The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-10-31, Page 20Attend Seniors' RaUy in Flesherton Chisholm is guest Gladys Arnold and Jack and Mary Scott attended the Seuioss Rally in ft F7leshedon on may. Breis dud Kerr Bridge visited with &en's father Henry Pope of Pais- ley, in the Southampton Hospital. on Wednesday, and with Ken and Debbie McCulloch in Pry Agin, Ken attended the 4-11 Achievement Night in Ri ey ort Friday along with many t erc 441 members, leaders and parents and enjoyed. a very informative talk . from Tammy Fludder the .guest - speaker for the, everting. Brea Bridge attended the South- western Dairy Princess Rall Walcksitop'in Stratford Friday and Saturday along with het Huron County Dairy . Princess, Tanya Boonstoppel of .Auburn.. Also . attending were lnee Fenton of Port Elgin, the co-ordinator for Bruce' County, and Bonnie 'Bray .of Mildmay the Bruce County Dairy,-. Princess. Bren stopped to visit with Jean and Jim Welsh in Milverton on het way to Stratford. Cheryl and Carman Bridge visited with Suzanne and Reg Tanner of the Ehnwood area an Sunday. Get will wishes ..are .extended to Viola Bridge who ' has been, a patient in the Kincardine IlOspitel. Recent " visitors with Marion Emerson were Ken and Elliott McGregor of Hagersville, • Jack and Janet Darrell were: UFIPLE GROVE Don McCush, Shirley MacDonald and Judy Hawryisliya attended a library workshop in Luck now oft Monday, Bette McLeod' a was pleased w pleased to have Raehelp Colin and have Freda. Owens of London Louise Miller of Thcrxnthde stayy visiting with ler this weekend. with theist for a few days, and Annie Seen and Rita Irwin enjoyed Janice Miller who joined them on • a social everting with than un Saturday.. Saturday. IViarien Gefble and Gladys .Ilus Dianne and Don Simpson and ton visited with Jean Hunter, Mr. girls visited with Norine MacKay in • - and Mrs. Vie Huston and, Henry Lucknow and Don and Edith . Farrell'at Trillium Court. Simpson in' Kintail on Sunday after - On Monday;• the Happy noon. Hearts sponsored •a card party at the Marjorie. ` +ripson, Armies Scott -Legion, and the coining Monday,.; aad.Kay Thacker visited in Chesley they will be enjoying bowling at the and; Wednesday with Helen; Smith Lucknow Lanes a all are welcome of London. John D. Coiling. Mike to attend. and Mitch had dinner with A number of people from Ripley Grandma Mari on Friday, had a wonderful. `time at. the Marie and Allah Coifing and lefari Masquerade Dance. in Point Clark, Thompson were Sunday guests with Jack ,Walsh of •Milford, Sas- Mike:and Laurie, Gallant and family katchewan and Scott and. Ruby of Point Clark. Walsh of Kincardine visited with Don't forget thePiiiple Grove Lorraine Kent. on Wednesday after" Halloween Party tonight at 6:30 puri noon, featuixng games,, goodies, . ghosts. The Grove Bible Study ,Group and goblinsll; ladies please. bring met at Anne'ivicCosh's on Tuesday . lunch -and your Halloween goodies, the 22nd and met at. Nina Mac to the Purple Grove School. If you Donald's of Kinlough on Tuesday have ;any question, please contact \ the 29th of October. • Shirley' MacDonald. On ridgy Jack Wi alsh-'of Sas- Did you know "that -.Halloween is • katchewan, Gertrude Walsh . of celebrated in 'Great Britain, Ireland Kincardine, Bessie Madden of and • the United Stated as well as Kinlough, Isaiel Brooks end Joyce Canada, but -only in Ireland is it Farrell all visited with Anne and , cansideirda national holiday, • IT'S FAST - irs EASY! ONE CALL, ONE SILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BiG -: CALL TH).S NEWSPAPER: FOR DETAILS, speaker at meeting The Artober meeting of the Kairg shoo Institute was held' at the home .of Mary Laois on October 25 at 8 P411. with an attendance of 18 mein - Ws and one visitor. The needing opened with. the Opening Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect Wanda Keith, .convenor for Inter- national Affairs, read the scripture. The roll rail was answered by each on wrhi ug, One word you would use to promote International relations. These words would be used" later. Tire minutes of the Sep- tember meeting were read and approved and the treasurer's report was given. The Institute received a letter of.thanks front the District President, Mrs. Murray, thanking: the. members of.their help for the work, done in making ' the Area Convention which' was. .held in the Lucknow Community Centre • on October 3, such a success. .Maimnie Roulston reported that the I"nstiitute+ vassers' for the Arthritis - Society S301.00. The. Institute will also cater to a Lion's Meal on November 26. ..: .:: Marion MacKinnon - introduced guest speaker Grant Chisholm who spoke on Clonism. The first Lion's Club was formed in ..Chicago- 75 years ago. by `Melvin: Jetties. Windsor had a club formed' soon afro r followed by Goderich.:Grant showed •several plaques ;he . had received. for: the WOk he has done. Viee plaque ;he had was, thMelvin. Jaws Fellowship Award, the highest honour a Lions. member :tray achieve. The Liun's.Motto is "We Serve" and this work involves °P+eople helping people". One sue- cessful project had , been the opening" of the Canine Vision School w Oakville. He showed a Video on how a blind person. going to this school is trained with their Leader Dog. This enables a blind person to be comletely indepen- dent as they go outinto the world. It costs: about - $6,000 for" this training. Wanda thanked . Grant and un presented ht with a gift, Maitinie Roulston gave an excel- lent report of the Area Convention which. had been held a Lucknarav" recently...: . The group sang }hymn of All Nations,: accompanied by Elsie' Houston. Elsie gave her report from the .Bruce CountyInstitute Rally. which was held in Lion's Head on. October "18� Wanda had. a contest with the • words' we: had given for the roll.. call. The collection was taken and the courtesies_ were given thankin our hostess 'and the ,program; ton- ,venor: The meeting •' closed with' 0' Canada and the 'lace. The lunch:. committee, Rohr De Boer and Elizabeth Dickie, assisted by' the hostess,' served lunch and a social time was enjoyed. - {a F.ARMERS.MARKETS assistance= Markel Transport Training Guelph. 1 kilulousIN CA'I TLE': SALE;Ach Farms. Summit Sate 7Sriots, mostly; `polled, young;femates, and. P3311 55 5 et 3 fr 538 265iut , of Me 1ford, Ontario: (51:9)` BUSINESS.OPPORTUNITIES .. LEARN INCOME TAX & EARN Extra lrtcome. Tax Course by Correspondence: Contact: Tax Time Services Ltd. 1304 Spoors Rd., Oakville, Ontario, L6L 2X4. (416) 827-1455. EXTRA iNCOME, Grow baitworms, in your basement or' garage. Odorless operation,.. Low investment. Market guaranteed! Free Information. Early Bird Ecology, RR#1 Smithville, Ontario. LOR 2A0 (416) 643=4252. MAKE BIG MONEY importing U.S. cars. Free information package. Iverson & Associates Consulting Ltd., 900, 10665 Jasper Ave., Edmonton. T5J 3S9. Phone' 1-800-661-11.00. (403) 428-8021; fax (403) 421-8400. • EARN MONEY FOR YOURSELF or organization selling our naturally decorated Christmas wreaths. (As advertised in Toronto Life) Many well known organizations sell, our wreath. 1-800-561-5194. TIRED OF WORKING for someone else? Bath- tub refinishing, lawn -care, carpet cleaning, franchises available, Full training, start p -t, work from home, excellent financing. (416) 875-3209. WIDOW MUST SELL well established welding business, well equipped. ,Newer two bedroom home on ten acres land. Access to fishing and hunting. Cait;(807): 852-3787. HIGHER GAS COSi. Sive up to 23%. Ionization Chamber, guaranteed. Save $$$ . Mere power. Wanted:: customers or agents. . Universal Products. S.D.S.Y Goderich, Ontario,. N7A 3X9. (519) 529-7286. • • SALES HELP WANTED RECESSION PROOF 14 -year-old Canadian business seeks representatives for retail display merchandise placement In your area. Earn potential $1500+ weekly immediately. (418) 756- 2156 or (416) 756-3174 today. • CAREER TRAINING FREE • career guide to home -study correspondence Diploma courses: Accounting, Airconditioning, •Bookkeeping, Business. Cosmetology; Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granten (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING for rewarding careers in trucking. Class A -Z and D -Z licences. Days and weekend courses. Job placement 800.265-7173. •x =. EARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern • Ontario.,School'bf Auctioneering. Next class: February. 9-16,1991..,For information, contact: Southwestern Ontario` School of AuctiOoneering,` ' R.R.#5. Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 53T 2115,. SERVICES WANTED: 99 people 10 lose 10-29 lbs/month,with revolutionary weight control program. Seen on TV Fun, simple, 100% natural; Guaranteed results Doctor recommended 1-800-665-2405. POULTRY CHICKEN. PIGEON, WATERFOWL. PHEASANT national. monthly newspaper. Year's subsdtiption • $15. Includes free bird book catalogue IAA sent with ad.'"Feather Fancier", 5 Lakeroad, Forest, Ontario; NON ,1J0. MORTGAGES ARE YOU A HOMEOWNER? We have mortgage money for any purpose, Pay, off • credit cards. No qualifying hassels. Excel Financial Corporation. (tollfree)1-800.265-6984. `OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES CRQVVN LAND availability and Ontario -properties to be sold for unpaid taxes. For information write: Properties, Dept. CN,' Box 5380, Stn. F. Ottawa, iI20 3J1. STEELBUILDINGS BEST BUILDING BUYS - 1/2 Price Sale 'r Buy one building at regular price and getdouble length for 50% more. Limited steel. Paragon.- 24 Hours -1-800-263-8499. ACT NOW! BUY 'Factory Direct - all steel building With endwalls S -25x30 $2,979. Quonsets and straightwalis to 100' wide. Immediate delivery. Savings! PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1-800-668- 5422 (24.hours). F.U,TURE BUILDINGS Ploughing Match Specials to centime till allocated supply lasts. Many sizes. Hurry for best selection. Call 1-800-668-8653. PERSONAL WOULD YOU LIKE to correspond ' with unattached .Christian people, ages 18-80, the object being companionship or marriage. Write: ASHGROVE, P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C.. VOE IMO. FOR SALE JOIN THOUSANDS OF SATISFIES Customers. Buy wigs at wholesale prices. From $39.95. Shop by catalogue and save. For FREE catalogue call tollfree 1-860-265-7775. Your ad could appear In community newspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada, or any individual province. Space is Linilted, so Call This Newspaper Today! travel to Durham. Once again it is the pleasure of. the campaign 'chairman.„ Of the Arthritis Society{ of Ripley, Sadie McLeod, to express 'thannks..10 all those Who donated,. Without your - help the campaign, would, not be a success. The Happy Heart Club is our sponsor, °'along .widi a number of interested citizens. : A special thanks to the volunteers who coli- toed, They are: Mary . Worthington, Marion Gamble, Eileen MacDonald, Marjorie Culbert, Gladys 'Huston, Hazel. McDonald, Mary C. McDonald, "Elaine Pollock, Kay Collins, Jean McDonald, Annitta Robinson, Mary Wray, Olive McAuley, Lois Irwin, Carol Fludder, Clarence Hedley, Norval Pollock, Alma and Donald. Gillies, Mary add Jack Scott and anyone who helped in other ways. The collection this year was $1559. Many thanks to you all. The Ripley Tops Club was well represented at our annual area rec- ognition Day held in Durham Satu- rday, Oct. 27. Thirteen_ members travelled to witness the 1989 weight 10 as well as'parade themselves. Among the losers marching in the 10 pound plus category were: Bonnie Ilanneca, Laurie Glover, Nancy Groves; inthe 20 lbs 'plus, • Eliza- beth Nicholson, Donna Ferchuk and Susan Van Sickle; in the 30 lbs plus, Kerrie O'Neil. The club high loser for het weight loss was also Kerri O'Neil, 303e lbs.:. Etta Dickieson marched with the Jeeps aswell as having the honour al the 1988 Area Queen of crowning the new 1989 Queen. Other members travelling with the group were leader, Gerry Stam; co -leader, Shirley Dewar; past leader Jan Fludder and last year's high loser of 59'1bs. Loretta Smith. Elizabeth Nicholson was quite surprised to be {tamed Miss Inspira- tion for the Ripley Club and received a beautiful potted mum. The creator of the theme poster Laurie Glover was , quite excited when Ripley took home first prize in the poster competition. All in all it was a very rewarding day. Thanks to Jan Fludder for this article. Violet Martyn, the former Violet Caner passed away in the Grey IPLEC by Ab "Wylde Bruce Ire ' ' . ' Centre, Owen Sound, on t 28 m her 87th year Left to ran urni are her husband David Martyn of Ripley;•, two sons; John and his wife Bonnie of Carob., ridge; grandsons, Randy and his wife Andrea, of Hanover; Michael. of Mississauga;, Kevin and Brian of Cambridge. Two great , grandchildren, one sister Arvilla Orr, one brother Jack Carter, both of Kincardine. Funeral services were held at the MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home, Ripley, Tuesday at 2 o'clock with Rev.' Hugh Nugent officiating. Interment in Ripley _. Cemetery. Thanks to Bill McCreath. When we read the word locust, we likely think grasshoppers, corr- ect. Next summer we can see them on hot days. /The name "locust" -would you believe it, can be a tree. It is a tree with white sweet smelling blossoms eagerly sought by insects like bees. Locust trees are not native here but when planted they grow here. Farm.. - welding courses Interested in doing your own welding repairs on the fann or improving yens welding skills? The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food is offering two Introductory°' Welding Courses this winter. The course will teach arc and acetyline welding, types of metal and rod, mig welding and grinding. Both courses are being offered at the P.E. Madill Secondary School in Wingham. Each course runs for 4 weeks, every,Monday and Tues- day evening from .1:30 to 10:30 p.m. Course No. 1 begins Monday, November 26th/90, while course No. 2 begins • Monday, January 7th/91. Registration fee is $65.00. To register, or for further infor- mation, contact the O.M.A,F. office in Clinton at 1-800-265-5170 or 482-3428.