The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-11-28, Page 7• LCPS welcomes Megan back to their midst Grade I/2 Grade 1f2's hsve been verY busy Mos! Mos! Map! Pik*. M. VS L INSIDER kesists about InsPPing. We have found buried treasure, Grade 41 ourselves, our classroom and kavc TM class is boon stating found u way around the school mar. and mom ruwireinnart. Asia* an architect's map. I bet that the grade mil row tat Studitte, 'The whole class has help moms and dad find their way dcee* **Pee job on dteir lAngusge using * ma. No more satin' g lost! 4"'"' we are, au happy to have meow of MUMS wrote a book back with us m oue eisou. We Theo books look like the wort of mixed bee smile. grade nine statical*, The students Grade 213 are vtay pleased by their excellent This we* grade 2/3 have been "Ills* finishing analphabet unit in law Grade I In suNge. We have . been reading, the Grade I class vve had duce writing, drawing, painting and pleats come to visit us. One was recording, we are (minimum with 0Shea's morn. Mrs. pickle. She told tt light and colour activitim, Mmt 'us abmt sevId us have colds. - Mr Keith told us Special Education about surveying. Fiona's mom 1Virs. Special Ed. class is busy making bra Is sPeech pathologist. . Every The birthdaYs Were Melissa Keith stained glass windors. sweat wishes the best icoovepor to ;WWII'S. Bell. ThiS Week llite their teacher Mrs,'Mayer going to Post ofrve. Fire Hall and Library variousgores. All of the Grade is :lScholastic GreatCanadian3Fair is fing.weBid adieu topi...4totaooceafimportt event to be held at oui school Irmo About 50 old and new neighbours Nov. 28 to Dec- 71h. During that gathered at the home of Bob and ' time students will be able. to Put-- June Gilchrist, on Wednesday chase books and materials that will evening; to wish flab and Mary help develoP basic skills that lead Buckton well on their retirement to to personal enrichment. : Luclutow. Herb and Mary have Book fairs are fun and exciting been king time residents of the events for Parents as well as fft fourthconcession for over 50 years. students. We invite YOU in per-, It was a delightful evening of ticipate in the enjoyment by plan- reminiscing. Good *sic was sun- ning now to attend. Make it Al plied by Lloyd 'MacDOugall, Fraser family affair. You'll be glad You MacKinnon -and int Dickie.June didi_ • Gilchrist gave a reading, Elisabeth Grade 3/4 " Dickie gave • a contest; after which Grade 3/4 welcoMed a new boy* she read the address which was in David Fry to their class on Mon- .the form of a poem, prePared by day, David comes ,from Kincardine `Jack Needham. and we are very happy to have ban Two lovely lawn chairs and some with Thc UL place 4's have just about dPellaceeng'inaa:dWocreranPret GenfacteistYAICTerft finished their swimming lessons and this a delicious lunch was served. -will soon be.tryinglheir tests. Herb and Mary Buckton were in In Environmental Studio§ we have vvatedoo ° for 10 days with their just started to learn many things grandchildren, eeprge. and Dave about Holland. We started off by Buckton. while their parentzwere at seeing a film about Holland. a medical^ convention at the Hilton • Grade 4 Hotel, . in Orlando, Florida. Grade 4 students have Just .Sunday was baptism at South finished their sWinuning lessons at injoss Churah. Those baptized the Kincardine pool were Rachel Laurie Bell, daughter, The students are much -1110re. of Wayne and Laurie. .Her proud conscious of water safety and will grandparents are Den -and Ruth Bell • be displaying the badges they have and Leonard and Wilma Clarke. earned during their 15 weeks of Also. ,Emily Laura . Gibson, • Be Para of Rie . -WINNERS CIRCLEi .. . aieWarArriputaapnsi,attar,d4, Ora* 5,41 'rho grade 5/6 dam het boon westing antlusialdcally on their Mexico and Aztec maw* Their fedproduc* rig from clay models, video presentations, dramatized interviews andrektays will be presented this week. The most dithcuk Mt of the project was selecting key points from the exteadve match. Their group skills and research skills have been recorded on videetspe. Mr, Pete'a Corner Plans are well underway for the interschool music night on Decem- ber 5 at the Community Centre. Our school concert is on December 18 * 7:30. Hope you an attend both of the evenings. Our interview date this term is December 7. Families should remember to listen to CKNX on inclement weather days in case there's a need to change busing arrangements. Bucktoni SOUTH NUNS by Roth Buchnteier milmseiammiumminimmin daughter of David and Sheila- The grandparents are run and Eleanor Gibson and Doug and Francis -But- ton, of Temwater. Speed recovery goes to Leonard Machines* who underwent surgery in Stratford Hospital last week. Mr. ' and Mrs. Robert .Langen entertained with a dinner party on Friday evening. Guests were Mr.. and Mrs. Frank MacKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Don Matthews and Mr, and Mrs., Ira Dickie. • SOME PEOPLE ARE- - Forgotten because their posses- sions are so much bigger than they are. - Forgiven because that is the only way we can get along with them. • - Hated because they are always on the defensive against love. - Lost because they will never let anyone tell them the right way., Melissa Weir November 270997 ' '3 Years Old SamUel• Johnston NoveMber 28, 1989 1 Year Old, Justin Gollan November 29, 1982 8 Years Old • Darlene Aitchison December 1, 1983 7.Yeara Old ' Caitlin Joy Agnew December 3, 1981 • I •• 3 Years Old • Janice Marie young. Aubunl December 4, 1979 11 Yeari Old / • ,„ ((‘\ 0itt,, „el ilke7 dt°W 164r eik*:411,W • Try our new Sunday Evening. FAMILY BUDGET BOOSTER SMORGASBORD Affordable dining for the whole family! Come in arid M up on our satisfying Hot Entices, bountiful Salad Bar, homemade Desserts and Beverage. Served every Sunday evenfag.“4:30pm - 7:30pm A quality feast for Your enJoyment.xery specially priced! %volt O% `e So / 4Ien 0 •••••• .< S• 4"-- 0 te Aduks • $9.95 .Sinfors $6.95* Kids 12 & under. $4.95** • Rids 5 & under *FREE" * with Citizens privilege cad **When accompanied by an adult, Lasigrimor$e.Uael. Wediseaky. Nowt lobar $4, • t'• Seeibitt Lien% Cat PRESENTS THE SEAFORTH SANTACLAUS .=;. As* PARADE FAL DECEMBER 7 7:00 PM — PARADE eliGiNs AT THE SEAFOREH commotitiv CENTRE ria Robinson -Voisin Mr. and Mrs. Norman Voisin, and Mr. and Mrs. William Robihion are pleased to announce the marriage of their chit- dren Darryl & Denise on Friday December 7* 1990, Reception to follow at the Ripley Complex LUCKNOW DISTRICT UONS CLUB Dabber Bingo Cm Slindayit December 2 1500,00J WinwtogorPlvot-Vilogiloon • 1100. Progrissiva Wmst flootigoo-ludatow 54 Calk Prigs &sod WOO, Jockpot11009.en 54 Wk. '500 inustgo« • Pavia WI. $150.00 • r,onsousay Canso epos% at 6:30 pm. Siva ;tads 07:15 p.on. • Friday December 7/90 at 110 p.m. Please enter yourlioat in elle Of the tollativing categories. Organizations Float 0111Z4S •DCommercial Float \ • . $60 - - $20 Doom . ;. in each category Please assemble at the Public School by 7;0,0 pm. For more Information contact Brian Xne Chtel at 528-2433 evenings or 528- 3001 days. Send entry form to RO.Box 89, Luchnow Ont. NOG 2H0 fr' LUCKNOVV & DISTRICT KINSMEN CLUB'S New Year's. Eve Dance Monday, December 31 • Lucknow Community Centre Music by: Mugsy $30.®. per person, Includes refreshments & lunch TIckETS AVAILABLE ONLY ON: Friday, November 30th, 7:00 PM Community Centre if not sold out Friday, December 14th 7:00 PM Community Centre 4,400 avalkobi• NO RESERVE TICKETS roy wp•rp.reon NO MINORS ADMITTED ftwili:4„„ii cmnruno