The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-04-18, Page 8Offering a fultrange nf aervicne; nadifing, owzoaautiag, 'inOlisiOrkil planning, income tax plaa. Wag, peinenallinaneiallplanning, reenputer and management ierificea. VANOM WATAMRION MOUNT POUT ELGIN itql. Aldookri, EVA H.F. illeirook ECiA YORF.$1' Ati 6. itultAa, CA LK 'Nil*, CA Hi. MAUE, CA le lt, Pri4v, CA. H lk. 141.4/4 CA. .11,11. Haat, CA GA. Mum, CA V. MA, CA 36A 4190 $A1.12H Saturday, April 21, 1990 at 1:00 'PM Consisting of: Steers, Helfers,& Calves For information calk Victor Hammen - 519.233.7311 (Clinton) Barry Millor. 3194354717 (Eator) • - 519-2294205 (girkton) Grog Hargreaves -519.263.2619 (flonsall) • 519-262-21131(lionsall) Jos Zehr 519.887.9590 (Bruise's) Auctioneers - Larry Gardiner • Joe Bohr Codi Pegg Liicknew pr*1l, 1004 6 Vow* Old Shane Petteplace • Lucknow Aaril 111, 1900 10 Years Oki Cherie Conley Lucknow April 10, 1981 9 Veers Old Gerry Scott R.R. #7 Lucknow Awn 19,1979 • 11 Years Oki Davin Pettaplace Lucknow April 21, 1086 4 Years 010 Shea Hamilton Lucknow April 23, 1088 4 Years Old Wednesday Night Mixed Terry Burt rolled the high angle for the matt with a 246 and Russel Swan's 612 was high triple. Pat Livingston took both the high single and triple for the ladies with 237 and 015. Games over 300: Pat Livingston 305, 237, Nancy Swan 302, Jackie McNay 206, Betty Van Osch 300, Mary Phillips 214, Bev Beyersbergen 215, Barb Tyler 306, D.A. Hackett 217, Norm Bolt 214, Terry Vint 245, Gerald Ilhody 222, Rime' Swan 205,230, Dave Swan 200, Pete Van Oech 228, Nic Beyerzbergen 206, Gord Kemp 210, Steve Jewson 224, 213, Allan Hackett 202.. Team standings: Squirrels 52, Kangaroos 51, Tigers 441/2, Chipmunks 43, Wolveiines 34 1/2, Gophers 25. BOWLING Town and Country Fern McDonald rolled the bigh single and' high double for the ladies with a score of 207 and 322. For •the men, George Taylor captured the high single and double with 100 and 32S. Game; 150 and over: Anne Andersoh 159, 152, Gerda deJorig 186,, 155, Ann McDougall 100, Kay MO.,:ormidt 163, Don McCormick 104, 162, Harold Campbell 166, Fraser McKinnon 106, Ian DOtigher• ty 160, Bill Uuldriks 153, Gwen Lentil's 156, Ruth IVIathers. 153, Dave Swan 151: Team *maw Daffodils 8, Hyacinths 7, Crocuses 5, Tulips 5, Snowdrops, 3, Maa Heigling mei a patient for a week • 11 In ilenPital 14(664 f" bank surgerY° LIUMUMAL0 •• by Kae Webster But we are glad to report that he is home and has recovered nicely. Get well wishes Max.' The community would like to send get well wishes to George Moncrief of • • Goderich, formerly of this area. George has been under • the weather for awhile but is now (hopefully) on the road to recovery. Get Well real •boon George. • So now when we are talking about the sick well here is one , more. Rbetta . MacLennan has been a patient in the Kincardine Hospital. We are hOping she will be out any day. Get well soon; • Visiting with Kae Webster for a couple of days were her daughter and grand- daughter,' Jean and Tricia Wise of Richfield, ONo. It was a school break in , the U.S. This meant a break for Jean as she is the main cook at an elemental/ school in her area. And of course a school break for Tricia. Jean was saying • the spring flowers are coining out, grass is greening nicely and the lilacs are , almost all in leaf. And on their way up they saw a few farmers on thalami • Cecil and James Webster of Waterloo were home on the weekend with their Mother, Kae Webster. On Stmday, Jean; Tricia, Cecil, James and Kae Webster visited with Mrs. Wynn Gammie in Kincardine. • • Pine River UCW •The United Church Women of Pine River met' Tuesday evening April 9th in - the, basement of the church. The presi- dent Linda Campbell opened the meeting with a short poem on Easter' and That . Joyful Eastertide was sung. Sharon Courtney told the ladies how things are going as far as the Kountry, Kitchen bazaar ls concerned. . Margaret Ferguson gave the treasurer's report. The offering was taken up and dedicated by Linda Campbell. • The roll call was answered by 23 ladies present naming symbols of Easter. The meeting was then turned over, to the convenors Alberta Munro and Wilts Gililon The IWitui "There is a Green Hill Far Away" was sung. Wilts and Alberta read and told us many of the aspects' Of Easter, such as lent, candles, bunnies, eggs, Shrove Tues- day,, Ash Wednesday, where they • originated, , and customs in the many countries of the world. I am sure we learned so much from the talk. The hymn "At the Foot of the Cross" was sung by Mary Gibson, Marlon' Lowry and Joyce Courtney. The meeting dosed with the' ladies join- • ing together in song and Alberta leading in prayer. Following the benediction, a social time was enjoyed. • 200 TOTALLY NEW THOUGHTS $995 NOW AVAILABLE FOR ONLY• 0 ALSO, LOWER PRICES ON ... BOOK #2 "THINK FOR A MINUTE - IDEAS!" • - WAS 7.95 NOW 595 BOOK #.3 THOUGHTS TO IGNITE YOUR MIND" WAS 9.9i rif:Ary$795 • . • , • PICK UP YOUR COPY TODAY FROM' TIIE.,OLLOWING LOCATIONS ... The Goderich Signal -Star. The Clinton News -Record. The Seaford' Iforon;Expositor. The Lucknow Sentinel. The Mitchell Advocate, The Kincardine News. The Walkenon Herald -Times. Fincher's (GODERICH. KINCARDINE. EXETER). King's Books; in Blyth at the Old MM. The Saga: The Listowel Book Shop; and Harris Stationery in Wingham. • The Lucknow Junior. Women's Institute • held its regular monthly meeting on April 9 in the basement of the Town Hall. A letter was read from the ICiiirshea • Women's Institute inviting members to • attend the 4-1I awards night of the club they sponsor. The items 4-N members have made ,will be auctioned off. A letter was received from the coor- dinator of the Bruce County Dairy J Princess • The JWIO provhichd theme for this year Is "Exercise the Write to Read". Each branch is to complete some project with this theme hi\ mhid and make a report at the annual conference. • It was deckled to attend the play Local Talent, at the Blyth Festival on June 14 and go out for dinner first.