The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-10-24, Page 84 Page* i( .ekuow Sentinel, Tindisendayo Oetober 24,, 1O GIC Rates I% 251211112415 covanne&ll ;Yr. .. N' , N . I 1 '.'. I r4 • • Valais ie Geri e "Complete Wedding Apparel with a Touch of Elegance" 202 a►yiey St 881.x'740 WALKERTON 881.073 RRY.W.. REI.D: B„ CHARMED ACCOUNTANT *Auditing *Financial Accounting *Personal & Corporate Tax Consultation *Persona Financial Planning •Mdhual:5. Computerized Bookkeeping *Mortgage .A.. Amortization Schedules 305 Josephine St. Winghem, Nog 2W0 Office 3574522 LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE Saturday, peionor 27 Kinsmen Hallowe'en t*nc Sunday, Oeigw 28 i.ueknow Lions Bingo Maw, Nov n' 2 Chda Holloway & Grog Hocken OPEN .OATS* Friday Oct, 26, No. 9. ° 16-23-30 Nov. 3,178 "ONLY° CALL lilii11,. SO ammo. 6 1 ens COUNTY of BrimE , w ComMittee of Council . , Dealing with Planning Matters Invites Property Owners and Interested Parties to attend a - • PUBLIC MEETING to discuSs • A Proposed Official Plan Amendment Under Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act The purpose of the proPosed,Officiat .Plan Amendment #90 (WAYNE COUTURE) is two change the designation of certain" lands from 'Hurd' to 'Residential' in order to allow -the development of approximately 6 residential Iota by consent on the subject lands: The lands affected by .the pro- 'posed amendment are located 'on Part' of Lot. 52, Concessions •A', in the Township of Huron. A 'Key Map' showing the general Location ofEthe subject. lands has been, provided on the. reverse of this Notice. The Public. Meeting will be; held THURSDAY, NOVEMBER22, 1990 at 10;45 A.M. IN THE TOWN OF PORT ELGIN,COUNCIL CHAMBERS,MAPLE SQUARE MALL, PORT ELGIN, ONTARIO.. Any person may attend the Public Meeting and make written and/or verbal representation. either in support of, or in, opposition to. the Proposed Amendment. , Additional information relatingtto the proposed -amendment, may be obtained from the Bruce county Planning • Department, 30 Park Street, Walkerton, Ontario, N :22V0 (519-881-1782.) SCALE 1:19,200 .a r 0 11' ,Or) 0 .us iI c� , !I III I' V' 421 !i W N :. 11 Y 0 SCHEDULE 'A' TO AMENDMENT No. 90 TO THE BRUCE COUNTY SOUTH OFFICIAL PLAN PART OFLOT 552 CONCESSION A HURON TOWNSHIP COUNTY OF [PUCE KEY MAP tliaw+.ft .ie.:orr 1.01 91 Robed Ciotti* Jefferson Robert ) Jefferson of R. 2,. Luw, paused away manly, afkt ai brief tom, i,U Wingharn and Det on October 17.1990; in his i year, was the son of Milliard, Jeffer- son efferson and the forte Alit T iontion of Lucknow. Mr. Jefferson fanned on the lith concession of West Wawsnosh far 25 yearswWanda,itthh his' wife, the .former` He was a member of Lucknow Cid Light Lodge, the Wingitn Chapter. Huron Bruce Swingers. the Federation of Agriculture; member Of West Wawanosh Historical Society and a member of the Country Curlers. Mr. Jefferson served On the Huron County Pork Producers and was alife longmem be;�r* of, to mourn his parents, .mat to are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson, his wife Wanda, and children Craig, Tema and Heather at home. He is also survived byy his sister and brother-in-law 1.0 450 and Mor- ro Wilson. "Nile; sister MatY of ° elm; sister and brother -m- law, Shapma,.and Burt Robinson of Lome Beach; suer and brotlher-in-: law,Linda and,: Engen KKota*., Wanda"s Sister, Faye and brother-in-law Herb Oakes of Clinton. mother-in-law, Jean Henry. of Goderiich eight nephews, aunts. uncles and friends. ISO} Jefferson A Masonic service was held at -the .MacKenzie and McCreath, Funeral Home 7 p.m. on October' J8:. Anoirial wipe was held at 2 p.m, October 19, at DOnnYbttwk Chore!, 'conducted by Reverends Garth and Orilla Bogart, assisted by Rev, Bob Roberts. Cremation fol- lowed. • Final resting place Greenhill" Cemetery, Lucknow. . IiJ>otirolrl':David (Bud) Thompson Bud Thompson, of 'Lucknow,. passed away on October 14, 1990, in University Hospital, London, at the age of 71. ° Mr. Thompson served. overseas as a lieutenant in the 1901 field R.C.A. in World War 11 and retired as a Major in the 21st Field R.C:A. Militia, Ile. was an active Life Time member ,"of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch -309. • Mr, Thompson retired in 1984, from his position as Executive Director of the Bruce County Homes for the Aged. He was a member of the Luck- now ucknow United Church and was cur- rently Chairman of the Housing Committee, acting as =Wind" for the proposed non-profit housing development for the Village of Lucknow. Mr. Thompson was born on. May 27, 1919 in Lucknow, to R.H. and Isabella (Campbell) Thompson. He is survived by his wife, the former Ametta Dahmer; two children, David and his wife, Joyce of Guelph, and Janet and her hus- band Claude MMa�yhew of Kitchener; and four grandchildren, Alison, Amberly. Shannon and Robin. Mr. Thompson is also survived by his sisters, Helen Thompson of iftiotioiniftwilmismoftftme BITU.ARf Lucknow ' Frances Hewat of Elmira, and.. one brother Bob Thompson of Windsor. He was predeceased by two brothers and two.sisters. visitation was at the MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home, Luck - now. Lucknow Legion Branch 309 and the • Ladies Auxiliary• held .a legion service on Tuesday evening, October 16. The funeral - was conducted by Rev. Gerald McFarlane of . the Lucknow United Church on Oc- tober 17: Organist was Donalda Moffat. ° The Legion Honour Guard con- sisted ofJeff Taylor, Roy Emberlin, Mae. Howald, Eldon Bradley, Jean Whitby, George Whitby, Dave Moffat, Herb McQuillin, Delores Cross, Doug Clark, Donald McEwan and Ed Pyette. Pallbearers were Bob MacKenzie, George Anderson, Eldon Mann, Stu Geddes, Don Moore and Irvine Eedy. A graveside service was held prior to interment in Greenhill Cemetery, Lucknow. Doctor is . guest speaker at seniors' supper DONT .CLARK by Bev Hanson Over 90 people attended the Pot Luck Supper at the Community Centre in Point Clark. The aroma of ,all the delicious foods filled the hall. Dr. Mann was guest speaker and a question and answer session took place about various medical problems. Shuffleboard and cards were played and everyone enjoyed themselves. This event was hosted by the Seniors Club. Happy Anniversary to Raymond and Gladys Guenther of Seneca Street.. Last Thursday 18 tables partici- pated in the Card and Games Night at the Point Clark Community, Centre. The next Card and Games Night is Thursday, Oct. 25 at 8 pm. Please bring sandwiches. Everyone is welcome to come out Or an evening of fun and fellow- ship hosted by the Huron Lakeshore Friendship Club. The Seniors Club held its General Meeting last Thursday with guest speakerDoug Martyu-Chief of the RipleyFite Departtnent. Fire safety including fire extinguishers and smoke detectors. was. discussed. This proved to be interesting and informative tb all the members. Thursday,' Oct. 25 and Monday, Oet. 29 quilting takes place at 9 a.m. at the Community Centre. If interested come and help make these beautiful creations. Thursday. Oct. 25 at '1 p.m. and Monday, Oct. 29 at 1 and 7 p.m. is Shuffleboard at the Community Centre. All members are welcome to come out for a lot of fun and a little exercise too. Tip of the Week: When you turn your clock back this weekend please replace the battery in your smoke detector. If you change/the battery every time you change your clocks in the Spring and Fall you could possibly be saying your fam- ilies lives as well as your own. Pick up a new battery today! If you have any news or informa- tion for this Point Clark column call Bev Hanson 395-5381 or Phyllis Reid 395-5445 before noon on Friday.