The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-10-17, Page 8Pip Iii — litteklIOW141111104 lifildlised1C4 Ottliber 17, ltllN Local branch of Diabetes Association celebrates 10th by Teresa. Courtney The Huron Bruce Branch of the Canadian Diabetes - Association (CDA) celebrated its 10th anniver sari at the Lucknow and District Community Centre on October 12, with a laid), and fah night. Ap- proximately 100 diabetics, family aid friends sat down to a roast beef.. dinner catered by the Kingsbridge Catholic Women's League. - Head table guests were Marjorie ook, Paula Blagrave. Reverend and Mrs. Bob Perry, Isabel and Frank Burke., Richard and Chris Payne. Clarence and Nancy Webb, Joe and Teresa Courtney, Joe and Thelma . VanOsch" and F. Bud McKeen. Master of Ceremonies. was. Clarence Webb, past president and now Region 9 Director of CDA. Messages of congratulations were 'received from Ontario Division CDA President Charles Parsons and Vice President Murray Wood. Congratulations were paid to the founding members Marjorie Cook and Paula Blagravem, to the give presidents, Reverend Bob Perry, Isabel Burke, Richard Payne, Clarence Webb • and Teresa Courtney as well as, to the executives, the volunteers and to all who helped through the years. The branch covered the large'area from' Hanover to Exeter and the surroun- ding areas. Through volunteers the branch has grown and a ` new Hanover chapter was formed in 1989, taking over the area of Walkerton,. Hanover and"Mildmay. Approximately 200 members belong to the Huron Bruce Branch. President of the Lucknow Lions Club, Joe VanOsch presented a collected through the toluol November Diabeteg. Appeal goes ttuwwards research. A variety concert was enjoyed. Taking part were the Lucknow Scottish Country Dancers under the direction of Isabel Shephard, P. Bud McKeen with Irish songsand violinist Wesley Drennan, The latter two wem accompanied on the piano by Clarence Webb. Isabel' Burke thanked Teresa for her volunteer work to the .Huron Bruce Branchand presented her. with a gift. A fruit basket donated by the Mae,Adam Mini Mart of Ripley was won by Sylvia Harman, Other prizes donated, by Bill and Tom Kempton, the Coling Brothers,. Allan and Marie Coiling, all of Ripley and Isabel Burke of Point Clarke were won by Rick Payne,' Thelma VanOsch, Ruth Patterson, Rose Fraynei Leona Boyle, Ber- nadean Ritchie, Paula Blagrave,. Chris. Payne, Roy Bellinger, Grant Farrish, Marjorie Maclntyre and J. Currie Colwell. Music for dancing was supplied by "Country' Round U'p", with locals Betty Lou Dalton and Allan MacKenzie. cheque for $400.00 to President Teresa Courtney for the branch and wished them well in future under: takings. Guest speaker, F. Bud McKeen of London, in song and , verse held his audience spellbound, not only with delightful Irish sin- ging but also commentary on diabetic research,through the years and now the implantation of islets which surely hold bright hopes for the ''90's. Surely a cure for Diabetes is not too far off. Money • 10th The post and OresenriPresidents of the Huron -Bruce Branch of the Canadian Diabetes Association were congratulated on : their work during the 10 years , of service to area, diabetics at a celebration • evening bold in' Lucknow last 'friday night, Back row, left to right,. lrl ver"sary Rreeir Payne,. 1984 - 87, Bob Perry, the first president, 1980 82, Clarence Web , 1987 - 89. 'front row, Teresa Courtney, 1989- 90 and Isabel Burk 2 - 8S. (Pat Livingston photo) • Unit 1 and 2 Unit 1 and 2 of the Lucknow United Church Women met in the church ,parlour on October 10. Allene - Bradley presided for , the program, with the theme Extra Blessings at Thanksgiving. The opening hymn, Lord we Thank Thee for our Brothers, was sung with Evelyn Cook at the piano. The first scripture was read by Gwen Lennips and she also read a devotion on gratitude. Elsie Hous- ton read the second scripture and a devotion on Thanksgiving. Mrs. Bradley read on article, of Helen Steiner Rice's A Thankful Heart, followed by prayer. Following the dedication of the Least Coin, Mrs. Bradley read the Voice. from Egypt, the story of a l : NORTH HURON CREDIT UNION 357-2311 WINGHAM October 18 at 2:00 p.m. 1i 14kear-old ,girl struggling with hope. This was followed by prayer, Margaret Finlay gave an interes- ting resume on her trip to Europe this summer, which included the Passion Play at Oberammergaw, held in the Bavarian part of Ger- many. She was thanked by Lois Walden. Marion McFarlane and Laura Lee Cayley each gave announcements. The units then separated for their individual business. • Unit 1 Lois Walden presided and opened with a Thanksgiving poem. The minutes and treasurer's report were read' and approved. Thirteen mem- bers answered the tollcall by giving a cherished childhood memory. The social function committee secured food, and help for the Fowl Supper and the social time fol- lowing the evening anniversary service. The ladies donated' towels to' be given to the Wesley Centre in Hamilton. Unit 2 Unit 2 opened the business por- tion of their meeting with a verse of scripture from Psalm 34, read by deader Phyllis Morrison. The rollcall, a Bible verse on blessing, was answered by_l3 mem- bets and one .visitor. Isobel Miller gave -a complete treasurer's report. Therewerethree birthdays durum the past month. Edna MacDonald; and Mein Lemonine, social functions, made .necessary arrangements for food or the Fowl-Stir/per, October 16. The Goderich Harbouraires Present GODERICH BIG `d 1 (250 VOICES) r SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20,1990 7:30 RM. 9 Goderich District Collegiate Institute Tickets available from any member of the Harbouraires, Lyons & Mulhem .Insurance, Phil Maki Colour Your World,King's Book Store, Campbell's Goderich and Riedk's Pharmacy. Lt.1 0' ion J� vo Basic Basket Weaving The beginners basket weaving course will give you the basic understanding of, weaving. General weaving techniques,texture, how to shape a basket, how to fix broken stakes, etc. will be covered. All materials for 2 finished baskets included. WHERE: F.E. Madell Secondary School WHEN: Thursday Nights Nov. 1 to Dec. 6 TIME' 7:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. FEE: $4590 (material included) INSTRUCTOR: Kathy Leeman •