The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-10-24, Page 12Page 12 14 know Seetlaela Wednegd ,. Quer 24 IN Celebrate e 0t, anniversary A 40h Wedding Anniversary was held at . the Ripley Complex' for Gladys laid Eimer Wylde. it was put o4 by their family Mark and Diawie Finlayson and Deeuiiis Wylds and Debbie MLeau. Music was supplied by Sound Srys tern ,70 from 'iveron. Approxi- mately 9A people attended. A geod tbi"ie was had by all. It was a wel- came emprise for Gladys and Elmer. Mrs, Grace Murray who returned. home a couple of weeks ago from the Re Hab part of Owen Sound Hospitalled to see Abs Wylds this Monday morning.. She was just; east, of Gore Park and we can eachothers evening lights' pe( ia14 ly in this . fall season whenthe leaves fall. She mentioned that some of her friendshad missed the obituary account In the paper for her latehusband so we follow with. vommonimiaimiiimmimpi 11PLEY: by Ab WYkis a short one for them, David William Murray Paced away at Kincardine and District Hospital on Sunday, Aug, 26,199R, - The funeral was eonduccted at the Mackenzie and McCreath Funeral Home in Ripley on Wednesday, Aug. 29, service at 2 p.m. with Rev. Hugh Nugent of Knox Presby; terian Church. in charge followed by` interment in the Ripley Cemetery. - The Northern Light Lodge. No, 43 had a part in the service. 'Als0. morainal donations to Knox Church are appreciated. _ Every five minutes -two people die somewhere becauseof card Keit-, dentsso the records show. Ripley folks attend. Bluewater,Region Arthritis Society. dinner Hanover Mr. and Mrs John Scott, Florence Bluewater Region, expressed sin- Kirkpatrick. and . Sadie McLeod 'core gratitude to the volunteers who attended then• Bluewater Region coordinate :the canvassers -for the Arthritis' 'Society. rdinner held Oct. annual fundraising g during,he Year;. . 19 at the Knights of.Columbus Hall Appreciation was offered 'tit the in Hanover " representing 4 Ripley.' businesses and friends who donated $193,531.68 ; has , been raised, All the food'for the campaign cele - through ''special.,. events 'and camp .bii ion. Reeogniti was given to paigns in the `' 55 .coglniunities. the Hon. Grant, retiring Bluewater $1559, was raised to datein Ripley. Region Chair. who will be replaced Derek McLean, director of devel- by Jean Wilson of Listowel. opment brought greetings on behalf of the Ontario Board and expressed David Hundt, Grand Knight, feelings of gratitude for continued Han,. Council brought greetings interest and efforts of the ,volunt- from.the Knights of Columbus and eers. The Hon. Campbell •Grant, Bluewater Region Chairman, - thanked the Knights of Columbus for the use of the hall and their continued support to the society.. Mary Guse. area co-ordinator of expressed his appreciation for the service the society offers. Maud Vallee; " senior regional manager, calculated the total funds received to, date and expressed sincere appreciation. 441 beef show and. sale • A SO% increase in. entries at the Ariirualn-� ARM REPORT IF $how andSaleproves 4-H is :alive Bruce County and well in these three Mies, OMAF Fifty-six 4-H members in the .area worked hard over the sooner Walkerton; West ilawanosh Matted monthspreparing their calves for InaaranCe, Dungannon; Cargdl this show and sale, held Saturday, .Auction Market, Cargill;. Sane= October 13th at Tri -County Saks Aggregates, Hanover; United Arena, Hanover, Cooperatives, Oweu Sound; strongbidding by many bus>nes> Norrn Etelgiunt Blue, Elmwood; ses and community leaders helped. Landmark. Builders, Hanover; give an average price of $L31Ab. Gamble & Rodgers, Toronto; The top. price_ of $1,95/lb. went to Walkerton -Hanover Veterinary Gavin Clarke, Dundalk,, for his Clinic, Walkerton, New Life Mills, grand champion steer. The put!boom;Cargill Fertilizer, Clinton; chaser. ratatta 'international. "of l osa `Mutual Insurance, Fars Stoney. Creekalso bought the mot`; Thompson Feedmill, Ripley; reserve champion steer owned by Teeswatcr° Concrete, Teeswater Philip Horner, Tarn. ' McCall Livestock, Bruss&s; Knech- The champion heifer, belonging to tel's Food Basket, Hanover; UCO Laura YAW of Owen Sound, was Livestock, Toronto: Dominion Meat sold to McCall Livestock, Brussels. packets, Toronto MacWallFor- Northern or Northern . Belgium Blue Company " ming, • Toronto; 'Lang Walden bought the reserve champion heifer Ttanspuit, " Mildmay; Otter Creek from David Johnston Bluevale. Freightliner, Mildmay, Bentinck Thirty-seven -buyers and over :a Packers, Hanover; Ontario Lives- dozen donors helped support this toe* Exchange, ,Waterloo;: Better' 4-H event. Thisi. year's buyers Beef,Guelph;•SpnicedaleAgrmnart, include. PaletteInternauonal*Stoney Tara, Lloyd Hutto Transport, Creek; ° McArthur ; Tire,. . Service, Paisley; HuronT,ractor, Walkerton; Hanover; Schmidt's Paving, Chesley 'Veterinary. Management, • offers-ttraining school fOr' f4-�- Far centhriesr, bread `has_ beenof less. revered as the 'Staff of Life", ;pan . Your group :has: she. c,luthce ticularly for Western society. The.. become: good bracers or bread. and ,' 'type of. bread .we eat has c ged other yeast products such as piza, greatly over time The early beads S , coffee ° cakes, were coarse, heavy and. leavened, holiday specialities and much More, with the breads getting finer. Whether you already meet regularly 'smoother and lighter over tune: as agr?oup or get'together to. form a Now there is a trend away from the group ,lust for this 'course, your cottony white bread to breads' with group can send two leaders to a more fibre and flavour.. one -day training school organized Because of the advancements in 'by '\the Women's Institutes ins the the milling process, better quality area. At the training school, your wheat and. improved' strains of leaders will make, bake; sampleand yeast, much of the guesswork and evaluate many yeast products. They unpredictability has been removed willalso get a Metnler's Book and from, bread -making. The newest. a Leader's Guide and many ideas fast..rising yeasts let you inc a batch and: aids for teaching the course to of breadtintte•oven within an hour the ,group once they get home. It is 'Chador, PcD. Dole Batavia' , attiOVer,Wright's»lain&, Durham, Rears Liv & Farm OU�tR Hanr,vMmay. S -B New - IOU Construction, . Farms, Hanover; Tri-Courity Cattle Company, Haniuver; Bim Ward Mallettc, Hanover, Donors of .cash, Vis, *kers and services are: Yule Dead Stock Removal. Cargill; Tri -County Cattle Corrany,Hanover HowrckMuruas Insurance, Wroxeter; County Cat- t.iem rn's' AssociatiorS; Bank of Montreal Agricultural Centre, Hanover; Royal Bank Agriculture Division, Hanover -Blue Water Angus Association; Grey -Bruce" Simmental Club; Dave and Velma Bell, Paisley; Grey -Bruce Shorthorn Club; Northern. fights Limousin Sauble Springs Charolais;. Allen- ford; Local Ralston, Purina Dealers; Lang Walden' Transport, Mildmay: Lloyd Hutton Transport,,. Paisley, The Beefway,Kincardine, Hawkens Farm Equipment,:Markdale; len Metcalfe, Auctioneer Nancy Spar- row. parrow,.ROP Technician; and 4-H Beef Club Leaders ,from Huron, - Bruee and Grey Countes. etter bread rip. to your group to decide' how you to want to do the course- two or three. part day sessions, a full day workshop or whatever. It cost your ° - group $30 to send two leaders - to the training school. At•,the training school, the leaders will buy. enough Member's Books for your group at $3. each. To learn how m your with yeast for delicious' results, contact the • convenor in your area: Underwood Township Hall, Thursday, November ' 1, Janet McKenzie 36g-7255; Rocklyn Com- munity Centre, Friday, November 2, Bessie Saunders 538-1338; , Hep- worth Church Hall. Thursday, November 8, Evelyn Schnurr 935- W1NGHAM CURLING CLUB' WHAT'S SO GREAT ABOUT CURLING? Looking For The SAME : SECURITY ASA SAVINGS BOND but a HIGHER RETURN and MORE FLEXIBILITY? see "you newt a lot of people who become friends for ire "it bu ldifua and fptruat" BOD YcOAGH I\VE$TVENTS !,2b -2o31 "you can start in high school or when yogi rains" "it is a lifelong sport - you can play it at any ags-and there is a lot of skill to tht ate" "Ids of friends, lots offop, "awns: is ons of the neons lots of parties" aporlsman-likS gangs loft" eutihstS*ftforsienyowe -)?t3- )41It• A1tGq ilx LUCKNOW 4 EGI$TRATIONSFOR OUR 1990-1991 SEASON STARTING THE FIRST WEEK OF NOVEMBER ARE NOW BEING TAKEN. ANYONE INTERESTED IN CURLING SHOULD CONTACT RON KNIGHT AT 357-2179 FOR GENERAL INFORMATION ON OUR FREE TRAINING CLINIC, MENS MIXED, LADIES"AND JUNIOR CURLING.. ANYONE INTERESTED IN COMPETITIVE OR HIGH SCHOOL CURLING SHOULD CONTACT GERRY EDWARDS AT 367-1866. Henry A. Krech Parrish & Heimbecker Limited is pleased to announce the ap- pointment of Henry A. Krech as Chief Executive Officer of Cook's Division of Parrish & Heimbecker, Limited. Mr. Krech succeeds William L. Harvey,"the present C.E.O., upon his retirement December 31, 1,990. Mr. Krech is an experienced Senior. Executi4 with a proven. record of accomplishments, directly in the ,b(usiness arena through various positions and directorates held ;in the St. Law- rence Starch Group of Companies, and indirectly in the govern- ment arena through the Ontario Grain Corn Council and the Canada Grains Council. Cook's Division of, Parrish & Helrhbecker is an Elevator' and Farm Supply organization, operating with eight branches and specializing in edible bean processing and distribution. The Head Office is located in Hensall, Ontario. V 1990 - 1991 FEES SENIORS $135 - JUNIORS $ 25 ANY EXISTING MEMBER WHO HAS NOT RECEIVED A NEWSLETTER -SHOULD CONTACT TNE= 'CLUB TO GET YOUR €oFv'. DIVISION OF PARRISH & HEIMEECKER, LIMITED HENSALL, ONTARIO - Nom 1X0 Earn as high as 112% onfully cashable without early redemption penalty ALSO PAYING AS HIGH AS 11.85% on one year annual or 11m625% on 4 or 5 year annual Rates Quoted as of Oct. 22/90