The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-10-17, Page 5Seniors discuss many subjects ,during,durt.ng rally held in Lucknow The United Senior Citizens Zoo, much apprectoed. N 00 service timed included special clothes and, 33, which stretches from Arthur to existed m the Huron area. The papain which are vakstble to Lr now, held two mini rallies. government's experiment in people with muscalatrits, They .clubs an Huron and BruceOne-Slop met -Stop stoma to have wwi shot u , is Ludlow On SePte ther' 26: the dropped. It was aid that there are talki igg books. ung: Wellinte:Clubs met at the Harris- the •heal service aspect of NWAG, clocks, and visitors who will read ton Legionam 27. Term d, with the help of local and wile leasers. Pets w men- seniors. is *much more sated—actoey timed as a peat; c e of pleaswe Care were the subjects for discOa fora. George Stevenson, tau: Senior for seniors, including those in briar tion. Roth are of vital importance Resource per on, baa been winning sang homes and hospitals. to sealers who wish to: remain in the confidence of seniors and *x . Recreation is extremely uable their own homes as long ass pus. g services that they fed ore in helping maintain Haase in health. si-ble, needed.but the lack of transportation Be Atidot. President of the seniors hope that NWAG in becomes some for • bonier, MI6+fit M! Zoite acilitated a discussion en Wellington and an extwarvalent� m ganizations very ul' Long .arm Care. Seniors decided Huron, and Bruce, will 1114,11 ;tarp to. including the seniors own drabs; that the services that, .the need, put seniors in contact with• reliable a g writ; is needs . other than .transportation,, into persons to provide needed services* ostfeed that senior centres are two categories:. health ..caro and Thee maintenancc =VICO that is . l est home maintenance. OHIP pays, for most closely related to medical, Another topic of real im nee MOIL of the.services that fall into service is house -keeping, .This is . the -first category, while others are provided on the recommendation of ` re the remain to a l r g a . to subsidized by Coinmunity Services the'doctor,) But. -many seniors still in Dog large " ttucproblem!. ServiceAnd Most of the•too ribby maintenance problems. and They mention • apartments.. soca' tenance hasubeen should servi e several times eat g eta in senior buildings and be thefinancial responsibility of the• this seems to be very difficult to in mixed complexes, rest homes senior; but, because it . is locate, House maintenance, and boon for the aged. One of the increasingly difficult to locate, ser- including plumbers, furnace repair" . - ::fears .of the, latter and of nursing vices reasonable in cost, it is impor! men, paperhangers, painters, ' homes are stories of elder abuse. tent that some organizations provide electricians, and other specists It was generally agreed that some access to the services needed. : may not be , readily.available in seniors have no difficultyin. pa Medical Services include every community.seniors rrtetiicai services.' It;was: hospitals. s, chronic carer, nun -for non-medical singce homes,dental , no longer part of the.working COM- that 'the government : should help palliative minty, information on reliability is , ; low incom people to keep their. care, assistive devices (hearing aids, more difficult to obtain. Grocery own homes. In all eases,: °it is im-- crutches mobies wheel chairs • , and .drug delivery are considered portant to remain in one's " own walkers, and eye :glasses), foot care, im ioitant. Visitors aron sfiir#c h must her added, The transporation services which exist at present are much' ' ap- preciated. However, it is friends and relatives who supply most of .them. The loss of a driver's license was recognized as a major milestone on. the road to becoming a frail senior., -The Legion: branches deserve a recognition for their contribution. Past President of Zone 33, Gor- don Wall, explained the new Turn to page 6, doctors : (very important that they make house calls); physiotherapists; occupational therapists, speech therapists, psychogeratrists,. nutritionists. Work dbneby Security► Contact, Meals -on -wheels,' Medical Alarm Systems, the Alzheimer , Support: Groups, Day Care Centres, March of Dimes, Cancer Society, Red Cross: Society, and the Legion' Were recognized as having value. In North Wellington, die help of the North ' Wellington Advisory Group (NWAG) to provide infor- mation for these medical services is for those more, restractexl homes. (Churches often do a good Job; but, there are always those without church connections.) Another category: of services which the ill or very elderly cannot provide for ; themselves include minor chores: grass -cutting, snow removal and leaf -raking. Seniors are less likely to know reliable young. people who often do these jobs. It was decided that wills . and power-of-attorney were important to seniors and need to be brought to their attention Other matters: men= Mom, Dad, unity even if, Biu'' se c community ora rvi - es they're safer on the - school bus. SCHOOL SAFETY WEEK Latekit•se Wediseeda, Oeislier17,,=Pao 6 Joe VanO eh tient), pre aldeat of the Lsacknow aimed Duret ibis CIO, madea$400.00 done** to'Preside*t Teruel Coartsey, of the lions Woo Bra h of the Csnadimt Mobetio Amoebae*,. at its . Oda anniversary celebratioes held. he t.uelmor last Friday evening, (tom f.ivingatoo photo) Di Different faces of Repression Amnesty International Week, October 15 to 21 will focus on the DIFFERENT FACES OFREPRES- SION. A largeposter downtown will have the • stories. and photographs of six people who are victims of human. rights abuses. One of the photographs: at. *e display is that of Erick Romero Canales, a 17 -year-old student from Apopea, San Salvador, El, Salvador, who disappeared November .19, 1989. On November 18, he was detained by uniformed Soldiers ; of the First Infantry Brigade,' in front of . witnesses, shortly aitcr, leaving his home. Romero Canales was taken to a military post two blocks from his home and • his mother was allowed to visit him. The, next day his ;mother saw :soldiers` take her son away in an , army jeep, blindfolded and with his hands tied. He has not been seen since, Mrs. Canales.was • told that her son was "captured" because he was accused of beinga member of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN), His story is just one of .the six. stories. With political killings by • governments, torture, arbitrary arrests, capital punishment, deten- tion without trial, and disappearan- ces, we :see some of the Different Faces of Repression' ' South Bruce A.I. group will meet ` on -Tuesday, October ' 23 at Pine River Church. young adults from Uruguay who are participating in Canada -World Youth will be guests. -JIVE HAVE MADS SOME CHANGES 30 EXTEND A SPECIAL INVITATION. TO HELP THEM CELEBRATE RUTH, & EVELYN October 15th to 20th, 1990 •School buses are by far the safest type of road vehict'e to be in. •The safety statistic that shows children are 16 times less likely to be involved in a collision in a school busthan in any other type of vehicle is -no accident. •Tough regulation, extensive school bus driver training and review and the school bus•industry's commitment to safety all play an important role in that exceptional statistic. •The greatest risk to children being transported by school bus is the failure of other drivers to obey the law: Stop, in both directions, when. the school bus's red lights are flashing and the stop arm is extended. *School Busing is a tough and demanding business. Safety must always be the priority. Regulations are the most stringent of any licensed road vehicle. •Too many other drivers fail to recognize the immense responsibility of school bus drivers. They must control a large vehicle, obey all rules of the road, oversee their active young passengers andbewareof ir- responsible drivers. Accident statistics confirm their exceptional dedication. • •School busing is a much more complex and demanding job than most people appreciate. The vehicles may not win a beauty contest but they are built and equipped for the safety of the children they transport. School bus drivers must undergo extensive training and review. They operate at the busiest travel periods of the day. They aresupported by an extensive support network including mechanics, and transpor- tation officials from our local school boards. •The school bus operators in Ontario, individually and through the School Bus Operators' Association of Ontario, is pro -actively involved with school boards and other governments in promoting safety and seek- ing excellence in the best interest of the children they transport. •In Ontario, on any given schoot day, seven hundred -thousand (700,00) school children are being transported on sixteen thousand (16,000) school buses the safest mode of road transportation that exists. That high performance standard is no accident. It's our commitment to safety! GORDON T. MONTGOMERY LTD. School & Chartered Bus Service LUCKNOW 528-2813 YOUR FAVOURITE eviA O • • 0 Woe • SELECToj /lyg C ATIONA, • RDs HEEOLUDING nice "ER 200/6 OFF STOREWIDE i nfivur� IN LUCKNOW 528-3016 OUR. NEW FALL CHRISTMAS LINES ARE IN VISIT �� "THE ' WICKER NOOK" IN THE LOWER LEVEL 0 • ORIGINAL • STYLE JESSIE COLLECTION DOLLS Many other in-store 5110411s EXCEPT •PRECIOUS MOMENTS •GOURMET FOODS •CONSIGNMENT ITEMS • • 0 TOWELS AND BATHROOM ACCESSORIES d/4„,„1*,A t ►:1 THE STORE WITH A GIFT FOR ANY OCCASION FREE GIFT WRAPPING CELEBRATION ON NOW 7HRU SAT., OCT. 27 THE COFFEE POT IS ON AND WE HAVE BAKED COOKIES TOO THE PLACE YOU CAN BROWSE IN COMFORT