The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-10-03, Page 5Writer urges us to use our voice to beat the GST To the editor A; Patrick Watson so aptly democracy is at*turningeve over to elected offals i a It complacent wooer. It is every pawn talon up their part and th* voice at all *nes. This k succesefel democracy salad what millions of= ailed for over the e must take astalnd for whit is • ie a protest of the QSi called for from November 17 to 24.. Each day, each voting persm. should write i Wee so the Prime Minister - the postage la free. If Kcan, alae write 'to your bud r. and daily newspaper. 1 am told that every . lento` received is counted as 300. votes! We know how our elected otrxialf lace their votes. Use your voice as it was intended Rin this democratic system. Let' -teat the on! The•reality is we cannot afford the taxes we have to pay now, which for the average working person is an effective 51 percent immmeat The addresses arm Brian Mui- moiaay. Nine Weimar of Canada, House of Commits, OiI.wa, Ors - trio„ KIA 0A2 *14Viral Elamao, ice, 816 Qom Street, 565, Kincardine, Ontario, N2Z 2Y9. Siacetely, Raylose Retorts, mow. Kim -,es ask for To the editor: The Lucknow and District Kinet- tes will be running their second. annul Cystic Pibtoids Toll Drive on Friday, October 5, weekend. Lata. year, l Thanksgiving generosity of local citizen*, the club was able to donate $1200 to CX. C.F. was, fast recognized in the late 1930's. BetWCOP 1959 Oat 1970 life expectancy at birth was Leeks., Sustta$,1 s Osiolloor 111 0.— troop$ An open letter to Huron Township council . Opuleasesz May i at die moot of this Iea.t commend the commit on * job romosably well done, but like all comb cikt oar time, we lead to let thins pt oat of band and out of I had occasion to use 25 M, thisbetween t e tenth h and a i. L�osi R,with wide. and heavy mod the bradje on dds Sido'004 10 Y dale- It is s very inconsideratethat the on thus..t', ' Re' up and incanvie ncing other support four rare. Between 1989 - 1990 lift expectancy at birth has reached the mid -20's. 1989 brought the discover ofthe gene responsible for C.F. The local Kinetics ask your sup - Port , making their C.F. Drive n Lbw Ki nettes C.P. Chahperson, Wilma S1a1ae{. Council has moved theroad so the mirth sad it is is OKC01101K MA- MA* sad 1 just hope soma* comiag from them*, not keowing the goad, dost t and u the cam. Thin rad is heavily travelled goingaids heavy lank bir north side of the PeqPkto Saab**eievatotatse fourth. Cowell bows and we alt know ther0 are mod mew a POC 3k. wig hohl ` �jogs addstype. zoom come an .. "_ •. get on the ball and have this job done next year la 1991, which by the way is election Yult* v. A concerned eat -reeve and ear -warden, Cheater Emm.. JUNIOK,CITI.7EN OF THE YEAH AWARDS Bell's DISCOUNT CENTRE FreeUCKf4 Tanya is Huron County Dairy princess Tanya Sam, of R. 1, Auburn, was 1990-91 HCounty Daisy Dained the, may, evening s Caaatl any Coss. Tanya a dao of Hoe sod Audrey BoonesoppeL As Deity Princes, Tanya will be reireseeting Huron Fount II milk and milk products timing her rel.She will also ,cotulaele ut the Dairy Princess compedtion, next AVM, had oononction with t Canadian National Exhibition.. Runner up was 'Theresa Knox, dafiShtec of Melvin and Barbera Knox,; ofR.1, Blyth. • Miss Congeniality was Shout Led Hit daughter of Oswald and Taco, ta!Hsg> of R. 1, Auburn», The Huron County Dairy princess is available to speak to your or- ganization by contacting Brenda Bridge at 528-3737,,cr 395-5911. 6a MEN'S AiD:•a.oYs.. Frogging .Rant; EN'S a LADI HALLOWEEN" OR LUNCH PACK SPECIAL ENS. SIZES S,M... AEG. $12.99. 24P Craps BLUE oR BLACK DENIM .ALL IN STOCK °fo off �!LOREN'S hes SIZES 2.3X,4 -6X,8-16 7c99; SALE OR GIANT 800 gr. ASS'T. Treat Candy SP�!IRTQUAAN T'i20 V IS LITY Vid eo Tape- Full a e Fu , ty 3 • Rog. sun: SALE. Playing Cards Reg. 2.49 . SALE "1.25. LINED Opp SHEETS Refill Paper uaET Sweaters c7 113° ASSTcOLoURS 30 PACK Coloured Markers SALE 2.29 • 11/r ori,. Binders OUR ALREADY 40111 PRICE 10096POLYESTER NON- ALLERGENIC Comforters iwi"Reg. 219' SALE 19.99 Doldgenell. 2169 22.99' auoon Reg. 34.99 SALE 26.99 1.lSTERMINT 1t. BOTTLE. GREGG 1 b MAY Mouth Wash Cream Cookies Reg.1.49 4.4 * SALE x.99. A 60001. Shampoo or Conditioner Reg. 2.29.1 SALE r 9 SMALL FRY HOUSEBRAND 200gr Potato Chips Una 2 customer ■per$$ SALE 2.49 SALE 2.99 4 DISCOUNT CENTRE & VARIETY STORE PANASONIC 111FLE AO0110LEAAA ORO VOLT Batteries Reg.2.99 rig S �..� PUSS 'N DOOMS DRY 1 kg BOX Cat Food Rego 2.49 SALE 1 ir ri, 1�..—.�.+-.+r- — . • • As• 'SW ONE PAIN FULL MICE 1 MPAIN FREE IICONN EN NocLm a,;;ABLE CLIP 'N SAVE T 1 1 C:..GO'l t, • COK • 24 CANS • slits volt {�1 11 . • •E.RENTALS . .cam lii FMIIi • FREE » ,�eat,tlot, : eildres Oct Woo • 4 • i . - _ MMARHA NAG NECLONE 2 PON lag i.tit Ogling 00.140 REGULAR HOURS MONDAY -1 URSDAY 9:00 AM w 10:30 PM FRIDAY, iATURDAY,SUNDAY 9:00 AM. -11:00 PM All Advertised Items on Sale from Wednesday Oct 3/90 to Sunday Oct. 7/90 W! ACCEMY AL1. GOw•Y CHEQUE$ INCLUDING OAST SONUs know. beam remea 1 OMAYoiIWaNOWAwY► j 4WD YIDS AUDIT • •lira 1 UMI IND hIONY 1O LIMIT otu111flTIES