drop in at 471 Wolaley Street, Lucknovr.46tf SEE US FOR YOUR, . STARTER, alternator, generator and regulator needs; Albrecht Auto Electric,.north, 'of • Whitechurch. Phone. 357.95;---i.8tfnar TOO BUSY for Cluisbnas baking or giftwrapping? Let .us take the, BABYSI'i i it REQUIRED' for a 4 hassle outof it for. you. Reasonable ' month. old, starting in February. 32, 8aby$ifting prices, discounts for large orders, Please calf .528-3517. References' Phone 528-2627 or 528-5303.-50,51' , requi`red.-50,51x..„ DO YOU NEED venture capital? Specific business type, capital re- c1 • Listof 20 lenders, 910.95, rmation: M&M`Enterpriises, No. 1I, Mount . Forest, Ontario, NOG .2L0.. (510 '1333--50bc SKATE AND CLIPPER blade sharpening Levi Yoder mile east of St, Helen's • ~-,at stone, house place --47-50x - BILL WEIMA'Alumintim and Vinyl Products. Windows, doors, • eavestroughing etc. • = Phone 357-3442:744d 134. Personol WANTED; Used riding and push mowers for used parts, Please call 524-4660 daytime or ``524-476.6 evenings 20tfnxe 128. Business Opportunity 1 - BARDAHL LUBRICANTS. Join a winning team. Distributors required m many parts of Ontario. Thick & investment required. Write Ken -Ir- vine, 211 Queen ,St., Newmarket. L3Y 2G1:�50bc FIFTEEN YEAR OLD two bedroom (room for third) bungalow for sale. Aluminum siding, new eavestroughs, soffits, fascia, roof. Attached garage, . workshop with paved driveway. Finished rec- room with woodstove. Electric heat. Large lot, low taxes - located in Dungannon. Call 529-7421 after 6 p.m.-39tfnxe THREE BEDROOM 1 1/2 storey yellow brick home for sale or rent. 3 miles from BNPD in small vise. $69,900 selling price, rental. 9450.00 monthly phis utilities.'-40tf 114. Vacation Properties I, VACATION DELIGHT - Prince Ed- ward Island, 16 acres including cleared land, trees, fresh ..stream and pond. New 1428 sq« ft. main floor rancher, • full walk out base- ment, 3 bedrooms, 11/2 bath, open concept, kitccheen, •living and dining area. Asking only 975,000. Call Sherry at 524-6070 for more details.--36tfnx .KEN. SELKIRK GENERAL p00KKEEPINQ. andiAx eERvit$s . ° Fal. & Buenas Lucknow 529-1037 Wallpaper and Painting Service Joy' Jurjens 528.3637 CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTRE- Are you pregnant? Need Help? Call our 24 hour hotline collect323-3751 or drop in at 178 Mi ' St. S., Mount Forestfor > free pregnancy testing, cownsellling andsitup , childbirth coaches, clothing.• PAY OPF BILLS?`Need Christmas money? Do you own your home? pY thly. No qualifyingllsl, Intralr ` sicon Financial, dial collect 0-416-650-9455.- 50 be Pao 11 35> Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO ClititiONTOW AND mom 1'N `lam warm OF GORDON OUP All perm* having claim the rotate of G late of the Township of Goderieb,. the qty of litrran, ate died her Olt atm AUgIllt 1110 itre fry notified to,sedd particulars of aim to the isdicsigasd on or heifers January 14, 1101, after whi irdate the estate will be dietributed, with regard only to claims of iwhich . the undersigned shell then have notice, and the undersilined will Dot be liable to any person of whom claim she shall not then have notice. DATED November 21, 1990. Berth Myrtle Kemp Executrix *Mrs. Troyer) & Pincher, , ... Barristers. & Solicitors 44 North, Street P,O: Box ST . Goderieh, Ontario 1y7�1► 3Y5--49-51 1 39. Eidecationgl FREE' CAREER. GUIDE to home- study correspondence Diploma Vis, Accounting, Air condition•- w trig, Bookkeeping, Business, .Cosinetology, Electronics, Legal/Medcal Secretary, Psychology, Travel, Granton (5A) 263. Adelaide West. Toronto, 1.800.950.1972.--45bc TRANSPORT DRIVER, TRAINING for rewarding careers in 'trucking,. Class. A -Z and D -Z licenses. Days • and weekend courses,• Job place' ment assistance. Markel Transport rt . Training. Gush. 1400-265-7173.1,--45b. • • LEARN AUC'I'IONEERING • at the Southwestern Qatari*. School of Auctiogneering. Next diose.: February 9--16, •1991. For infanta - lion, contact: Southwestern Ontario School �• of ' Auctloneering, R,R..r 5, Woodstock, Ontario, NIS 7V9. (519) 537-2115-•-45bc • 43, Births Borrow $10,000 .own, 9195 mon : SLY Andrew,Meghan and Matthew' are thrilled to announce the arrival `of their new baby brother Kyle William. Kyle arrived at 9:10 aria GET A CREDIT CARD — Instant $1,500, • credit, cash advances, guaranteed approval. For applica- tion send addressed` . stamped envelope, ADVANTAGECARD, 718 • Main St. East. Hamilton. Ont. LSM 1K9.=50bc EXTRA INCOME! Grow baitworms in your basement . or garage. Odorless operation. Low invest-; ment. Market guaranteed! Free in- ffrmation: Early Bird Ecology, RR 1 Smlthville, Ontario, LOR 2A0 (416) 63252.--50bc .. CHINCHILLA: -Canada's largest chinchilla ranch offering high- quality herd starter or improve- ment animals, Lowest prices anywhere. Profitable, amall/Iarge, scale. Contact: Riedattra & Sons Chinchilla, RR 2 Norval,. Ont. LOP IKOr '(416). 457.4860.-6Obc SALE MAN REQUIRED to service;: present and new, customers. Train mgr : salary and commission paid. Agricultural experience and car re- quired. Nature -aid Ontario, 169A; Charles ' St. East, Ingersoll, N5C 1J9.(519) 425.1467.--SObc JOI'IIt PHCKEY. CONSTROCTIOM.. New Construciton •Renovations ,Replacement •Deoks- . Windows 'Aluminum Trinr" Wok andThiors •F . Buildings *Roofing Licensed carpenter 13 years. after 6 p.m. Ri. 6 (Weinrich 524 4561" PREGNANT? ;Happy, loving couple wisbles to adopt, provide a home and best of care for your unborn child: With approved agency. 'Call Pat collect (416) 2731.-50bc • HAVING A .DRINKING PRO-• BLEM?' AA', can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or. Walkerton 14635.-40tf 136. Announcornents III CANCER INFORMATION ' SERVICE • CALL 1-.800263-6750 Tuesday' November 27th at Alexan dra Marble and General Hospital, Goderlich.He weighed in at 7 lbs., 11 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. Proud, mom ,and dad are Michelle 'and Bill, A new grandson for Wayne and. Mary Smith°.of RR 1, Clinton and Ben and Dorothy Whitely of RR 2, Goderich.--Onx - 36. Announcements UNCLAIMED PHOTOS. Do you • have an unclaimed photo at the Sentinel. We think you'd like to have them' back, but we can't keep them indefinitely: -Please drop in to our office and reclaim your photo soon.- 32tfnx NOTICE TO RATEPA, of HURON TOWNSIIP As of January 1, °1991 Huron Township will be accepting; at the landfill site, cans, glass (clear and coloured), • plastic bottles, (soft drink only) and newspapers for the purpose of recycling. This is on a voluntary bases for a trial period. Ratepayers are asked to deposit their products in the container provided for this purpose at the land- fill site. - If the trial period is considered successful a perma- nent facility may be installed for the purpose of recycling. Cost estimates to replace a landfill site are very high, recycling can add many year to our site. We encourage all to participate. 4 - LANDFILLHOUR$: WINTER • Mon., Tues., Weil., Sat. MOO a,m. to 4:00 p.m MAY 1 TO OCTOBER 01, Mon., Tuea., Wed., Thurs., Sat. 8.ffb a.m.46:00 p.m.