The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-08-15, Page 4*age 4 ----bielutiOW Sentinel, Viedlietiday9 AsigUid A, 1 Cr T1, - P.C. 9ox. 400, Lucknow, Ontaro :NQ 21•4) .. M.2022; Fax (519), 528-3529 Established 1 873 1988 Thomas Thornpson Advertisng Manager Pat Livingston — General Manager • editor Subscription rates. advance: $1:790 Outside Canada $6O9° 41494 Outside Canada $5890 Senior Citizen. • Second class Mailingreg. no. 0947 Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of a.. typographical error, the portion of the advertising space Occupied by the erroneousitem together with areasonable allowance for signature, will not be Charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid at the applicable rates. • • • Local food bank needs help A phone call from Marlon McFarlane alerted us°to the fact that the local food bank supply Is seriously., depleted. Apparently some Of the July family allowance cheques were late In arriving and those In 'need were forced to seek assistance from the local food bank. For those who have never had to seek help, it may be hard to believe that in our immediate area there are 01mi11es who are barely getting by on their weekly or monthly We should never be so smug that we to not care or do anything to help those around us« For those less fortunate, • please remember the food bank, not only at -Christmas, but all yearlong. Donations of food or money to be used for replenishing the supplies may be left at the United Church or the manse. (PL) Picture identified Last week's can you guess picture was, shall we say, Wade difficult to Identify. The rock was found by Dick McQulllin and Ron on their farm In 1978. According to a report from a Professor W.B. Pearson at the Earth Sciences Department, University of Waterloo, It Is a "gowanda conglomerate formed 2.2 billion years ago by glacial action In Huronlan times. It Is a tillite formed by glaciers melting and depositing the conglomerate. It probably came from the Sudbury or Espanola region carried down to Kinloss by glaciers 100,000 years ago in Pllestocene Times. The protrusions or nodules are harder rocks standing out when the softer surrounding material was weathered away." . , : i f1 h .lz "c f`► "�''t + t .44 7 I was sure my days of . "child training" were long gone, until this past week...For some reason the youngest member of our family has developed some very . bad habits that are going to get him into a considerable amount of trouble. The most scary wasan incident the other evening when he was coming home from visiting the neighbor. I don'tknow how many times he has been told "stop and look both ways before you cross the street", but that evening he did not obeythat rule and came Close to being motored down by a vehicle. This all happened right in front of my eyes. You can imagine the fright it gave me. He was im- mediately confined to the house and given :t good lecture, on being safety conscious. Another bad • habit he has developed lately is getting into bed with me. He is old enough to be sleeping m his own bed without the comfort of "mom and dad" to make him feel safe. Once removed and supposedly back in his own sleeping quarters, be waits for a little while and, just as I am dozing off again, he jumps on our bed and Scares the wits out of mei: Suitably 'reprimanded and put back in his own bed, I he in bed, wide-awake, waiting for sleep to come,watching the clock as the minutes slip by realizing if I don't soon get some sleep, the next day at work will not be productive, Any of you who have suffered isomnia know what ,a waste of time it is trying to will sleep to come. I finally drift off to sleep, believing the "little one" has finaaliy settled down for the night. Not so. He seems to know when sleep has come to me, and the next thing I know, he is at the side of the bed calling me in a demanding tone of voice. ' Once again he is reprimanded and put back in his own bed. The next routine is wandering around the house, at first so quiet you're- really not sure if you are hearing anything, when suddenly there isa crash and I know darn well he is getting into mischief siwply to get my attention. 0y now Lama at my wits end. I realize little ones get their days and nights mixed up, but really this one is not little anymore. He had a routine that fer Sonnereason has flown out the window. Not being able to fmd:my tattered edition of Dr. Spock to consult, I simply sat the little one down and explained to him, that if he didn't get back into a routine, that allowed me to obtain a decent night's sleep, the Money that went towards baying his Purina Cat Chow and Purr Would cease to exist. I further threatened that he would find him- self imself with his own small,parivate quarters in the basement with no access to the main floor. From the look in his big green eyes, I'm not sure he understood, and if he did, he appeared to be saying, "try it lady, and you'll see just how noisy I can get!" Being a pet owner can be a pain in the neck at times! The summer reading program at the Lucknow Library wrapped up last Saturday following . the presentation of the Mystery of Oak Island, performed by the Toy Town Troupers. Receiving their Story Train Certificates are back row, left to right, Eric Miltenburg, Heather Sande, Ricky Andrew, Erin Philips and Laura Weir. Front row, lett to right, Shea Dickie, Lori Blake, Ben Knechtel and Laura Knechtel. (Pat Livingston photo) 70 years ago August 19,1920 Intoxicated persons must not drive - According to the new Legislation, as passed by the last Session of the Ontario Government, the penalties. for violating certain sections of the Motor Vehicle Act have been made more sever, especially Section 14 which reads as follows: "No intoxicated person shall drive a motor vehicle." The penalty for violating this section in provided by Section 24 a, which in part reads as follows: "Every person who violates the provision of section • 14 of this ac- tion shall for the first offence be imprisoned for a period not ex- ceeding thirty days and not less than seven days. For a second offence for a period not exceeding three months and not less than one month." The Magistrates have now no option in the matter, they must send the person convicted to jail, whereas formerly a fine of fifty dollars or less might be imposed. 50 years ago August 15, 1948 Aged man found near Amberley - Missing from his home on the 12th concession of Ashfield since Monday evening, William Wallace, more than eighty years of age, was found late Wednesday morning near Amberley. When found, the aged man was sitting below a tree at Jack Mason's fano, completely lost. He could recall little of his wanderings, or the two nights h spent either in the open or in out buildings. Mr. Wallace makes his home with his nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Taylor, of concession 12, near McRae's sideroad. The old man appeared little the worse for his foodless wanderings of nearly two days. Steps out with the band - The Lucknow Pipe Band has a new SENTINEL MEINOIRS piper. She is Patsy Treleaven, 11 - year -old daughter of Piper R.L. and Mrs. Treleaven Pat made her fust public appearance with the ban on Saturday night, looking trim in her new kilts and with her little set of pipes. Thus the band now boasts two girl pipers, Patsy, and Audrey Campbell. 25 years ago August 18, 1965 Monument erected by Hackett family - To honour the Hackett pioneers , members of the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh generations of the Hackett family gathered at Hackett's Church n Ashfield Township last Sunday, August 15, in the afternoon. They dedicated a memorial so that the names of these pioneers may be kept alive in their midst and as a tribute to their heroic vision and work as pioneers. Alex and Tom Hackett performed the unveiling of the monument. Dedicate Centennial Gates at fair grounds - In spite of terrific heat and a downpour of rain over 300 people turned out to see the dedication of the Lucknow Agricul- tural Society Centennial gates on August 8. The horticultural Society did themselves proud in the landscaping and decorations provided for the occasion. Has heart attack on Western trip - The condition of Jack Campbell of Kincardine has improved greatly in Royal jubilee Hospital, Victoria, B.C. Jack and Mrs. Campbell, the former Gretna Campbell, were visiting at Sooke Resort with a cousin of Mrs. Campbell's Mrs. Max Rudiger, who owns the resort, which is thirty miles from Victoria when Jack suffered a coronary attack while watching T.V. 10 years ago August 20, 1980 New guard - Lucknow Village Council accepted the application of Albert Lennips for the position of school crossing guard. Mr. Lennips will succeed Ed Blackwell, who resigned at the ned nf. the school term in June, because of ill health. Mr. Lennips will begin his duties the first of the new school year in 'eptember To repaint bridges - Lucknow Village Councillor Tom Andrew told council at their August 12 meeting he has approached Arnold Stothers about repainting the town's bridges. Mr. Stothers has told Councillor Andrew the job will be done again as the bridges are showing rust and they were painted less than a year ago. NOTHING CAN ENDURE-- - Forever against the laws of nature. - Which contradicts itself.