The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-12-05, Page 4PD. Sok 400, Lucknow, Otero NOG MO Established 1073 5202822 Fax OM 520520 .. Thomas Thompson — Advertisng Manager Pat Livingston — General Manager Editor subscription rate advance: *1790 outside Canada90 •1490;Outside Canada $5890 Senior Citizen Second .class, `Mailing reg. no, 0047, Advertising isacceepted on the .condition that In the event of a typographical error, the portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item'together with a reasonable allowance for nature, , will not be charged for, but the balance "of the advertisement will be paid at the applicable rates. y's„ to reduce. Now that til a are into recycling, lets tako'a loos at another of the three Frs.That' of :reducing. By the'year 2000,' :the National Packaging , ProtecOI hair targeted, a reduction In ,• packaging was. 50,percent. 7 We all. have a part to play":In reaching phis mlleston'e..You " can act on your,. envlronmental. •c once ne .and apply the following .tipo;for reducing- `.packaging waste.. Keep' In Mind that °packaging" refers not, just,to boxes and wrappings,. but . to any Item used to protect, contain, or -transport a roduot. Whlie. shopping *.Buy Products ✓made <:with recyclable.:rnaterials, are -usable materlals, or thoso that ars madefrom recycled traterlats, `1 *Take +cotton bags, or synthetic Material bags with: you when { shopping. If you,prefer plastic,. use thtetn`.ov,Or and over. *Buy refillable containers whefl •purchasing soft •drinks. *Buy multhuso 'products instead: of singlb-use disposable ones. *Buy bulks good$ For:example, fit[ a large bas Withralslns, Insteatt of buying: thein In a_• bunch of thoso tiny, wasteful•. boxes. • *Buy products Iniarge'sizess n.At hander *Reuse grocery bags as garbage .bin liners. Reuse jars or .boxes'to store things in the kitchen, garage or workshop. *Turn erriptycontainers•. into something useful (pump -spray bottles to mist your plants). *Reuse gift "wrap, or find non -wasteful• ways 10 present gifts, . At work '..!Use reusable cups, dishes and cutlery; ' instead of disposables. Keep a*travel mug In your car. At school *lfsei lunch boxes and thernitoses instead of wasteful bags and cardboard. drink dontalnersk • *Ask .your cafeteria to,use:reusable, dishes. •• . Remember, if we work together, by tie; Year 2000 we carr cutin halltho amount of. packaging; we sondto.landfllls. Take. "a look around your house,: office or schoor to sem; if, the above tips can be applied; or tome up withyour own; ideas. •N AMBUNOSit by Pat Livingston Men do like earrings - an ladies through my� tot a of earrings toweer, I ouad a pair that could almost be called antique. ► were port of a jewellery set Mr. Bait g,;rtvc me on my 181h birthday. These earrings boobso cold the)* hid tate *crew 'on them. 4, As I attacher• them to my wee patl'k lobes, 1 wondered why jewel- . key makers had gone to the clip backs. For those of us who have not had .e extra 'holes put in their ems; these clip back* are sheer tgrturel The nnkiority of them have such a tight clip, one could piece their ears without the assistance a of a piercing gun. I have ffound that most of my earrings end up on my desk for some pardon of the day, so I questioned myself' why I insiston wcanng them. After I had mulled it around in my :mind,:I came up with the answer.' If 1• don't wear `them,: I:' dont feel completely dressed.: itinctof litre comparing it to that old saying like: oing out without your underwear -on." Habit, I•guess. After figuring, that out, my next question to myself was whether. men like seeing'eantings on women. or do theythink they 'are excess baggage. So to 'answer the question.1 took, to the streets and Posed thirst question to 21 men, • who'pained a wide aro range. All of the 21 men answered they liceon women. The madorityftthem stared they only like them they show good taste. By good taste they tit not too big and gaudy. .replied it didn't matter what size they were. One gentleman.even we et so far as to • say, that certain women can wear' bis estge, others can't. Some of them were, ash if they believed earrings added to a woman's eel-eo vethess. The majority saidthcy thought it: did. The one reply.I really liked was, "You've either got it, or you haven't got it; wearing earrings doesn't make any difference." Such a profound statement!, Some of the men went ,on to say theycouldn't understand why women' had more than one hole v pierced: in "each care Some of them thought it completely ridiculous. One gentleman said, it didn't bother im an long as they Wore only tiny ,studs in each hole:: Now the results • of this mini sunrvey of course, could change, if another 20 men were interviewed. A friend had a.similar conver satnon with three men recently. The men were. all of a deferenl, age, Mal they .all 'agreed that ear- rt bur- `. rings are not nec to. dd to the attractivenessaof a womaan; and said they make themlook like a man weat cote say that the ladies wearing nummous am good for the dentist's� : . Hite woe implying that if .a gentleman was to inclined to nibble on mid lady's ears, the meeting of his teeth and later jewel- lery could cause disastrous results, Well sir, I have a solution for . you, if you are ink to do such nibbling. If said lady would enjoy. you'nnibbling at her eats,` I'm sure she could be coaxed into removing. the dangerous hardware from her ears, thus" cnsureng you will not harm your wady whitens. P.S. For the menwho.suggested I do colurtrii on what mat thought. Of Other men wear ng earrings, I luaY consider, doing that one �n the future. • *e******* Following last week's column. an interested reader called in to add to the 'tist of recycling tips. He suggested that, the bottom lids of tins should be removed, and the tint flattened by ;stand ing,m it: Be Went on to say that Some soup. tins' have,, a rounded bottom; edge,• making it impossible 10 remove. • In this case'stand-on the portion✓ of the .tinnear the tops and flatten it .as best You can- ' You all; have a good weekt Kay Crawford Maid stops to admire- one of the, many aprons o i ;display at Laura`LekCayley'ss Mostly Aprons heeth,•at'the•Lucian* Kinettes' Annual Christmas Bazaar, field last Worthy, at the Legion.1' (Pat Livingston eboto) -10 years ago December 16, 1920 • Local And General L The annual big wind storm has come abd gone. Now is the opportunity to buy an. all linen weft Tabling • at at $1.75• per yard at Coflnell's - ' All stores in town will be oPen evenings next week for. • the accommodation of • Christmas shoppers. You should see the Raincoats that CO nnell is selling at a • great reduction. A special heavy coat reg. $20, for $15.56 Another in dark grey was $' row $17,00. Post Ma., 4y asks that Cl utistinas parcels be posted early. Many parcels coming in shortly before the mailgoes out cannot be hantdled in time. The Post Office will be opts until 8 o'clock p.tn. .>r...m n�.:.:.....�....� �. =J _ The special 'prides in , mert's underwear at Conner tt sale are real money_ Ivan on a, staple kine. Sta rd's Green Label at $2.001 gement.. The rine urn All wool at $1.50 .is another great value. . , $greats ago December 12, 1940 Roads Were Worst In ' Many Years As an aftermath -of last -week's . 'tie-up by :continued snowfall, came the reports that rural conditions were the worst in many Years, and the worst ever in the opinion of some, Farmers recount tales of difficulty in getting through the snow to their bents,. and. generally speaking they ' just "holed in" as amebas possible till it was over..bread in particular ran low in farms homes, and in one country store at least there was a line-up awaiting the arrival of a supply from town. • Mail couriers has a bad week of it and deliveries were mostly of the hit-and-miss variety all week. One courier claims he never saw the noeiwis worse and with hooses "soft" for the unexpected job, mnde it that much worse. Climate Says New Snowplow No more this winter will village residents or motorists be coafronted SENTINEL MEMOIRS with , the depth of snow • that prevailed on . village roads and streets ;last wek.. The Twenty -year-old wooden, horse drawn snowplow, that is beyond further service is being replaced by a power plow that will; keep; village roads swept clear for pedestrians and motorists. The plow is attachable to a motor• truck thus speeding up the walk and a notice elsewhere in this •issue requesting motorists not to park their cars and the roadway, between midnight and morning no that the watts of snowplowing can. be done, thoroughly and without The plow is being built tat order in Goderich ata cost of $125.00 and delivery was promised . on Than day of this week. With 'the new egwpment rondus•only, and all, roads, in the village will ;be keept, plowed. ' 25 years ago December... 8, 1965 Leonard Ritchie Is School Caretaker - Leonard ;Ritchie of Lucknow has been •appointed new caretaker for LucknOW District High School Leonard has been employed in Winighain:. He` will succeed Sid Whitby who: was forced to give up the position. because , of :poor health: , Mrs. Sid Whitby will remain on as a pairt time assistant. There were five. applications for the job. Lucknow Voters Approve A Liquor And Beer Store With 624% Vote In Favour - Lbcknow voters on Monday a2$rrived the establishment of a government store for the sale of liquor and beer in . the villages. 62.4% of the voters registered an affirmative vote on the questions "Are you in favour of the amt of govemt►ment stores for the sok of liquor!" A 60% effbnnadve volts Was required to have the question approver,; • 10 Years ago, December. -3,1980 Oppose Disposal Site In Huron County Huron: County planner Gary Davidson told Huron Council at their• final meeting. of this term, Novemnber• 27,' that the Ministry of Environment has been so secretive in their selection of a site for a disposal area, that he was not aware a Huron. location was on the list of possible ;iodations. Environment ,mitlister Harry Parrott announced in the kgislatu c on Tuesday that an area of pn me agricultural land in South Cayuga has been chosen for a disposal and storage and for the bulk of the province's liquid 'iniaso a inHuron was number two on the list of possible locations. Davidson told county council the ministry has been eittrremely secretive and his department knew nothing about a proposed Huron site until a daily newspaper called Davidson this week to ask about the Huron location. 1