The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-12-05, Page 22LI* Page 22 — Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 3, 111110 Printed On 'Newsprint Sheets (34" x '223/41 32.2 aq.Ini,, 3 Designs $ 15° • PACKAGE , Mailable at: bristmas Trees For Salle -Live Potted Trees In &nonce and nr -Live cut Trees in Pine and• .Siruce -Gift.tertificates Available for Nursery Stock and in store items. Good :Angtimea or usettforzgift towards LaniistaPe Design Services. Available - Available throughout the'winter Seasons The West Huron Jailor Far*ers held their animal .himiqlet sad dance M fluagmusou butSatirdiAy. The Wen** executive iodides (left to right) Fred Baum President and mat, &War* 81thsaa Logtenhezg, vice president, Lisa litamambe, treasurer sad comity director, Coll* Snyder, secretary, public relations" Lynn Alto., social coaveser, Anne Aitou, county director, Kay Logtenherg, pot President and Robert finaking, provincial director, who`presided over the Caudle Lighting Inductioa Conway. (photoemertesy W. Merle Giniby, The Rural Voice) Why is gziackgrctss a prc)blein? -.. A recent national survey of the problem. The crop interference nnumismnimiummumasmamm..... ... presence of quackgrass estimated increases as the growing season ARM REpoRT fields andeovers 26% of the field. using soil water and nutrients to Bruce COuntY (3mAE _ F that it is Present in 55% of Ontario, progresses. At this time the plant is _ Crop losses attributed to this weed i, expand its rhizome growth. Under allows you to plan your shategies vary from a knv of 15% in fruit and dry conditions, it ,in even more marc effectively. vegetable crops, to a high of 22% competitive, as, it is much better• meat Quality in in forage crops. It is a major crop. equipped to draw ,moisture and Pork Production problem hi Ontario. nutrientsfrom.__the soil than .,,___,an An interactive workshop entitled The feature of this weed which annual crop. s-ToP losses m nu ',maximizing Meat yield, and makes it such an effective ' Years are twice as large as dm° Quality" has been developed for . 1 competitor is its ability to produce seen. under normal growing , pork producers who are concerned ' underground rhizomes that may lie conditions dormant for up to 18 months after; Estimated losses in grain corn ill being removed from the , original Ontario are $9.25 million that could - plant. A dormancy is enforced on; httve been received by producers, buds, so that only the green shoot This muttherjinrips to $18,6 million and the end of the rhizome may ' under chy conditions.. Siinibr produce growth. Once the rhizomcs numbers of $2.84 million for is chopped from the original plant. soybeans and $25 million for a new shoot and rhizome apex take cereals were developed by Glen over. This is how the plant Fox at the University of Guelph.. maintains a supply of new buds That is S37.5 million, m lost which will develop later. producer revenues from 'annual Measurements. of rhizome length crops alone. . . recorded vary from a few metres to Our control measure of tillage and 800 metres' per _square metre of herbicides try to drain the reserves 2• land. These are literally miles of of this plant' and to somehow kill ...... _ g clueehgtass rhizomes under .each the remaining dormant buds the AL 1/..1 j acre of soil. The shciotsthat you. see son. once- you understand the above the ground are only a few extern cif the reserves of this plant it • R.R. 2 Ltickilow. 529-7247 buds that have developed. , 1 Quadcgrass 'is a later season . _ On January 1st ething important will ha.''n at your world Health and safety will be pLur business. •. The new Occupational Health and Safety Act will introduce new workplace rights and responsibilities. Thousands of workplaces will be affected for the first time. • Whether you work in an office, grocery store, car dealership or daycare centre,. a restaurant, diycleaning or hardwire store, even if there are only six employees, you are affected. Information on important changes is available free for the asking. From within the Toronto area calk 327.0001, 'From anywhere else in the province call: 1404614511. Why not callnovi? Ontario Ministry of Labour • HALF-PRIa SALE • Great Stocking Stutters DUNGANNON 1' AGRICULTURAL • SOCIETY. Lotratir draw ,s are hall completed $1 OINITICKETS NOW $5 Pea. • 4. - $100.0 Prizes 'Monthly December to May $1,000.0 GRAND PRIZE . May 27, 1991 Call: Karen 529-3175 Dawson Store Dungannon or Dungannon Service Centre All proceeds for Ball Lights about the quality of their product. The following topics will be discussed: - packer's perspe,ctive of the Grading system which includes foptrniwn shipping weights ' and "Weir, and sow grading. Trimmable demerits and condemnations which includes a visual ,pre,sentation, . economic bates,' and on' farm pmyention. - Feed additive residues and the problems associated with them. The workshop will be held on Dec. 11, at the Hanover Coliseum from 10:30 to 3:00 p.m. The cost is $20.00 which includes a hot noon meal. Pm -register early, as the workshop will be limited. •••• 11111‘. 41.•••• in's:nr Neeciles "Dress Distinctivoly for Loss" 738 Queen St. KINCARDINE 396-3742