The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-12-05, Page 12Page 12— Loeka►ow Sentinel, Wednesday, INuceakbar$ 100 1.1111W171, ,H.17,1k15111y, UCW meetings centre on Christmas Unit i Unit i of the Luekuuw United Church Women net at Pins crest Maw on November - 27. with sevearsal residents for a ehon Christmas Program, in 4 beaasudfutly doeoratcd dhlingtwirs. Crave Gibson presided in the absence of our .leader, Lois Walden and she -opened with a Christmas verse. Ruth Maathets read. verses from the Christmas sudsy between the Christmas hymns. Donald Mof- fat oo&fat at the piano and Jean Conley on. the banjo, favoured us with some lively Christmas music. We noticed Oat many . of theresidents were enjoying the music as they.tapped their toes to keep time. Following two Christmas hymns;. the Lord's prayer was . recited m • unison. After a short period visiting with, the residentsthe group retired to the activity room for the business. por- tion. The 'oilcan as answered by 10 members, with the ;untie of an Ad- vent symbol. Thj minutes Were approved and the treasurer's treaSurer'aleport was given. • „The offering was takenand the collecdon of the Least Coin was gathered, with Anne Mae .Minter: dedicated the offering.., The birthday' tar: • wars .passed,' announcements given and other Be business dealt with.: 'The annual general meeting is on December 4 277 p.m. with dessert served prior meeting. The meeting closed with Benedic- tion repeated an unison. Unit g • Unit of the Lucknow United Church Women met in the chine!' paar, lou r, ort Novmber 27, with 1S. members- present.. " Leader Phyllis Morrison opened the meeting with ; a reading The. • Spirit of Chirisunas. The minutes were read and adopted and the reasureet t ThDacia. . o was dedicate(' by MrsUnit 1 win combine with units. 2 and 3 in buying for Pinecreu wil t. Leyden Manor. Sepoy �►en s arid Coountiy Road l�]'ovaraber will be condaucted by Lois Goodhue and Annie Shielis. • The general meeting of the UCW will be held December 4,. 9frm., with d and coffee. All reports are to be given :that evening. . Crroce les are- still needed for the food bank and Friendship Hoose., Mem%t are asked to save their Knechteel tapes. for a VCR for use in the church. . The program- was presented_ by Mrs. bMOE an and Gerrie, �- son; following the theme A Time !rt Rejoice'. Mrs. Motrrison gave.the, scripture reading and the' meditation on sharing, followed by payer. The Study Book, taken by prayer_ 1 ior#nscn, was . on '.a Story, Four Winds, about a gr up of Indians, It was tskcnfcom the magazine Werrld Views. Mrs: 1Ienderrsan read a poem which stressed dwell gifts. such as freedom, comfort and Uwe, tenant be boa ht.: She then, gave: al reading Everything but Money, by Violet i1by, about an . old-fashioned, Christrmas... Mrs, Morrison read The Christmas Story, about alad's letter to Santa, written by William Wal- ."- Unit al-Unit 3 Unit 3 of the Lucknow United Church. Women met on November. 26 in .the church parlour, which was apparopriatell decorated reit their Christmas Meeting... Unit leader Mary Boyle opened the business portion of the Meeting with .aa Thought For The Evening. Rollcall. A Christmas Verse, was aeowond by 21 members. Norma V,rezthelieed was alias watery. Reports wale even by treaaaa er, Whidred Chi citiza whip, Kathleen Collyer; unity f ienda ip. Kay Crawford asking evraryone to rcmmmberr to viaiut dm shut-in* and for donations to buy poinsettias and core for the area Nursing Homes; Christian education, . Marion - McFarlane expreseing a deed for Sunday school teachers and a rembider ofi the Sunday School Christmas Con - On on . December 16; _ social functions, Wilda Campbell giving a financial report on the fowl supper and librarian .lunch. • The Fellowship of the Least Coin was led by Marg Finlay with prayer for China. Laura ,Lee Cayley d10Playe t posters entitled Signs of Light and 'fiigaueof Daurlu►ess, that the C'.+G,l,T4 Bids made, in preparation for their . Vel Service which will beheld :December , Mary Boyle reminded all of the reed for groceries `' for the Friendship Home- and the Food Banksave Knischters tapes, and " .. "the the meeting Jaaouaaay 15,, She closed the business �r. Jane !emleaven ' Kay f raawford,-. Mae Hunter and insert Cooke were th>c.: program ettnimitteo for the thew Remembrance of Christmas. Kay Crawford opened the fresco - . res. taaadon with, a poem. Thought for:, Christmas. The committee ' read • pasages, of Christmas scripture ntersPersedwith .the singing Of Christmas Carole 'by everyone, ac cooanpaniedby Marion McFarlane at the piano, Katrina Abbott favoured the group with two vocal Christmas - sele ctronS What Childis This? and Oh Holy Night, accompa aper `odor the. pnatfo by Isobel Shepherd.-. Susan Cooly rid Memories of a Country Christmas. Jane Treleaven closed the program with prayers. Local CGIT will celebrate 50 years of Vesper Services The 75thbi y party of Canadian Girls in Training (can) coalman with it Only Tam as Spelt*. the1990 Vesp Ser vice. This month, B , presbyterial and United Church sanctuaries acme the country will shine brightly with Christmas candies and Chrismons, hard -crafted white and gold symbota of Cluist. Girls end leaders will lead the irper worabip celebrating God's allele the i s service will uulsorecall :end gi e thanks for the sigh heritage and tradition of CGiT and its effect ,on le spiritual lives of countless Young women and thea' com mantles aver the past 75 years. Local sersvices will be held it Luclonow United Church on Decent., ber 9 and in DORM= United Chun* on December 16. A special Vesper Service with all for= CGIT members will take place in the Presbyterian Church, Kincar- dine,. also on Dumber 9. Come *adjoin the celebaradoa of 50 years of vesper =v. The winners of this month's Super' Stars at Lucknow Central Public. 'School were Jessica Hare (left) in the junior division, and Amy Aladin, in the senior division. The November theme was "Being. Polite". Each class has a Super Star, with? in of the lnames put in for draw. The. lucky winners are given an school .t-shirt.'(Meg . Rotteau photo) p.AAIkAA.►A.A.AAA.A.•.A.4AI►0,L.A.A.A ALAA,.L4A.A.I.A.A.A.it.,k,ai.4 1 DAPHNE IVEs' CRANBERRY MINCEMEAT 'tiff he addition of cranberries to .this mincemeat pie gives this traditional holiday dessert a ilelicious, tangy favour. A cinch to prepare, this cranberry mincemeat pie has long been a favourite in the Ives' household, especially at Christmas. If frozen cranberries are difficult iv find, you may subotitute 2 cans of whole berry cranberry sauce and sieve through`1'he jelly to get a cup of the berries. Enjoy. PASTRY 1 cup coarsely dmppd ira'nbarieg 250m1, Roll out half of dough and fit into 9" (23 cm) pie plate. Trim edge' even with pie plate. Combine milicemeat, cranberries, pecans and lemon juice. Mix well. Spread evenly in pie shell. Roll out remaining pastry dough. Cut into 1l2" (1.5 cm) strips: Arrange in lattice fashion over falling.Tuckstrips under bottom crust. Seal ; and flute edge. Brush top with beaten egg yolk Bake on lower oven rack in `a preheated 425°F (220°C).oven for 1d minutes, then. reduce heat to 350°F (230°C) 25 to 30 minutes or until crust isgolden. Serge warm or cooled. Makes 6-8 savings. 61,200. ZONE 3 NORTH -LIONS 444 1 10. Bingo Last Bingo Winners Lois Blake - Kincardine John Henry Spiesz - Durham. New Bingo starts December 6, 1990 Listen to CKNX Radio Wingham Cards, available at; Bain's, Agnew Jewellery, • 'Village Market, Don & Bev Thompson Investments Montgomery Motors Bank of Montreal Dungannon Service Centre Bully's Cards $2'00 ea. 3 for $5.00 Proceeds to Community Service L , • VyrnVirYV rrIT®®®®®VIrYVVYVVYy!°e'W'v®!►®vv'Iry v®r® Think you have drthrifis See your.doCtQr Ask for help: • V.: THE ARTHRITIS SOCIFTY }