The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-11-07, Page 8$.* Liadonow Bentlitel, Wailitendisx Novensikor'i� ZON Now is The Tinos To Think About Christmas wiat Specialty Adviortisirig CUSTOM IMPRINTED GIFTS Fess- ponci#s aMiSchali = Mogi A Trapfl e a icer T1s t�lsyir Cards -:its -moi m °ftas9' Ice Scrapers - 'Pocket Catendsr - Memo Pads t,luhtere GM Certificates - omen printing awow 5284730 TOWNSHIP OF .NINLOSS NOTICE Final Tax Installment;, due .Thursday, Not 15,1990 . Payable at the Township Of- Tice in Holyrood, or the Bank of Montreal in Lucknow, Ar- rears taxes payable only at the Township Office; Note: Persons who have ac- quired properties and have. not received a tax bill should; contact the Clerk's Office. Failure to receive a bill doses. not relieve a taxpayer from responsibility for payment of taxes, nor, from penalty for late payment. Mark L..:Becker Clerk-Treasurrer TOWNSHIP OF. KINLQSS HO1,YFIQOD, Ontario NOG 200 ` 395' 3575 is 1 til( I)f.,ti.�,c;ft 1\•1 til\r ! : 1r' Ghosts and goblins invade Dungannon W HURON TWP.. Reduced to •155,000. 50 screr,. well *� Modern 3 bedro0M, bathrooms, drilled well, carport, lets of extras included. N.INLOSS TWP' - 50 sow far- row to finish, 149, acres, autowatic feeding drr'cleaning. 3. bedroom, borne, asking 4155,000.00. KINLOSS TWP. 0 100 acres, 94 workable, 6 .Web,. 3 bedroom home,, hot water #eathRg, drill* ed welt, large bairn* ASking '135.000.00. Listings Wanted..: FRASER MaINNON 5234013 BARRY MeDONACT11 5234821 DAVID MaeliINNON 3954481 Damon was alive with all kinds of wham, Om% turtles Pond yea even a tube of toothpaste -and a toothbrush last Why evening as the vire children made their rounds for trick or treating, it was wonderful to see the number of UNICEF boxes being displayed by the children. it's good to see them so eady in life thinking of the needy .in our world today, HatIceep thinking of othersand-to be thankful for all we have hew in Canada. Sem News The regular euchre party, span- eared by the Sodom Group was held on Tuesday, October 30 this past week at the Seniors' Hall with 10 tables in action. High gentlemen for the evening was Earl Wilhanns witk low man being Arthur Stewart. . High lad . for theevening was. Margaret Btringlon, There was a tie for the low lady. position between Gloria Pearson and Bernice Henry. A ' number of the card Aims dressed in costume for the evening Well made for a fun time. A prize, donated by Louise Brindley, for the mystery, lone hand was won by Gertrude Kraemer. Ce1brating birthdays in the month of October were :the fol- lowing people:October 11 - Col- leen Body and A.J.. Sherwood; October 12 Maxine Pollock, Oc tober 15 • Evelyn Errington, Oc- tober 29 - Ed Stiles, October, 30.- Jean Phillips and October 5 Melba I've prepar for the GST. Have you? NOwIS the time to register. Are you ready for the pro- posed GST? If not, now is the time to register and prepare. Registration applies to anyone involved in a commercial enter- prise. This. includes fishing, ' farming, professional services and many activities carried out q4 by non-profit 'organizations. ,Revenue Canada is ready to assist you with information on: ■ How to register and the benefits of doing so ■ What the GST.means to your operation r Simplified accounting options and administrative procedures ■ Rebates of the Federal Sales Tax ■ ' ' w to recover GST on business purchases ▪ GST return and filing options Contact us today. Phone: 1800.265.0017 Telecommunications device for the hearing impaired: 1800 465.5770 Or drop by the Revenue Canada Excise Office nearest you, Monday to friday, 9:.00 a.m.:to 5:00 p.m. seined Bless This House it! the service. The *noon theme that with we erre d� in oar vm life, and in our world also. This week's Bible Study wall meet *the home of Ken Wagler at Nile at 2 p.m. on Thursday, November 8. ' Please note the change of day for this Week ONLY. A community shower will be held in, Dungannon United Church on Why. November 7 at 8 p.m. This above r is to honour bride -elect Susan Curran. Everyone is wet cnis. If you have any news items for this colunm, please call Sandra D'Aoust :at 529-7390, Thank you very much.inimannmammeammenimiampao URP GROVE • Recent dinner guests .in Purple Grove with ,Deanna and • Morley Scott were , Gerrie Walsh and, Marion and •Miller Barwick of Kincardine andJack' : Walsh of Melfort, Sack. ..Don't forget the Women's Insti- tute meeting Wednesday, night at 8 Pm. at, Wilma Sutton's.. Dianne Clifford wifl show her slides"of her lifo in the Arctic. Jared and ` Scott Martin of Kitchener are spending the:week with Grandpa and Grandma Farrell. Be sure to Remember on Nov 11 and to attend the. service of remem- brance' in•Ripley. If you have news for:Purple Grove, please call 395-5457 Sunday: evening, A . sucessful .Hallowe'en party . was:held at the Grove. Lots of spooks --big and .little-- . took part. _ Thanks to Shirley MacDonald and May Van Rooyen for a great even - V _ . Iny Ss�nctra, Er Moati make a Stiles. Happy birthday wishes are sent out to all of thele folie. Celeebrating wedding annivesxariea this past month were Cyst and Alvin Sherwood on October.. 11, their 45th; aft end Isabel lCd- patrick on October 26, their 50th; and Clarence and Adeline Allin OR October 30, their 43rd. Congratulationsand bestwishes for every v r ehappiness now and in the . Sochi' Nes' We ate happytoo report that Hugh McWhinney, ollowing surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital London and a stay . in the Goderich Hospital, has returned home to Dungannon. Wel- come back. Hugh. Seeing balloons tied to your neighbour's door tells you theme is something happening. Following it through, We learned that. Dick Park had become . 'another year . older. -Happy Birthday, Dick, Renee Stclenhoef of RR 3 Auburn has " recently opened' the Huron Soole Centaur; (Duren School for Singing) and is giving private voice lessons. We wish her every success in her new endeavour. Visitors with Claude and Sandra D'Aoust and girls were Gail and Donn. Durance of Sarnia. They dropped in for a visit ott'their way through from the, Bruce'Peninsula where they spent time at their cot aa8e, Church Nevivs The regular Sunday :•worship Service was held in the Dungannon United Church on`Sunday Novem- ber 4 under the direction of Reverend Orilla Bogart. Organist Jean Elliott played an organ solo ng. Quilt show exceeds organizers' expectations The Teeswater_ Culross Com- munity Centre never' looked more. alive and more inviting than it did on October 19. and 20, as visitors were literally bombarded with over 100 colourful, hand stitched quilts. Most,of these quilts were the pride and joy of the Five Star Quitters' Guild of this area. A small, selected group of quilts from Canada Pack- ers Prize Collection was also featured. Merchants Mall with Pins 'n Needles of .Kincardine, The Sewing Boz' and Lloya's Dolls Plus of Lucknow, The Sewing Hutch of Listowel, The Quitters Supply of Hyde Patk and Peichards of Elmira showed enthusiasts the many new supplies available. Doris Bushell's Cathedral Win- dow was the viewers' choice for first prize. Mona Turney with Tree of Life was second' choice and the OMAN Centennial Quilt made by Doris Bushell ° was third ° choice. Mary Nelson of Lucknow and George McDonald of Kincardine won the sampler quilts made by Five Star Quilters members. Meeting The Five ,Star Quilters met in Teeswater Town , Hall on October 24, with the success of their first quilt show the main topic of discus- sion. Fifty-one ladies answered the rollcall by a showing of program covers and giving views on the quilt . The showquilt lottery blocks this month, maple leaves on a light background, were won by Helen McCreith of Ripley. Next month's. blocks are to be green on white in star pattern. Mona Turney and Lorna Lang demonstrated their quillows. Many beautiful quillows emerged amongst the hum of sewing machines and happy chatter of the. members. On November 28, Joan Barr will teach the cathedral window pattern. Many new members were wel- comed to 'the Quilters' Guild. 1+1 Canada's GST. It's good business to prepare now. Roam Canada Revenue Canada DouanesetAcdse Customs and Excise Cana& Ec.1AL STOCKER & FEEDER SALE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 1:30 P.M. More consignments being taken Call the sales barn at 887-6461 or Gard Brindley 529-7970 BRUSSELS LIVESTOCK INC •