The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-10-17, Page 6tardilitiW 801011101, Wedrit , OC1OJW It Iii Sun shines on autumn wedding in Dungannon A w October sin shone brightly and -the rustle of aunt, Weaves idled the air un Saturday, October 6di as Rosemary Ane Haman and Wayne Barkley Park were united in Maly znatrimoily in the Dungannon United Church, George and Mary Namur of Blyth' and John 4;14N/onto Park of Dun, gown are the parents of the bride and groom, fficiating at the ceremony- were. Reverend Orilla Bogart and Father Ray Renaud. A white limousine, complete with a .uniformed chauffeur, awaited. the . newlyweds . and carried them, in Style, to the bride's home following rice ceremony and then on to the Blyth Community Complex for the wedding supper and .reception held later that evening, Having retuned from their honeymoon in the ,Poconos, Wayne and Rosemary are. making their home in Clinton. Our very best wishes go out to WWayne. and Rosemary as they start 'their new life together as man and wife. A bridal shower was held on October 6 in honour of bride -elect Susan .Curran, dahghter of Ralph and Arlene Curran of RR 1, Dun- gannon, at the home of Anne Glousher iii Goderich, Members of the bridal party, groom's family and school and work friends showered the couple with many beautiful gifts. Choosing Susan:.. for his bride-to-be is Tim MacLennan, son of Beth MacLennan and the late Mr. MacLennan. of Goderich. A stag and doe was held for ST on October 13 a the '�. Cadent*Mem The wedding dare for Spun and Trim is Saturday, November 17. Tule ceremony will take �(�pl a ait�7 p.m. the DungannonUnited Church. The 25th Wedding Anniversary. Open noise for Grant sad Sandra Curran, of RR 1 Dungannon, watt held at the Dungannon Agricultural Hall on October 7 in the afternoon. Many fdeads, neighbours and relatives gathered to, celebrate with Grant: and Sandra. Out of town guests came from Toronto, Exeter, i $eravillp, Goderich and, Luck- now. Tireopan house was hosted by the Curran children, Annette (Cu - ran) Ritchie and her husband Jun, Lavonirne and Murray.: Elmer Trommer recently returned from visiting his two sons: Ralph of New Zealand and. Bill of Crartbk, B.C., in. Clanbrook,; DauConnie Gradue from Ft. MacMurray, Alberta journeyed to Cranbrobk to visit with,het father also. During his stay, Elmer had the pleasureof going on a hunting expedition with his son Bill, Visiting., with Tony and Derlyne • Bokkers of Du ngannonl are Der - braes parents. Don and Evelyn :Rondeau of Calgary: Alberta and Grandmother Hilda Mall, also from . Calgary. Don. and Evelyn's 25th wedding anniversary was celebrated on October 14. Many family Mem- bers from Stratford, London, and Bane jounteyed to Dungannon to join in the. festivities. Congratulations -and best wishes; HEN TURNING OFF A BRIGHT IDEA. Dort and Evelyn from our com- munity. A don* celebration mooed on October 11 for Coxa, and Alvin Sherwood ut Dunpnnon. Not only did they celebrate their 45th wed- ding anniversary on that date, but Alvin also deleted his 75th birthday. Happy birthday, Alvin and corigratulations and best wishes to you both on your anniversary.. .„ Birthday greetings- are sent out to a,y�mother .an�d((�dsauugchter. team this week. Mary Mules special day was October and her daughter Julie celebrated , on the 10, Julie and SOW of her friends had a McDonald's birthday party in Ooderich. Best wishes to you both. Helen. Stother>s_ . has recently rerun 10 horse to Dungannon from Vancouver, B.C. where she had'the pleasure of visiting with her daughter, . Kathy and sone -in -haw Dennis Meakin, granddaughter •Maleshh and grandson Connor. Ashton Charles Johnston has. arrived, ustin. time to help. celebrate Auntie Val's birthday on Friida. morning,. October S, His proud parents Are Patti (Park) Johnston and Gary Johnston of Goderich. He is a new wee brother for Phillip, Spoiling privileges go to Millie and Charlie Johnston of the Nile, their seventh grandchild, and to Bill and Marie Park of Goderich their ninth. .grandchild, Ilia makes . a grand total of. 30 great grandchildren for Gertrude Park of Goderich, formerly of Dungannon. Bruce Payne of Vancouver B.C., SAVE ENERGY There are a surprising nuniber of ways that you can easily save energy. aroundyour house; in your car and - in the products that you buy. From heating and lighting your home to cooking and cooling your food. From the way that you drive to the • • way that you work. We've got a lot to getyou started. -And they're all in our helpful brochures. 41k SAVE MONEY. When you're saving energy, you'll start to save money too. It doesn't take long for those ' • utility bills to go down, or for gas mileage to go up. We can prove it to you. HELP SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT Each and every time you save a little energy, you'll be helping to save a little piece of the environment. Just for starters, you'll be cutting back on greenhouse gases and reducing the use of fossil fuels. We created our current environmental problems. We can find solutions, if we work together. So write tows. We'll help. l euriatrd Payne of Ottawa, Colin Chisliolm of Clinton and Olive Chisholm of encoded thefuneral of a e law Ms. Elgin(Rota) Pa u tburrg. Payne palmed away in her 67th year, Our sympathy is extended to the family ar this tune. Seniors News The =plat l ysrty was held at the eko Hall on October 10 withtable* in action, . lady for evening was Lose ..in gham with ow lady being Dorothy Culler. High gentleman for the evening was Clarence Cunni inghaurn with low gentleman being ° Earl Williams; Because oft Hallowe'en . night falling on a Wednesday evening, ddaa October 3card party 0 at be md on Tiles �� p Church News • :T'hankssiving and World Wide . Communion Sunday was celebrated on October 7 in the Dungannon United Church, The Sanctuary was beautifully decorated with the fruits of the harvest. A special thank you goes to the Sunday School, under the direction of Diane Park, for the lovely display. • As of November4,• the time chan- ges for :Nile and Trinity United 141 Irby Sandra D"Aortal MOO* are as follow+. The Nde Sunday Service will commence at 9;45 a.tn, and Trinity Sunday Ser- vice r -vice will commence et 11:15 a.m. These times will be ht effect until the end of lanuaty,1991. The Willing Wodults will jie holding their (ltristmas Pam on. November 22, For further . infix., motion,, call Barb Johnston at 529-3237, , The Annual Dungannon Union Moral, Charge Beef Barbecue was- held on October 14 at Brookside Public Schaal, Anyone planning tri: attend' , was invited to bring with them a Iron. perishable food product. A very genes response was trade. These articles are, to be donated to the Lucknow Food Bank, whose supplies are running low at the present time. Visiting with the Bogarts at the manse for Thanksgiving were Qril- la's brother, Rod and wife, Lynda Allen of N:ewinarket, alongwith their children Thomas and Andrew. If you have any, news items for this column, please call Sandra D'Aoustat'529-7390. Area ladies attend fall rally Walk in Peace: was the theme for the fall' rally as the ladies of the Maitland Presbyterial • Women's Missionary Society met in Belmore, on October 11. Erlma Haldenby of Kinlougb first vice president, led a sing song to set die • mood for the meeting. She was assisted by Marion Mundell, Gerrie, who played• the organ. Mrs. IJaldenby formally opened the °meeting with a poem, Brides and prayer. The worship service from the Glad Tidings,. Walk in Peace, was presented by Rhoda MacKenzie and Mildred Lorne of the Lucian* W.M.S. The offering was received with the offertory prayer. by Laura Taylor of Kincardine. President Isabel Arbuckle of Wingham conducted the business. She called on secretary Isabel Jef- fray of Belmore, for the minutes and rollcall. Marjorie Wall, Wingham, gave the financial report and asked that all offerings be sent in early in December. The ladies then divided into three groups with Frances Nugent of Ripley In charge of the group studying the different resources available :to help in our meetings. The ~ studies for next year are Gospel, Culture and Media or Central America. Mildred Dickson, 'Beimore, con- ducted two quizzes in her group on Women in the Bible and a Bible Qom. -Kathleen Elliott had a drossWord puzzle on Books in the new Tes- tament and another quiz. Mrs. Hal- denby conducted a general infor- mation questionnaire on the Pres- byterian Church and the W.M.S. The Behnore ladies served refreshments which Yvere enjoyed by all. Edna MacTavish of Bluevale extended the courtesies to all who had helped to make another suc- cessful rally. The ladies joined in singing Let There Be Peace on Earth and Mrs. Haldenby closed with prayer. Lots of visitors in Lochalsh 001' IT ALL ADDS UP -- Please rush me your Savings package today. Name Address City Province Postal Code I.IEnorayurcoD, MInCoDncda cad Cnarg:a, M;nco at T RocaoRdDoo rebs CDn�D� Mon Joao Epp- Cron Joke Epp, M;mator M:nlDtro Canada THE ENERGY OF OUR RESOURCES 4 THE POWER OF OUR IDEAS Send to: Energy Publications 580 Booth Street Ot aaa.Ontario a MA 0E4 L. Visiting on the weekend with Gordon and Nora Robb was their family, Edwin and Janice McCutcheon and family of Lion's Head, Bob and Sandra Darling and family of Chesley, William and Shirley Irvin and family of Ashfield Township and Glen Robb also of Ashfield Township. Charlie and Mayme Wilkins had most of their family with them on the weekend. On Sunday, Elmer and Edna Culbert had Mike and Brenda Lazette and family of Kincardine with them for dinner. On Monday, Elmer and Edna enjoyed a lovely dinner with George and Andrea MacDonald and family of Kincar- dine. Visiting recently with Ewan and Marj MacLean was their niece, Lynn Calvert, of Southampton. The community will be glad to know that Cecil is now home from Victoria Hospital, and is at home with his mother while he is recuperating. He is now doing and feeling very well. Ewan and Marj MacLean had dinner recently with Ewan's sister, Isabel Martyn, of Kincardine. Cecil and Kae Webster visited recently with their aunt Norma Young, in Maitland Manor, in Goderich. Also visiting with Mrs. Young were her nephew and his wife, Bud and Marie Schoenhals of Belleville. Visiting with Rhetta and Marion MacLennan were Jack and Annette MacLennan of Stratford and Johnin and Jackie MacLennan of London. Seniors rally in Lucknow • from page 5 at Wheels Away"program in Win- gham and district. It will provide transportation for the most han- dicapped in the Wingham hospital catch ment area where councils sign an agreement. Seniors must per- suade the councils to tap these resources. The provincial government must be encouraged to improve on the proposals. Seniors must be prepared to pay their share in fares. Seivice clubs in the Win- gham area are willing to look after the deficits. The United Senior Citizens of Ontario use the information provided from sessions like these and from resolutions presented by individual clubs; to prepare briefs about the needs of seniors. But s:niors must help each other in their own areas.