The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-10-03, Page 4Lmmk so $sm$dsnei, Wedisemisy, Oelebsr S,18M P.O. Box 400. tsactno v, Ontara NOG 2li0 5* Fax (OM 525 ,129 Established 1873 .Thornas Thompson , Advertisng Manager Pat Livingston -► General Manager Editor Subscription rates advance:. $1790 Outside Canada 6O9 A $149* Outside Canada *5890 Senior Citizen Second class mailing reg, no, 0847 .Advertising is accepted onthe condition that .in the event of a tyrephicai; error, the portion of the advertising epi occupied by :the erroneous item together with a reasonable alloisvarrce for Signature, will not be charged tor, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid at the applicable rates, nein *Time Is running out forloolddltlzins twnOininetea •p.rtlon 1ryam.Per .ar. .fat the •Onto .,Junior alien pr!ogram., Doss I.up,ktiowr'.and the sure oundlng area not have nyYOull9 POOPle who delerve to be riorninaled 10 thls program? 1 !Mitt wardot . Since.1981, title prestlglous award prognon'beeirscogrdied the bend In Ontarlo's•youth and. -1 am sure In'ottr mldst.thera are young people who deserve:.such mcagnitlort, ~. Any resident of Ontario; aged! 10:_I8, ysatrs, Is ;Nldiblo 10 roc sl*a a�n Ontario, n nior Citizen of the Yeei?Award. Groups • orIndlvlduals may bo npnrfinated,.: • . Nominees orlon 11040 -to be, • tore:.. Involvement: In worthwhile .Community' servlcs, or Horsens who has Over coma physical orpsychologlcal llmitatlons, orths "good:kld" In our midst who shoos a oommt#menttomiiaking Ilia otti r for others;"Or'One who doe`s'More ;than Is nonnahy expected df someone their age are all deserving of notmnatlon. =AII tope often° n 18 the d iruptivo youth in a comrtunity.who are talked •about. 'fhls,program Is a -;chance for us as adults;: to' give tlte.good kids we know a, pat on the back. n JVIrhile oniy:12 indlvldiials .and ono group will be rOcIQlents Of these awards, each .no rilitee Is a "winner" In his/hor own ght aTho haat that someone thought' highly enough of them 10 nominator thein to this program makes it so. • Nomination 'terms are. "available at The SelitlneI.. Don't •; procrasthiate, - ' Come in and . pkat up a. form today, - the deadline' for acceptance of applications ,Is October 31. ONTARIO JUNIOR CITIZEN OF THE YEAR AWARDS Rambler~', tips for saving dol ars on fwi These grog prices in fuel for vehicles and the home, along with dire predictions for worse things to come, arc $0110,M to worry Inc. 'Mae is only 090,04 to do. Use lei When it Comm to gas for my.- en, y•en, there am 11111ncrous'options open to me. I'm not really en- thusiastic about any of them, even though they all have merit. • I'm told you can save litres and dollars by not accelerating es hard, and slowing dow your speed. Now, I'm not a speed demon on the so thaty would save me very • ' • I ' r accelerate a lime too hs+rd when leaving a stop eigr , but that kind 'of,savingsasn't really physical enough for aleJ like to we rad - money money in hand savings. 1 couldet a bike or moped,. but at thisgtime of three yaear, I don't reset et thosecold.winds.*WS at My cheeks and ears and other parts Of the body. `' he two- wheeled type of transportation would bonsai difficult when -it cones to making my weekly dip taof }Goderictorn it for Pastel* °!.. to out eats, pan culary after dark. ndd you.option this has quite a.bit of merit as I . .could • . save: on insurance as weU, but • with winter, fast approaching this Triode pf trmnsp pmt -definitely aut of the question! however, turning to a four I could statt walking more. I 1011904 mans of tanartortstion don't mrdwhen I have - could provide emus* headlines - the time, betIer 10 walk as a "lire bucks editor and camera leisure activity. and only when through Sentinel window". No — it weather condition' meet any asps isn't worth it! prove!. From Noveanber to May, My 1St and OnlY sensible option winder conditions in our area far deal of car front meet with yapproval! . a �, more event t of getting a fuelxna�l vehicle. Mr. Fixit is in !hone. Now for mo. that is some favour of dual idea. He believes it thought! . I like horses, they are ' hap a•two-fell advantage; In ad beautiful anima, but I only like ditioa to saving on gas, he them from a4 dietenor.'•fhey make wouldn't have to worry about my me nervous and they like stepping takutg.the side opt ,of the garage on my aeire lis,: Feeding. a horse or rIOPng the mirrors off our would be leas expensive than Oman or.; Pixie has no faith feeding a cam, wouldn't you- "'i0ott see, .. think? But then a 'home has to: be in my capability of maneuvering ,wed.: Yes, ,I.knew,`csrs have our car in and out of our garage to be groomed, but at least they doer., mak, with tvto inches don't kick or challenge me. Saving °a harm where we live, now could vee to be a major problem., ever, if •I don't,have a' car,• the :ga age.would be empty: t have a uturenter; in •the fainly Maybe -`no, I'm sure the neigh- *mid cause a little damage to hours wools 't bo.inipreaapfand the musthe a bylaw against, ; one le solution for housing Such an animal,,saving on, aOlaee 04v$ fuel,n . U residential area. And even if there down the thernaetat, put on an isn't, I wouldn't relish the thought ' base syr►e :n ch> die ui� to of cleaning out b'siable. y ur "bees friend . It daesth',t Them; them is the tem of �`` it's a tiro -legged or four. Orild weather to • le800dfriend - extra bodyheltt is where,•t". lecwaY on each std e,.I'm poli im I; can of rel Even if I lose die side micros. I still have aantar view minor, And,. c�ctra bed heat. Well y • Students at LCPS Prates- Friday. The Grist boys, .(left to Mkhaeh put their time to ,good nose! Development day last right) Matthew, Aadrew and ase praceeing climbing trees. (Pat Livingsten,photo) • y.. 70 years ago October 7, 1920 Canadian ' Sig . Four - The Canadian Gib Four, which will appear in Lucknow on Tuesday evening, October 19, is probably the • best ° balanced entertainment which is now touring Canada. Mr. Frank Oldfield is known as one of • the world's best baritones and nal easily the finest in Canada. Miss Maud Buschekn is recognized as Canada's foremost lady • violinist. Min Ada Davis is a taloned soprano and pianist. • Never before has such au arran- gement of extraordinary talent been brought together in once concert and everywhere the houses are being sold out: 05ct r 3 1940 Lnckaow electors to vote on two year tern sad fonnatlorm of PUC • Luck now .electors are to decide at the January'election, whether the •4941 council will be 'elected for one year or for a two-year team. And further, on that same ballot, the ratepayers will y decide • for, or against,. the formation of a Public Utilities Commission in. Luccnow. . In exon of this two-year terns, it might be said that last year the Provincial government dictated the henceforth municipal unicipal :bodies would be elected for a two-year Period. Such a Eason was created over the ruling that the government modud the measure, and left it in the hands of the municipal electors to decide. At the same Ume, electors will vote on the cluesdon of forming: a Public Utilities Commission, to have charge of the water and hydro systems. Garage•brokenn into again - For a secondtimc within the past few weeks, Ostranders Garage has been burglarized. The latest Waldo was during the eardy hoursof Tuesday moron, and was carried out with. SENTINEL MEMOIRS mmememmimmonammimmen a marked similarity to that of a few weeks ago. • On this occasion however the thief secured only a couple o dol- lars in change. So far as could be determined, none of the stock, gas Or oil was touched. . 25 years ago October 13,19,6$ Ring fogad after iS years p A real oddity occurred at •the farm of Bayne MacLennan of Ashfield recently. A ring; lost by Baynes mother about 15 years ago, tanned up on a potato taken from the. M cLc nonan gauden this year. • Mrs. MacLennan was washing some potatoes for a moat when rho ring was noticed firmly 'napped around a''finget1 portion" of the potato sticking out from the regular' Fall fair has new • building Lucknow Agricultural Society last week moved a barn to thefair property west of the arena which will be used as storage building for the Society as well as a building to house eechibits in the future. The building was moved from the property of the Christian Reformed Church on Willoughby Street. The ban was given so the society by the church for the price of $1. Pete Cook was in charge of moving operations and was assisted by members of the Lucknow Agricul- tural Society. gricul-tural.Society. • Four wagons and two tractors were used in the moving operation. 10 years ago October 8,1980 Andrew , steps dew* Clark iontinated PLucknowr village , councillor Tom Andrew announced at the "village tarepner's meeting May > he will not seek a 4.4 third term on council Andrew has served two 'terms ' serving on the council's recreation board, road committee and fire board. Reeve George Joynt announced that the .council has approached Herb Clads who is presently coun- cil's representative on the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority to let his name stand for election to council to replace Andrew. Mr. Clark who attended the meeting said he would be pleased to stand for election in the November municipal elections. Board names arena manager - The arena board has accepted the tender of Bill Taylor, Kinloss for the position of arena manager for the 198081 winter aeson. The 'bonrd called tenders twice since there were only throe tenders received the first time and they WOW all very close. The second time tenders were called, five were received and Mr. Taylor was chosen for the position.