The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-08-08, Page 14ratt 14—talebinW W yaitSignai1, tti RIBA Corning :vents ANTIQUE CAR SHOW Sunday. Atm 12 from 11 ami, 0:30 porn, Innen Agricultural Park, orinfur ►t call 5204130. A part of gga *il • EUCHRE TOURNAMENT Saturday, August 11 at Dungannon on. Agricultural Hall[. Registration 1-2 Nu, Eur atoms 2 pin $5,00 per person. For informationcall 529.7432. A part -of Dimgannou Voir. 1,32 COMMUNITY SHOWER For Patricia MacNeil Rance of HS - MacLennan at.Rip1ey Presbytelriau Church, Auglst 19 at 2 p.:m.--32 THEMYSTERY OF OAK ISLAND The Toy Town Troupers present their play, ,The Mystery of Oak Island at the Lucknow Library, Saturday, August 11 at 2 pan. for -5.12 year olds: Admission 400.-42 • PUDDIEDUCK, REGISTRATION for fall- program, Book, now, 'as seine days '.are . already full,. $16,50/full days, $12.00/half day. Rates for 2 children in family,-32ar, BUCK AND DOE for Heidi Strong andGory Forster, Friday, August 10. in Winghain. Dance : 9-1, lunch provided, age ' of majorlty,-31,32 '.RUMMAGE SALE, Annual Rummage Sale of the Huron Bruce Children's Helpers will be held on Saturday, August 11 from •10 a.m. - 4 pan. at the home of Jack McGuires (Huron Auto Wreckers), RR 5 Luclmow, • Con. 2 Huron Township. 3952827.--30,31,32 • BLVTH LIONS DABBER. BINGO every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Blyth and District Community Centre, $300 Jackpot must go. Over $1000 in prizes.-43tf DABBER BINGO Lucknow and District Dons Club, Dabber Bingo, every Sunday night, Lucknow Community Centre. Doors_ open' 6:15 p.m. Bingo at 7:15 pan. Air conditioned, wheelchair accessi- ble. Potential prize board over $3,000. $1,000 jackpot on 54 calls or less. $500 must gol—tfnar BINGO Goderich Knights of Columbus, Thursdays 7:30 p.m. Saltford Valley Hall, $3200 in prizes. $1000 jackpot must go.-5tfar • GLAD DAYS August 16, 17 •and 18 Epilepsy Huron -Perth -Bruce is selling beautiful •Gladiglus in .luclrngVi and The Cut and Curl. Price .33.50 a bunch or $5.00 for two bunches. Race' Day For Epilepsy' Barbecue, Clinton Raceway, August 19, $4.00 children, 58,00 adults. Epilepsy office 482.5527.-32 OPEN HOUSE In honor of the 85th birthdays of Olive Irwin and Viola Stanley on Sunday, August 12, 1990 from 2-4 p.m. at the Anglican Parish Hall, Lucknow: Best wishes only. -32x MEMORIAL SERVICE for Peter S. McDougall will be .held at South Kinloss Presbyterian Church on Sunday, August 26 at 2 p.m.=32 LUCKNOW HORTICULTURAL FLOWER SHOW Come one, come all to our annual Lucknow Horticultural Flower Show August 15 from 2-4 at the Lucknow Legion. Exhibitors' pick up your en- try forms at .Valley Green Flowers.- 32ar Rural Allinistry asks for input on owin (Mein When taking . into !lemon: the . economic' conditions in the rural seStiF. Me Queens' Bush Rural Ministry was , not surprised , to receive a :statistical report showing. 65% of the farm warren" are in the labour force. This is 10% above the national average. The calls the Queens Bush Rural Ministry are receiving, show a significant :: number.. from farm " women in this unenviable ,position.;': They were not lured into the labour force for personal fulfillment, not the taste for luxuries. They sought off fans employment to help their spouses provide the basic neces- sities for their families. The woraent who call for assis- tance do , so . for several -reasons. They are frustrated by the: lack of child care centres in the area to provide affordable and reliable care for their children.. They must rely on friends . and neighbours, •Sbtrietmes atconsiderable personal cost,. to.get that service,- Some communities are beginning to see _ die need and are doing something about it. There aren't enough child care spaces available, -nor within reasonable driving distance to ease the present sense of frustration. Some of the women are dolma - dent and just plain tired, They are also suffering from self inflicted guilt. They wereraised by mothers and grandmothers in traditional farm, women Ties. Large gardens, homemade baking as well as preser- ves were the rule rather than the exception. These women, now working off the farm, are at war within themselves. Some liken it to a treadmill that has no beginning and no end. Some feel theycan. hang in there for a short time until things "turnaround." Their concerns affect the entire communities they live in. Their energy levelsare definitely being; depleted and have little or no time for social or value- teer activities within their coriii- munity. • The Queens Bush Rural Ministry can lend moral support to these. callers and inform them of the inroads being made in some other counties as faras day care facilities. are concerned. These women desperately need the support of their families and communities.to allow them to fulfill the multiple roles that are demanded of them right now. What are you or your community doing about it? We'd be. pleased to hear from anyone who has suggestions or has concerns' about these problems. Yours truly, Brenda Scott, Assistant, Queens Bush Rural Ministry, FARRIERS THAT'S HOW MANY CANADIANS ARE SOFTBALL PLAYERS ff ttle aaenaParrcnlg• YOUR WORST ENEMY-- - Often assures you that he is your best friend. . Sometimes appears in a very desirable disguise. - Is not always the one who seems most vicious, - Is sometimes received most cor- dially into your confidence. -.Is seldom the one against whom you are most on guard. Now is thetime:to check your bean fields for insect and white .mold infestations. We carry a complete line of crop protection products including: • Cygon ; • Lagon *Sevin • Beniate • Rovral Our l i Boy SprayerS`are specially. equipped with -narrow row -crop tires .-wheels shields -wide '60' booms 140 ma) itnize yourwhite bean yields, call any of our Locations for a field inspection-. D1Vlsftn of Parrish & Itelmbecker, Limited Branches: Hensall [519]262-2410 Centralia [5191228.6661 Kirkton [516] 229-8986 Walton R191527-1540 Amherley R1913954601 Atwood [5191356.2292 Beechwood [5191232-4281 Parkhill [519] 294.6256 a2Ysi►Aft,b EzSEt ,*'16e;=iiaiOki# xst •rzss-af:As 4xia4iW #cbkit2i iK:p¢'-.i+fldfa%i�"��4iitM:+'t�tlGYsifwaii�a7i#1iiriilrliCYK`ItisvfetarsAls�lti'ittt�iikslodii+/f�li�Y►».a�1�9a1P�,