The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-06-27, Page 14Page ie.-;.aekbiirw Vii„ Weillmodsi, Are V, MS Invite about our reed for Weddings VARly Green Flowers LiWillo r - swans You'll Phu At. . it LucKN?w CNRI$T**M MINDIUMO C 0)11CM ` Solo ilkwohip Milk 7r.. 4u SustdaT, Jew L 1 s rw sod itis p.m. Nortiory deogroisars amorefrissfr & sellonfrows IIIVORYONE «.. O»ER1 iM . ,KINCARD1N. 5244901 396-70U Mr; an Mrs. , George .W ' o s. and Mr.and Mrs. ^:Bruce Raynard are pleased to an- nounce the forthcoming. tar riage of their children Donna. Louise and'Glenn; Bruce.; .The wedding.will, take, place op Ju- ly 7,'1990 in. Fergus Ontario. A reception . will he • hold in Lucknbw on July 21, 1990 when al! friends and relatives are invited ;to attend B CONVRNIENT� HOURS! OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS, A LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE friday, Juno 29th Jeffery David DeBoerili Carolynne Grace Netterfield Saturday. June Mit Queen of the Fail OPEN •'DATES Fridays. July 6-,13-20-27 Satu�rda�y�.-,Juty;14 tithsuna Andrew (left) and Julie Nialsolsots, Lseiknow pool employees, were busy last Way the pool hi preparat%al for public ssrionnlog and. Immo. Tbanks to some feeble minded persons, the pool opens • ,little lam this' ye ar doe: to the levy;* yet ,hots required to clear" up. debris .left by thew (Pat livingitoa photo) W.I. "E.T., can home,""this year, can be . translated into "English ' W.I. members call home," To many, home is where the heart is and the heart .of ;any organization is where it all began. ,For the 0,000,000 ACWW menthe= 'around the world,, the heart of the :organization is a home in Stoney Creek, Ontario the Erland Lee (Museum) „Home owned and . operated by 'the Federated';Women's, .Institutes. In this: home is the, Constitution table.• members calling t o the Canada `1 enti0el ilr`e.:las 2,1990. Where Janet.Lee • hand -penned the first Constitution of -the Stoney Creek Women's Institute. Seventy-five yearn ago a young., Canadian widow took her children to England to continue their educa- tion. Mrs.. Alfred Watt . saw the need for the farm and rural women in 'England to have an organization similar to the Women's. Institute in Canada. So 75 years ago the English Welsh • atit was stetted. Nowt contenten's with that Mrs. Watt was ink tal in . establishing lishin$, • the Associated Country Women of the ,World (ACWW) in Stockholm in 1933 and for all her efforts she was named. its first President. This year the English and Welsh Women's 'Institutes are celebrating their ,75th Anniversary. As part of their : celebrations the • English Women's - Institutes have received a ° complhnentary call "home." On the 27th 'June at 2 p.m. a group .of English, < • Women's • Institute Members will be. gathered and via phone hook-up wbe. listeriirtg and. talking to , Women's Institute members . at , .the ° • Erland Lee (Museum) Hone at,Stoney .Creek: To set the stage the English Women's histtttde want the history of the Erland Lee Home, its lay out • and general,'informatien about the Stoney Creek area. Doing all this on behalf of FWIO will be Sandra Kell, •Chairman of the Erland. Lee (Museum) Hoene Committee and Jane Croft, FWIO Board Director liortie" in Whone sulidivision, the is the lebrbra tion the Stoney .Creek WI branch will: 1 reclting the Institute Ode and Collect, iso doubt joined by the English, members.Greetings will also be given by' Mrs. Varnarn, President of the N.F.W.I. of England.• �; w .: During the year there have been several" -bus :loads of English and P, Welsh • WI men fibers. making a "pilgrimage" to see the . hone where it all. began over :90 years ci ago. To help the English and Welsh WI celebrate, a group of Ontario ." WI members, led by FWIO Presi- dent Peggy . Knapp will .• visit England. in July. :They will be holding a special :reception at On- tario House, in London, m •celebra- Oen of 75 yearn of WI work in Bri- tain, As well the tour participants: will take part in a series of courses ' at' Denman -College, a college' run by the English WI ,to provide a variety of -courses and workshops for. WI members.. Mrs. Alfred Watt,.. Erland and Janet Lee and even E.T. would. be, happy to see.so many WI members home this year. However in 1997, the . year WI . celebrates its, centenary the phones. to Stoney Creek will be ringing non stop. For more information Erland Lee Museum Moire, Sandra Kell (Chair- man). Phone 705;456-5705. Jane Croft Phone 416-854-2789. FWIO Pro, Geraldine .Campbell 519.674-0542. • :Editoriaa d an Disple uerti ;4 `� Frida 'jure.:20:1.11:0H. Ali Massif e A dvre nisi g i~'rid_ay . { June .29th • • 528-2822 5'28-2823 Hop+ s.the time to be. otitwalk nig your fields to check how well FARM REPORT Y program your weed control ro ram is: working. Weed escapes seem to be a fact of life every year, and they can cause ;real, headaches at harvest time, and in yeah to come if they set seed. • Weeds may not be controlled because: 1. The wrong Control pro- gram was used for the weeds that are there. 2. Timing was wrong' and weeds wereeither too large to be controlled or had not yet ger- minated. 3. There was toe little rain to activate the herbicide, or 4. There was too • much .rain and the herbicide leached below the weed germination zoite. It is important to scout your fields oily, while it is still possible to apply a rescue treatment. Portemergent herbicides work best the weeds are small. A altivation will help to ac- tivate preemerge herbicides and will control emerged weeds, but this is also best done when the weeds are small and easily. uproot ,till or mulch -till fields may have ;weeds which are more ad- ' vaned than in conventional fields • Bruc() County OMAF if a burn down herbicide was not used. It is doubly important to check thesefields early, For specific moons of treating weed escapes,refer to the "Guide to Weed Control" or give us a call at the Ontario Ministry of . Agriculture and Food office. ' • a WE CANNOT ALWAYS ' -Grant the favors asked, but we can refuse, in a 'friendly way. —Approve our friend's conduct, but we can disapprove without be- ing a bore. —Agree with other people, but we can disagree . without being disagreeable. —Do great things but we can learn to appreciate them. • -Laugh at trouble, but we can smile when there: is nothing pleasant. , —Choose our environinertt,but we need not allow it to remain as it is. —Expect" to be entertained, but we can attempt to be entertaining.