The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-04-25, Page 11Whit can we dry about environment? The participants were brought ups date on the County of Huron's Waste:, Management Master Planby..Jo- Raichter who is the project co-ordinator. She said that there were three hg's and much effort has gone into :.recycle,; however, a sir.. muat be put on reduce and reuse. Individua and com- munities can prate the three Ws.. It was noted that the blue box program which recycle has worked in Wipgba and -the �Towns�hiip� of Grey.. There is comas in Goderiel •. Councillor Paul .Kloop of Hay Township talked a . the 'Blue pWater ��}Recycling P includes -'75 municipalities in four countries. One-third Of the, cost is covered by member municipalities, one4hird by the province and the remaining one-third. by MMRI. This plan features .the pick, up of garbage at each residence. Brian Jeffery talked about the .in- dividual can do, at home and onthe farm. The group felt that pop bottles should all be reusable, Ideas such as gar- bageless school lunches for children and reusable shopping bags were suggested. Tony McQuail outlined, a paper called Greening the. Party, Greening the. Pro- vince, A Vision for the Ontario NDP. It dealt with growth versus the conserver society, job loss versus the environment,. Following the forum on the environ- ment the annual meeting of the Huron - Bruce New Democrats was held, Tony McQuail of Lucknow was elected. presi- dent; Keith . Cleveland of Kincardine was elected vice' president; Fran McQuail of Lucknow as treasurer; Jocelyn DeBoer of Lucknow as secretary; and members -at - large are Paul Kloop, and Tom and Win- nie Stuart of Goderich. OPP Report • from page 1 several counts of Possession of Stolen Proper A "horse shaped" metal weather van was reported stolen from .the roof of Joe Emmerson's drive shed on conces- sion 12 of Huron Township. It was discovered missing on April 14 and is ' valued at approximately $100. On April 17, an Inverhuron man reported that his residence had been broken into during his absence, April 12 to 16. The forced entry resulted in the theft of a large quantity of household goods including a colour television set, a satellite receiver, a quantity of liquor and other items, valued in excess of $1000. A complaint of poachers on the south branch of the Penetangore, just out of Kincardine on April 19, led to the arrest of four Kincardine men. They were warned for taking fish out of season (suckers) and released. During the in- vestigation, two of the men, were found to be in possession of two vials of hashish oil. They were both released on promises to appear for Criminal Court, Kincardine on May 22. There was an ' outstanding warrant for a third member of the party which was executed at the time. A Bruce township man faces charges of break, enter and theft for five cot- tage break and enters at Brucedale dur- ing the spring of 1967. The investigating officer, Constable Gord Johnston also recovered at $150 worth of goods stolen at the time. RIDE spot checks over the past weekend resulted in one person being charged with a liquor related criminal driving offence, two 12=hour suspensions and seven liquor charges. %�rciu w► Sar i, Wry , $, 1111* -Page 11 may? Night Mimed Goma 150 and over Anne Andorran mois high single went to Bron Marlyn with 250, while Eric Taylor row the trim pie with 623. Shirley Kennedy took the ladies high single with 271, and the: triple went to Shad Webb Ziegler with 50t John Andrew dre Ta�ioLeBreton 207, Genoa over 200: ank !lateral* 212, 229, Bob Sanderson 206, Bruce Elliottx00, 242, 300, John van- Diepen 211,Shirley' Kennedy h Sham Webb Ziegler 222, Joan Helm 241. Mint and Ceu►ay . Evelyn Hendereon rolled high single and high double for the Iadiee scores of 212 and 169, for a double 211, Harold' Campbell beat themen flat with a single �� double 42'1: , 200, 171, Muth Conley 110, 171, Caroline !denary 110, 153, Garda deJong 17e, 111, Jake Conley 910, 117, Dove Swat! 125, 175, Art Ernewein 175, Pliers Mothers 151, 150, Eldert Geertaina¢117, !braid CamP- bell 114, Grace Grattan* 161, Gwen Len- nBother ips '150. yOaaitGed lest wCrawford eek Taylor 170. Team standing": Hyacinths 10, Tulips 10, Daffodils 1, Pansies 7, Crocuses 5, Snowdrops 5. edeeeday► Night Mixed M high single went to Dove Swan with 2X and the triple to Gerald Bhody with tilt Women's high stele was railed by Bet, ty Van Osch with 2211 and Marie Scott captured the triple. with 561. Games over 200:.Mug Cranston 206, • .Aggle deck 219, Made Scott 214, Mary 8OWUNG apo 219, Betty Van Osch 223, Barb Tyler 206, Norm Boit 213, Gerald Rhody 203, 223, Dave Swan 221, RalPh Mort 3r4Stave , 212. StnndlgsCothe playoff a pione atter a tie17, So 67, t57� 1/2 Wolverines 400 Gophers 30. Ladies Thursday Night The final night of bowling saw the Kiwi= ladies with games over 200: Card aftion 241, Irene Haldenby 210, Michelle Weir 210, Barb Vaeh 206, Wilma Elliott .203, Rani Webb Ziegler 202, Playoff damps were the Pretzels. ION'S MPLETE. To help you ;obtain Maximum EcgnomicIield let W.G. Thompson & Sons Limited; lend a hand. Qualified personnel can make recommendations on marketing, ,soil.tests pesticides, herbicides, fertilizer blends and application methods. 1 Experienced operators provide custom application cation :of 28% nitrogen solution, 1 nitrogen and herbicide'mntures, I urea, ammonium nitrate, I micronutrients, and. 1, custom blending to suit your fertility program. '1A complete selection of quality Hyland Brand Seeds are available. 1 Our accredited Germination Lab of 5 years, is recognized for germination testing of wheat, barley, oats, corn, soybeans, beans, and peas. 1 Thompson's provide complete crop production programs and 1 efficient service for all your spring needs. ' 1 Come in and talk with us today. to Ailsa Craig Mitchell Port Albert Hensair Granton Seaforth 293.3223 348-8433 529-7901 262-2527 2252364 345-2545 4..