The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-11-28, Page 1, Many pry -Christmas events planned for residents Only 27 days until Christmas. is bore and the Lucknow Business Association has a sehedule of pre.Christmuevents planned to suit the young, and not so young. • This Friday night is the Christmas Tree Lighting at the PoSt Office, beginning et 7 p.m. Childen are invited to bringtheir haixlmada decorations to adorn - this community tree. Theme will be cater singiitg,and free hot chocholate to warm your inners. • Beginning December 3' _ai d running' to December 8, local businesses• are holding.their Old Fashioned Christmas Sale, The Santa Claus parade will be held the evening of December 7, beginning at 7;30 p.m., . Start planning your float now•and pre register your entry, in the or- ganization, commerical or o category. Prizes are $60, and $20 in each categollt. H3als are asked to assemble at the Public School at 7 p.m. Santa Claud' will be at the arena fol - I in club dor. dec s an A delegation, " representing; the Riding,' Club of the Lucknow Agricultural Society',: attended the November 13 meeting of Lucknow village council. Marlene. Bergman, Lany;Cowan and Noms Messenger. advised curacil;that Harry Brealey was walling °` to ;donate:; his land, behind the lueknow Sales Bam,: for use as a. riding ring. The delegation wished council's . decision y on the matter of draining the land. Council' agreed to look at the matter as soon as possible: Robert Kugler and council spent considerable • time discussing the sewer connection to his; house oh Hamilton Street. Dee to ;the nature of his questions, council referred the matter to the engineer; Wilte Evenhuis of Ontario Hydro gaye an existingand proposed rate 'lowing the parade and treat will be available for the kiddies. For further linformation ; call Brian 1htel. Something new this year is the snow games scheduled for Ste- • daY, December 15, jp,m..`att�the fair:' . : t : More details will ler. fd , l : on this event. During the weeks previous to Christmas,; participating ma - :Cheats will have free draw bees in their *net The draw will be made on December 22. As well, Santa will be touring the downtown area the same day. On December 20, decorated homes will be judged, between '6;30 p.m and 10:00 Aim Anyone outside town limits it asked to call Rod Mcg at :28- 2031.. In addition to the many events scheduled by the Business As socation, the area churches and schools have special programs and concertsplanned for , this special time of year., for�further ineye nnati on the Sentinel asks coui rain; e presentation, along with a financial statement of the hydro system`, and other,.matters. A motion was passed that'L'ucknow Hydri Electric Sys, tem apply to Ontario Hydro t4 ',adopt the retail.,rate. schedule and . the miscel sheers charges, effective laniary 1, 1991. The Luclhnow. ,;Hydro Electric Systein will,apply to Ontario Hydro for the utilization of funds over and above current operating are gturements for , construction and extension of works in the amount of .r '. $20.000 (for capital worker! lutes} . • .in 1991, and : that investment in short -terns . securities -not ' exceed $100,000, • Gary Austin; PUC foreman joined .the meeting and various. aspects Turn to page; 2 S anta's waiting to hear from. you Sante Claus' contioed the staff .a nit The Lucknow Sentinel this weiek, *Wag is to naiad all mut boys aim that he ler waiting to hear Santa Bret to an his let - tors tidy because as Chrrissr na s thaws Muir, he becomes very St>, to make Santa's life it little Work.on the Lucknow sewer project continues on schedule, with;crews working in the Rose and havelock Street area. Ed' !.Chilton,: Senior Inspector with B.M. Ross said:the. inen *ill work until December 21 and nim to start quip' on April 1. At this time there' envoi will be .on. the job. (Pat Livingston 0oto0 less hectic Wiito your letter new. Arm' them to Sante Clic, North iCanada, 1OHO. No patine is KKK live in town yea ► yaw IOW oft the post e etre ail fie bei mid girls whim he visions Lucknow on 7. Two break -iris in villag Two Lucknow businesses were broken into on. November 20, bet- ween 12 midnight and 7:30 n.m. The Kincardine OPP•rePort: that an unknown person smashed the win- dow in the west sideof the Liquor Store and entered the office area of the store, removing a small quantity of liquor and beer. The person used a piece of wood, that was found • at the scene, to wide the window, During the same time pe id:the. office .trailer of Andersson Flax Mill was broken inti.: Entry was.galned: through the east window of the Millet A small quantity of money was,re m ove d, • Constable Gordon Johnso+nreports.. the incidents are still under inves- tigation. nires- rd'sti u e�tt.: Work on the Lucknow sewer • project is progressing an schedule, according to Ed Chit= total, . "Senior Inspector with B R0s3 and Aisociates. Btu,' Cor, the contractor for the col- lection sewers is approximately 40.. 4$% through their. contract, 'which has a compkbon date of Julie 26, 1991, The weather has played, an importantpartin allowing crews to, progress ibis far. Mr. Chilton said thetrews will work until December 21 and aim . to start-up April 1. At this time extra crews will beput en :the He said they haven't run into any unfasten problems, adding that•Walte r Street gave the crews some trouble, due to the enices- sive .amount of underground water they had t0 contend with. • Some. street restoration work has•beencompleted. Prior to the re -paving, tests are . done for • leakage, deflection and a camera inspection. During the inspec tion, a tape is made of the interior of, the lines as' the camera is pulled through. Every. . line in the village willhave this inspection made prior to street restoration More paving will be completedthis felt, weather Sidewalk restoration on Wil • ul hb Street is. in process. Any reas disturbed will be sodded in, the spring • The pumping station, to the east of the Kinsmen Ball Diamond, is approxiifiatel 30% completed.' A holdup occurred on this contract, while waiting approval on the diesel generator selection. Wellington Construe- tion of R. 1, Moorefield is the contractor fon the pumping station.. . The lagoon construction by Stone Town Consuucbon, of St. Marys, is at an approximate 80% completion. point, This work has a scheduled completion date- for July 31, 1991. Mr. Chilton said that the Mu- . Con crews and himself ; have found the residents of Lucknow to be very ctwpeiative during this disruptive, timein the vil- lage, adding that such a rem makes both the contractor s and engineer's jobs much easier.