The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-08-01, Page 14Pole 14---tOttiuhe4{We The lifur011 P, uv1ne 1 ,�" 1 a ive NOMIN 89 1990 CENT Further by Keit ONDARY SCHOOL ton tion, Can Vie. Qhta ed 1:9, e riding President 'Vi ghel : -.5274249 What Peterson a the liberals want the *Otto FORGET.,, , Patel Starr -Auto Insurance ,. mate Seat Give-away. -Peterson Et Mulroney at Meech Lake -The. Environient Paidfor by the Huron County NOW Dsntocratie Party, DUNG'ANNQN AMILY ilmitom.451 BEST FAMILY FLOAT BEST BUSINESS QR OMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION OR CLUB BEST SCHOOL BEST HEAVY HORSE TEAM BEST LIGHT HORSE TEAM BEST HORSE.&.RIDER BEST PONY &: RIDER BEST PUNY & CART For More Information Contact Karen at 529-3175 Barbara Stein is guest speaker at Kairshea WI Una Matthews was the hoot for tho KairshestWoi 'swatby hew ori pioly swith 19 members and . present, President Muriel >IdacKen, xie-welcomed those "attending and with } Take Time. Opening Ode and Mary Stewtlrt Collect were repeated In unison. Mowbray mad the spec Bible verse ilium Palm 107 and gave the meditation pertaining to that verse. The, minutes of the June ,thing were read byy Una Matthews and approved. Marion MeAKinnon gave the treasurer's report. Plans were made far the lunch and meat to be served at the Craft Festival, .also plans for the display at t e Lucknow ValiFair;T'he ladies will be having; a lunch booth at Peter, Edisbury's. sale and the Institute bus trip is planned ' for August 16. , Alice Ritchie;, convener, for Family and; Consumer Affairs, was in, charge of the program. The tollca1l, If you could be a Woolen's Institute delegate to any country ht the world, where. would you chooseZ was • answered, by the• members.. ;Mrs. -Ritchie. read a poem, Fifteen Golden Autos for Living. She introduced; Barbara- Stein: Purple Grove ladies enjoy whois a recent graduate of I car- Wihas L ix t+l. saadshe Plays `, "l, 't 4 watt sent qtly io Norway for mommempaiiimem t year, as exchange by thepi incardine Rotary Club. in V I M d c *pleasing manner sheenpla,.ed her eaperienees with her three hoar ariaminirianammirimurinarimma families.me Barbara was at each. li for a four' month period. She at- tended t-le nded school and had to learn their languages. She was also on a two week tour of Norway, sponsored by the Norwegian Rotarians,. Barbaralud several souvenirs and pictures displayed as well asher red graduation outfit and 'a beautiful sweater shehad.knit, An interesting question and answer period fol. lowed: June Gilchristthanked Barbara for. Gladys Arnold accompanied Gordon and Dorothy Mwui to a genealogy -meeting of Bruce Grey Branch at Scone on July 24, Frank and I,.awlraine Bu rgst ller from Bares int the weekend with Harvey and Wilda. Thompson Don and Dianne Simpson entertained the Simpsons family on Sunday. Happy Birthday Megan Pollock who turned two July 25,1►l and Melissa Pollock and Ainsle Simpson 'went to *little party at the her interestingsentation and collage to help her celebrate. Wel- presented her with gift,' comehome. John D. MacKay who Margaret Mowbray displayed a is oat. and about, ' colorful' travel poster which she had Audrey Thaler of London, Carol, 'made, '. ¢ Heather and Kerry. Shantz . of Mrs, Ritchie hada eonteat, Test Walkerton visited Edna Stanley this -your Market Place Knowledge, :'week, Which was humorous mat enjoyable. Bette• McLeod and Edna, Stanley, Mrs. Gilchrist gave the coudrtesies, went into I : ncardine on Sunday followed by 0 Canada and. ' the. and. saw the play "Kincardine Institute Grace, Calls". The director$, Margaret Mowbray On Thursday Bette McLeod. Edna andBetty Finlayson, assisted by the Stanley, Jean Scotland and Olwen hostess served cake and ice creme .. McAuley all went to Blyth and saw and a social time was. enjoyed. two plays, Janet and Jack Farrell and Don and Sandra, Forster: and family attended tate Colwell. picnic at °Lansdowne,Park in Kincardine on Sunday. Earl's Aunt MarretHodgin and son Ken from Niagara. Falls were . at Earl and June .Elliott this week • Jan • and Shari Elliott -:.: from Inggersoll , are at Earl,. "and June Elliott. Sympathyis expressed• to the Elliottamily on the death of Mrs. Lulu tanley. Many from Purple.Grove attended n -the CKNX Bamdance in Ripley on Saturday night. Mary Thompson had•as her guest an Saturday Cheryl ' Yeip from Michigan. Kathy Martin, Jared and Scott of Kitchener are spending a fcw days with Jack and Janet Farrell. Jack. and Janet Farrell had supper with Rob Farrell in Mount Forest. Sympathy is expressed to Debra and Rob Goulding in the death of her father who was buried this past week. , s Farewell. party Kinloss father Supper guests with Frank and Muriel "MacKenzie on Tuesday, were Bruce. MacDonald of Ottawa' and his mother, Hazel of Teeswater. Bruce brought along, his bag pipes. and put -'-on a wonderful outdoor concert for' neighbours and `friends on the MacKenzie lawn. Their granddaughters, " Erin Eadie and Mirelle MacKenzie did some great Scottish dancing throughout the evening.. Muriel served eshments and everyone enjoyed this special evening. The Session and Board of Managers and their spouses of south Kinloss Church enjoyed a barbecue at the Lucknow manse with .: Rev. Peggy Kinsman last. week. William n and Irene and Karissa and Shea Dickie have .returned home\from holidaying at their cot- tage at Hope Bay. Neighbours and:friends from the 4th concession of Kinloss gathered at the Karishea hall on Thursday night for a farewell party of Peter and Mary. Jane Edisbury.. After heldAl- and orand daughter by froth' Buohmeler• , presenting thein with gifts, , lunch was served and a social time Was enjoyed•'by all. Louise Reid of Sombre•: and her daughter Alison Gerrard of Ottawa visited Jack and. Blanche Needham, Jack and Blanche and Bill. and Winnifred ' Graham of Wingham visited with Don and': Mable;Kim- ball of Sarnia. A party was enjoyed to celebrate Don's 89th birthday. Shane MacKinnon, son of Dave and Cathy, is practising these days at Blyth for the play, Rumours, to be held August 15 to :18. Shane is one of the actors in this play. Great stuff Shane and we wish you much success. Jennifer, Shane and Jonathan MacKinnon, Marita . MacDougall, Ryan. Craig . and Tom Downey all went on a bus trip on Sunday to see the Blue Jays play =ball at the SkyDome. PASSION --It -a wonderful servant but a terrible master. --Provides thrills but it blurs the vision. --Is dangerous in proportion to its power. 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