The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-08-08, Page 10e ILi a w Stall* We y9 Meat UN BARRY _W. REID B.A. CHASTENED ACCOUNTANT •Auditin ,` *Financial ACCOUitifig *Personal #1 corporate Tate. Consultation oPsrsoriaal:`Firiali0ial PIa ti ning. QMtinuai .& Computeri=zed bookkeeping Qiltartgage• & Amortization 'Schedules 300 Jorrephiris St, Win9henn, NOG 2W0 Mean 3574522 Inquire about our rentals for Weddings Valley Green Flowers mammy ' .:s24.20 olhhns • Mann New business Dpi 4.4411' booms havanconother new business. In the bid, which for many,,• Yew housed a bokray,.one can now field Vicky'3 Street Fes. Owner of the business, Vicky 1 inkai, along with her son and two grstiddliddren, moved into the former F.,erly building last October. Vicky is floln Romania= and has been in Caw, I� a, sevenyears, move nig to Dungannon front Kitchener. Despite the changein ce.. , she is enjoying diving mDungannon. . • Vicky specliigizes in brides' and bridesmakle gowns, custom made or on a rental basis. She brings with her 30 years: of experience in dress maUng ma.and alterations. Your dress can :be made from a pattern or if you sen something, you like in a ..fashion iuk, bring it along and with her expertise m sewing she will make it for You. Consultation is by ag. pointment. call 529-7464. in-13-uniirnnon Vicky Lithia of .Dungannon has years experience fn dress • making opened a new business in ,the and alterations to her -business. hamktVlicky's .Merin Street (Pat Livingston photo) Fashions. 'mss. Lanka br pga•30 USI GS WANTED ii`•INTEE PAUL MR 5294411 A1090130A1090130 3954174317t WARREN IINH 5263710 ASHFIELD TWP.: Building lots,110' x 165', well treed starting at $14,000. KINLOSS -146 acres, 3 bedroom cob- blestone home, 35 acres seeded, balance mixed bush, 40' x 60' beef barn. 114 ACRES - pine, spruce, 40' x 24' lodge, new well, $33,900. 5000 -SO. FT. - cement building, 4 acre lot, possible residential, commercial use. Paved road. $79,900. 200 ACRE FARM - Ashfield, 185 workable, set-up for 500 hogs, liquid manure, 3 barns, shed, 4 bedroom home. CULROSS - 57'Ji acres, 50- seeded, panoramic view, $47,900. 300 ACRES - cash crop, Hwy. //86 west. Level and drained. 11/2 ACRE COUNTRY LOT, spring, creek, St. Helens. LAKEFRONT LOT - 80'-x 440' near Kintail. 3 BEDROOM - aluminum sided holies, nicely treed lot, reduced 'to $59,900. BELFAST 4 bedroom home in ex- cellent condition, 30 x 40 heated shop, $86,000. . LUCKNOW - 5 bed sgllppk�home, long kitchen, ==ars, Elmira woodstove. $69,500. 9 MILE' RIVER - building lot in Lucknow, 3.8 acres, all treed. LOCHALSH -1 bedroom home on T/a acre, double garage, move -in condition. Lloyd and Elaine of R R d 3, Gbderich aro pleasod to announco the forthcom=ing marriage of =their daughter, Julie • Lynn too Chad Robert Mann, son of Bob and Myna Mann of R R 4/7-2 Teeswater. The wedding will take place. on Saturday , August 18, 1090, Ashfield *Presbyteriah Church at 3:30 p.m. Reception to follow In Lucknow. Everyone welcome. • B.A. McDONAGH REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE LTI). 528-2031 LUCKNOW KINLOSS. TWP. -100 acres, 94 workable, 6 bush, 3 bedroom home, hot water heating, drill- ed ribed well, large barn. Asking. 8135.000.00, HURON TWP.- 50 acres, well drained,modern -3 bedroom home, 3 bathrooms, drilled well, carport, lots of extras included. - 1 LUCKNOW BUILDING LOT - Serviced 178.5 x 252.5. KINLOSS TWP. - 50 sow far- row to finish, 149 acres, automatic feeding & cleaning, 3 bedroom home, asking $155,000.00. - Listings Wanted FRASER MacKIN' ON 528-3013 BARRY MCDONAGI 5284821 DAVID MacKINNON 395.483 LIBERAL NOMINATION CONVENTION Thursday, August 9, 1990 at 8:00 p.m. - at the Central Huron Secondary School in Clinton Marjorie Haist of High County Fibres, located in Grand Valley was one of the exhibitors at this year's Lucknow Craft Fesitval. She has been involved in spinning mohair wool and wool producing for six years The wool is used in making blankets and blends of sweaters, which are sold under the name Bushwhacker. High. County Fibres specializes in custom spinning. Julianne Kay and Jennifer Kay, of London, were visiting in the area and stopped by to watch the faskinating spinning wheel. (Pat Livingston photo) Daryl Aitchison August 10, 1980 10 years old Megan Trachsel August 11, 1983 7 years old Aizlieelnler Disease. Robert M. Macinnes Holyrood August 12, 1955, 5 years old= David Inglis Augurt 13, 1954 6.years old You can't fight it alone. • We're the Alzheimer Sodety and we know that you can't deal with this dimness by yourself. We're here to help. Just find the Alzhdater organization nearest you in the phone book and call us. Because you can't fight this stone. Huron Provincial Liberal Association (HEEIAL SOCIETE Ou CA' t D/ 13201bndeStreet Salle 302, tbroaeo,OMl(roMt' 1x2 (416)925.3552 Wilma Vandervelde, daughter of Ted and Femmy Vandervelde, Lucknow, graduated June 1, 1990, with her Bachelor of Physical and -Health Education and her Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science, f=rom Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. Wilma,will be attending McCar- thur College, Queen's University, in the fall, to obtain her Bachelor of Education. r