The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-04-11, Page 1510, Pets For Sale I IA. For Sale General ACK RUSSELL Terrier, nide 7 weeks HOUND BALES 01 bay Alfalfa and • 4d et affectionate. Ph -.10 Pte 12,1 Timothy, stored beide. Delivered. Phone ais.ono.----14-111,17-19nx 529-7152 altar $ • 0 11A, For Sale General • '44411014111141 ram Inoculating •100 acres of soybeans takes 1000pouads • of granular. 0, 29 pounds of HiStickat approximately half the cost per Me. • • ' • Why Switch - from graitiller$ tO First took at some of the facts. • The cost per acre of HiStick is approximately half that of granulars. • , • Less than one pCund of HiStick will inoculate 3 acres. • HiStick provides dramati- cally more baoteria per pound than granular, • HiStick contains bacteria • • strain 532C recommended ty Agricultural Officials. • HiStick is easy to apply, just mix it with the seeds. • HiStick performed Well even in dry conditioned 1988. , • Let us tell you more about we're so proud to be Canada's exclusive distributor. • 19 • Professional seamen in touch with the land John Edisbury OR ee,, Ripley, Ontario 395-3620 or 395-5953 4 4A) PIONEER. Seed Corn *Soya Bean .Alfalfa Tbnothy and 131'001110 Grass now available *Silage Inoculento Liquid or Dry Your Plower sake aspressnistivu is BRUCE RAYNARD RR 1 LUCKNOW 5214502 et ;12. Real Estate For Sale 11A. For Sale General Itat Northrup King smornmeoPms seeds •Seed Corn *Alfalfa *Soybeans Don Ritchie R.R. 5 LUCKNOW 395-2806 ct, IRV• -".7 • WANTED - $11 Best steelier caveat_ *mg precomdllimed. Prafacced- re" aping grow Cafl $25111111angtios.-111-1.7 DOUBLING FAR KE LTD, LIVESTOCK - Riplacenmot calves, Heionsin for veld, beef calves for lialt *WWI* eon Popper at 519-41$21121.-311K 1IF. Farm Produce 5 x 5 ROUND BALES hay-alfelfs 11' PIONEER. 2-5 721., stored inside,Mi eon load. me 11111W10 • *Mb COM *Seed Corn *Alfalfa *Silage Innoculants *Soybean* Your Pioneer Sales Representative is DOUG EADIE Holyrood 395-$721 Daytime 396-4981 Evenings I12. Real Estate For Sale HAY 300 rowid Wee alfalfa - 700 ib and 1200 lb bales stored inoide. 7 miles N.W. of Teeewater. Land for rent, 25 acres new alfalfa fielCand 50 acres Hanlon loam. Lot 32, concesslcn 12, Calms Township, also a horse barn for rent. Phone 1054018 or 1-3374630.-15-18 12. Real Estate For Sale •.!".• - •:1• — • • -• •,••••u•'-!.. • • 4 , • ••••• d; • • iS'; 0 lot of home for a little bit of lot .with a Plan • - .from Royal Homes. • Ifquire a qualified lot owner, your property equity is all you need for the downpayment on a high-qu:ality, factory -built Royall-lome. Through our new (VG National Trust) mortgage plan, you can have a fabulous Royal Home, with poured concrete basement, on your lot in just a few months with NO MONEY DOVVN. A Guaranteed, speedy installation and no surprise extra charges assure you of a worry -free move in! It's cel,great way to own a great home. A Royal Horne. For more informationon (Zoyal Homes' new Lot Downpayment Plan, call or mom. ••••• f4;;;;Iitail$ in the complete line of qualdygoyal Homes send S5 for our full colOur cotoiogue 11101164 • Name visit the sales centre nearest Vou. A Address • . Phone Nurmer • „ Citn Province• ' Postal Coce Lthuccd" The, CMginal Factory Home Builder's '• • • GSP2J 111...• • .i.Wiso • , . • Models on rilspItty nt... "'CHATHAM - Bloomfield Rd. at liwy401, Box 1360, Chatham N7M 5W8 (519) 351-8622 1-800-265-9471 • PETERBOROUGH - Hmr. 7 East at Hwy •134, Box 4700, Peterborbugh k9J 8J6 (705) 295-4100 1-800-461-6533 • MOWRY - Corner of Armstrong & Hwy 69„ 2192 Armstrong St„ Sudbury P3E 5G9 (705) 522-9429 1-800-461-4889 • TORONTO - S.W. Corner Major McicHenzie Drive & fiwy 400, Box 696, Maple L6A 1S5 (416) 832-1700 1-800-387-081 • wiNGNAM - 1 km East of Wingharn on i:tivy. 86, Box 370, Wingham NOG 2W0 (519) 357-2444 1-800-265-3040' Mood Sundays for the benefit of our employees and their famines. • 4. •