The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-08-08, Page 15LikeknOW We Y* August e *BUSINESS DIRECTORY* Promote Your Business and Products and Watch Your Profits Growl 5282822 O 52&2823 CAL LTD. BURKE Electric mama IkAc.. Q, Hoare = Farm - Industrial 4 Comrriet"iciel Avec 49 yew. of complete eyrie. service. *Window, centrgl eir conditioning *Heat pumps 7i(t *Dentrsi vacuum systems *Energy slaving program & systems 357.2450. Req(stered Emma* Contractor WiNGHAM a Cecil Ctanston *Bulldozing *Lot Clearing *Septic Beds R.#2 .Auburn 526.76` ; H+Wes ecot teige +aFe`m !hull Boas AI:Ri Y`io➢r,�i caller WW1 • ;SidinSi Ro Iu •rtmefl :tfi ki4ows And ®ae�sa 0101111 Steel ant Hurdwaro TOM Proo. Pegg Construction RESIOENSIAL o AGRICULIiIOtAi Chishoim Fuels SUNOCO rr; ISTRIUU TONS' 1,UcKNOW Phone .29.7524 or 624.7691 Furnace In ttalla sons �' ►;et, del Combination Furnaces. Burner Servile Propane Filling Station ' PRODUQTS FOR FARM, BOMB & INDUSTRY yAbiocks w. of sow on Conc110 Ashfield , Pickup & 'sliver), on lawn &garden equipment • 5294232 MAITLAND WELDING. & MACHINING •Custom Fabtkation •Pateb a Wilding *General Machining ,M&m . •Ornamental Railings *Col" umtnnum' Welding Phone; 52872491 .S ' Ike 528-2206 TURNER Sunroof it Upholstery t.' 579 Campbell Street Lucknow, On'tar'io NOG 2140 RANDY TURNER TaL: (51!) 52S 3438 Some (51$152 $O BARON CONSTRUCTION •tooling 'Sidewalks, *Steps Free Estimates WINGHAM 357-1401 D. FARRISM General Ca -..entry and, oodworking RR#4Ripley : 1395-.5656 *Windshields *Mirrors *Vehicle Cleaning Huron & Bruce AutoGlass 579 Campbell Street LUCKNOW 519) 528-2714 NUSINESS-FORMS COMPUTER FORMS CAMPuTER CHEQUES FLYERS DECALS SIGNS COWA SerV$na Lucknow end .areia for over 30 years. Free Estimates 364-5005 rr ► : I1 1.UCKNOW 528-2$30 GENERAL PAINTING OFFICE SUP'e31.1ES This Space Reserved For Your ,Business Card Call us today for all the benefits of drainage and. Roth!. ii*Ih obviinome R.R. #$1 DIEM Gadshili, Ontario NOK 1J0 • Septic TarlitS Has it been more than .4 years Since you cleaned your septic tank? CaII R. Forster 528-2346 395-5747 L�RIT P9 EAVESTROUGH INC SEAMLESS EAVEST OUGHONiG, LEAF SCREENING GERALD COOK (519) 2350939 Lucknow Aron LORNE COOK (519) 528-3220 Re ELLIOTT Painting o Affiliated with T eswater Paint Shop •Residei tial @Commercial Interior & Exterior FRE ESTIMATES 392-6669 392-8313 This :Spice Reserved dor Your Business Card 528-222 1 WATTA Construction Limited Blyth MEackhoe & dozer work Septic systems installed; or repaired •Parra & Residential tiling & trenching •Water & Hydro lines *Topsoil eLandsscaping agree Estimates 523-9714