The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-06-13, Page 1h.'
A. dance it Leaside ,WaS'the and Jake teeage when they Went of
Of the+finatineeting4 Rath' thtiaitgll 'Itentiltan:earlY. 'the .next employ :Electrohome.
' 'floiejears, 1 and
was then
agScoti o.
4itutal,-,0"10the.- daughter InOrnopertronfir. liottev.P.,el!‘'01/03t:," W.Ini*up lathes at both placea.
Yilderan:- Mrs- Pave. Scott St .ft„6,1",,coaliS ':Vaie:diffeent red liThey ght Ave Ran of
Culross, and Jake have a family 01
and 40ko.(gullenejlo.- the - • • '13artholeinew: of 'Strathroyo,
ion' of Mr.- and Mrs. Joe 'of the Street Mac of totszovii :Agnes; Murray
vows 1940 at the ..',Colleyt :farMod2inTurnbe!! el Lucknow and Rick 01 Kinlougb.
rr3' :They. have bean blessed with... t..„
Weather 41ar was. ther nree4't0::' ...When. anted if.' theY.' na.3r,
this...4410atriAI*fithamikblinaint- •icitti005;441trelbtet **sided -110a Warda, OCWildOili after* years cold Inevedle Videria Street :ht., •Iiiantoge.i they
day. The-graht 0.4Year:wee Lacknoii/40. - .• •••,1":' a two way street. L!. give' and take,
ly up a,,000piaakiatheit • inost fingpebitus
Itatifaloater;a*InteG. ' ! '.--Pratutat F;eawanin the restatwen • land, friends gatheredatat
Niagarn.Falla, their Model • „ Nursing Horne,
ord,-. for, their beneYnnint •Ther Jake Worked .14 :tne. _ey tinuenseei:nz: .L and pers.
abeht thesofa: night . factory in ,lacknoir for „*penod. Cul from the tinitY; . .
Mansein Teeiniraterm,l, Tompritiarfor. Yellati alk-highWO grandchild'. and two-, gyps
with Rev: e offidallit&-am tie; both east and , West Of .; •grandelatron. • - .
Attending the eouralyel were remember t WeatherNeet the stslins'
fat and Jake's
'LW Con-at'was Kwant. tvlianall,awingFamhly ituth the Ludmow Legion last Saturday
ley, who now lives illA Merle' 11' years 'with Mrs t pineereet evening to celebrate the Codas'
' Ruth and Jake travelled to vorked for two yearn a golden wedding annivernary.,
Bob Rae addresses national issues
�n $1614",:: rOtigk!04reoi
_ .
Bob9Rae, leader of_the provirielid
/New Democratic Party, responded'
to the vont of questions about'
local and national taws during a
swing through the Huron tiding
Rae was heated by this riding's
federal NDP Candidate Tony
McQuail, at his Lucknow area
farm, • - .
"They/hole Idea was a chance
meet locallpeeple and hear local
concerns," saidNicQuail. And Rae
did hear concerns - from the
Ecological Farmer's Astiociation,,
environmentalists, the Bruce Coun-
ty Federation of Agriculture, and
he fielded questions from *local
media. •
Rae WAS heC4tawit where he said
he was getting frustrated waiting to
hear news of the Meech Lake Ac
cord riegetiatiOns. He almost did
not keep his appointment in Huron
hut 'heard there was a deal and
decided to come -
"There are a lot of Canadians
who feel left Out of making their
-own Moe, their own constitution,"
said:IWO of the Meech Lake talks.
He added that be "does not like "the
Peterson style, chummy; 11 Men in
rooma tradirig senators across the
"My gut reaction is people are
offended," Rae conthmed. "Ths'is
not the way to bUild Canada."
While the Meech negotiations will
be an election -issue, Rae says
taxes will not be forgotten at elec-
"Why at; Mr. Wilson biinging in a
seven per cent GST? - -rankly
&intuit he hasn't got the guta to
tax the people he should tax," says
Rae, lie says nixes are structured
to hit working people hardest, and
give break,' 40. those with large in -
collies. He said people don't mind
paying taxes if their money is be-
ing well used, but resent waste and
The count down
•is' on to find
Miss Lucknow
The count downIsonto find
Miss Ludmow MO. This year the
Mies Lucknow Fair Pageant has
been moved ahead to accom-
modate the conteetiona.
Any business or etganization
that has not entered a young
ha* milli June 16 to do so. Wm
Lucknow will be crowned on June
30 dating a Special evening of
entattainment and dancing at the
Community Centre.
The new Miss Lucknow will
represent the lege in the Miss
Mid -Western Ontario Pageant on
September 15 at the LuctinoviFall
Fair amt at the• Fairs Convention.
ln Toronto la Takao,' The
ciimaX of the I* Queen's reign
COWS in Ingest 1161 when the
Queens from ell participating
fairs in °steno compste hi the
QUM of the Fairs Pageant at the
C.N.E. Michelle Johanna, last
yen's MIs lacknow will repro,
mat the village In the .mim
For further inforniation on
entering a yews ladY hi the Miss
Ludinow Fah, Pap 40,, contact
of the committee members,
Mr. and Mr& Leo idarray, Mr,
and Mrs. Frank Alton, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Bell, Dale Skillet), Ken
Mewhhmey or Gloria Messenger.
Answer to mystery moth
Lot 'Were -request for Infer- witiginent The spiny caterpillar
Anat4011 en tint type el moth pic- eats the leaves of such trees as
tared on the editorial page. cherry,"pliim,:elderharry, apple,
brought *heat goad response. . box-elder,
maple, birch and
'three readers, Barb Fran willow. Thea female hi.vo XX) to *1
ruidl and
was the a oval liggs, a few at
aga�d. that ft. on the under/tido
bare& The count' does not
hang butts attached lengthwise to
' Aceinlitatto Intent* tionl have. a..twig of the „plant on which the
-been provided' With, the CeeroPla lernt has fed and renl* there
hi an rend:tit* Indented, .:., all winter.. • -
1111 - moth - with' a ch",, Thanksfor your. helpl
• '
Mem4ers of ban team
apprehend youths
The Kincardine detachment 01'
the Ontario- Provincial Police is'
commending .area residents with
the apprelteMion,of three youths,
after ;..the . front windowof the
Lucknow Liquor Store was .broken
late tithe Owing on June 7. The
40; 17 and 18 year old male
youths,' allfrom the 'Goderich
area, mast have bent really tow'
Prised to finitheMselves pursued
by - citizens following their
,miscidef. . •
Members of the Lucknow
lansmeifbill team were close to
wrapping up batting Practice
when they beard the sound of
'shattering glass and went to hi-
vestigate. One youth was ap-
prehended at the scene while
another took, off on foot and was
•te page
unfair taxation. He expects taxation
to be a major election issue, •
"Liberal* are trying to buy
farmers' votes," said Rae, referr-
ing to the interest rate relief pro-
gram announced in the provhicial
Widget, and costing $45 milliori.
He said the program is intended
to put cash in fanners' hinds for a
short term before an election, and
he says it attempts to cover the
fact that the province spends very
little, per capita, on commodity
stabilization and farming in
Grand Collins aired the concerns
of the Bruce 'County Federation of
Agriculture: the province has no
plan for agriculture, agriculture is
a low priority and is not profitable
enough for farmers to be able to.
afford such things as soil. erosion
prevention and controlling manure
"We vent to be good stewards
Turn to page 3.
Three male youths were apprehended by area member* of the 'Achim*
District Kbemet ball team, When they heard the smaihhig of glass, dur-
tug betting practice last Thursday evening. In addition to the large front
• window, an inside window ems damaged when the thrown object went
through it as well. (Pat Livingston photo) •