The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-12-12, Page 7Meet Sgt Larry Munro A dative of Wawa, Sergeant Larry Munro, of the Kincardine OPP,. ►orkcd in retail and lints oun4 .mita to pay for his education at the niv of Waterloo and COnesto College. to his He has 12 years service credit as a Member of the Provincial - Police, havingbeen stationed at Elnrivale ,and Hawke*. bury? Imo to his. Kincardine Tot- ung. glided with two children, his leisure activities revolve around fishing and hunting. Most recently he. has .added woodworking and renovations to his list of handyman credits. In addition to his regular policing duties, Sgt Munro is a shift super- visor and a member of the Trauma Support Unit, which isa group that offers peer counselling for officers involved m traumatic. incidents. J No townsh comprehensive During the regular meeting of Kinloss township council. on December 3, council passed bylaw 27-1990, . amending 7-1981, being the comprehensive zoning bylaw for ' the township. This bylaw is in addition It° the' Paradise Lakes bylaw:. , f A building permit application for William Alblas, to..erecta driving shed was accepted. The, quote of Lorch .Electric, in 'the 'amount of $349 was accepted, to install a 11,.181!\pressure sodium fixture, to illuminate the township sing on the'Outside of ;the budding The clerk was authorized to initiate tax arrears procedures for two!township properties. • An advertisement will be placed in the lucknow Sentinel for snowblowing at the waste disposal Sergeant Li'ly Munro ip passes zoning bylaw site. Various ° Matters were discussed including the .sale of the waste disposal site -dozer, the ditch at -the -25th side road•and`replacement .of • the roof on the township shed. Following delil beration..the.clerk was instructed to ; draft up a new. bylaw for building. permit fees; •for the next meeting Representatives of the township will attend the - Good Roads Con-• vention, Rural. Ontario Municipal Association Convention : and the Fisheries .Habitat' Workshop: • Repairs on the .:culvert on:Bruce Road 1 will be scheduled for next The new flooring at the municipal office has been ,installed and the new computer has. arrived, with training to begin last week. Ashfield :council toSign D uxl.gannon? C During the..December 4 council meeting of Ashfield Township, council �`vin favour of keeping concession 12 froin highway 21 to Camp Keewaydiu open during the 1990-91 winter season, or until otherwise notified. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin. Hamilton were in attendance to address the need for the service. The rate will be. $38.00per hour. A bylaw authorizing the reeve and clerk til sign the Dungannon Recreation Board Agreement, was given, three readings and passed. The beard is comprised of representatives of Ashfield council, West Wawanpsh council and the Dungannon Agricultural .Society: Thep rurlooffhthe board into be -responsiblemanagement and operation of' recreation programs beingcarried on,at the Dungannon -North Ball Diamond. • The townships have signed an agreement to lease the ball diamond from the Agricultural Society. RJ. Burnside and Associates of Stratford will be hired to prepare a Preliminary Report, in accordance with Section,10 of the Drainage Act eement on the Port Albert, Victoria Street .Drain-ge Works. ' In the event no work is proceeded 'with, the cost for the report will be charged to the Outlet Protection Schedule of the said Drainage Works. RJ, Burnside will also be hired to prepare a report, pursuant to section 78 of the Drainage Act, on ` the Lane Drain. ' A bybw authorizing the reeve and clerk to. execute a 'Development 'Agreement between. the . township and Agues Brentvvited was passed, Road accounts inthe amount of 1196,409- were approved • for payinent. Included in this amount was $167,488 to Cox Construction, for H14 ashphalt for SR 9 detour. (lettere', accounts in the amount of $96,131 were authorized for payment. Included in this amount was over $21,000 for debenture payments to the Province and $61,841 for tile drain' loans to Ash- field residents. Council's next meeting is Decem- ber 13, 1:30 p.m. Tena Gardner and Jean Conley,y manned the ticket sale tableat the tea and bake sate sponsored, by the Ladies Auxiliary to Branch 309 of They Royal Canadian Legion, held. last Saturday. (Pat Livingston photo) MC Hates 91% 1 +I Oiniunerrs 1ll ClAkialt=0411111*0 'yps Iti iiltlE I ��11(t 7fvt��• LCfCKNQW & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB Labber Bingo last 'Bingo of 1990 Sunday, December 16 LucknoW Community. Centre Salta Claus will make an'appearance' wishing everyone welly Last weeks's winners $500,0.0 Jackpot Julie Janes - Kincardine 8100.00 Progressive Elinor Atkinson -' Palmerston Progressive 57 Calls . Potential Prize Board $3,000 Jackpot $1000 on .54 Calls. $500, must go Purple Ball $175:00 Community Centre opens at 6:30 p.m. Bingo starts sit, 7:15- p.m. Plan now toattend our - very special NEW YEAR'S EVE DI SERVED DEC.31s1 10AO PIA WE HAVE A SPEOIAL MEND -- PLANNED ..: JUST FOR TfiIS EVENT • APPETIZERS' • French Onion Soup or Caesar Salad, or Oven Baked Greek Spanakopita with -Feta ;Cheese • ENTREES • 1. Prime Rib of Beef au Jus Yorkshire Pudding 16.95 2. Chicken'Cordon Bleu Chicken Breast stuffed with Ham & SW's$ Cheese 13.95 3. Jr. New York Sirloin & Shrimp Combo _ 14,95 4. Pork Tenderloin Served with buttgred noodles 13.95 5. Poached Salmon with hollandaise Sauce 13.95 HOUSE MUSIC DINNER MUSIC 8 -10 PM DANCING MUSIC' 10 • .1:30' AM DOOR PRIZES Ch'hmpagrre punch served at Midnight • "RESERVATIONS A MIDST" Don't be disappointed, reserve today for this very special Dinner. THE CANDLELIGHT RESTAURANT & TAVERN Bay1I&d Rd., Goderich 524-7711 Imam, Sostisele lifsdassokro Oseamilor 1*, 11160 .espi 7 Sixty and Still Smelling elli The Rowers Lor""1`-1Vtipe"CLA■■r e 1MtwrlDreiman Deoember 15,1976 12 yews01 Debby Finley � 1 909' StiphonThIly RR December 18,1904 r1011 010 Ryan Mac a Edmonton es Ed Decmebt r 18, toss 61(001a Old Joseph Atlwhor: Ducmdbdr 18.1989 t Year Old c-- ork Wear Leather Repair 48 QUEEN ST. 110PLEY , 395-4121 OPEN: 9 AM - 6 -PM Monday - 'Saturday (Formerly George McLean's) . • HRISTMAS IS COMING GIFT CERTIFICATES GOOD IDEA! HELD OVER 2nd BIG WEEK -CLINT EASTWOO CHARLIE SHEEN THE ROOKIE a Fri. - Thurs: Fri. & Sat. 7 & 9:15 PM Dec. 14-20 Sun. - Thurs. 8 PM Hey Dude, This Is No Cartoon LONG DISTANCE? 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