The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-04-04, Page 1728. Business Opportunity NOW IN CANADA, 34) camera. Uses reg 35nun film. No glues. or viewer re- quirod. See to 'believe. Not sold M store& For own use or become a dealer: Info write: 34), Box 068, Ipace, Ont. POT 171 Call (eo7 i 934.2517. (607) 71.2517. Fax (257)934- 77•X4bc BUSINESSPPORTUNITY for cam- pground/trailer parkor homesitea. Muds, sewers, hydro, pl me,, water in- .stallationS completed. scree of treed, stepped property with dual highway frontage and entries. Near ac- cess to lake. Personal connmitraents for-, ting sale • at deflated price. Write to David` Bjockman, Box 1147, Aitkokan, On- tario, POT 1C0.,- -l4be QUAINT '05 SEAT, licenced restaurant in the bobboomingKoontays, '$150,000a 58aY Service Barn,Poet Office, , Station, $290,000.Slocan Valley. ACreagex . (604). 359.7860 or: (004) ,325.7856.--14bc HAIR IAS I, As R seen .on national tv. The greatest , Helsinki Formula ever now. available in Ontario, $84 for nine month supply. Phone (416) 631-4522. Di$tributor inquiries welcome! l3bc> JOIN THE BOOMING wuiergroimd Lawn Sprinkler business Start your own dealer- p . for summer • 1990. No experience maty Training and ted udeal`support abatable.. $3,500 for' complete startup, in - eluding full inventory. Call. us today. Aqua -Lawn Sales" and Installations, ) 13bc (418 $9D-874$:: Fa�k: (416) 890-9097.— PEOPLE INTERESTED in growing cucumbers for Bicks (1/2. acre minimum) .please contact Jim or Marianne Bette, RR 2, : Teeswater, NOG 2S0. Phone 392-8282.-12-17 EXTRA INCOME!: We. train you to grow big ,boitworms in your basement, garage or shed. Odorless operation. Low invest- ment; Market guaranteed! Free informa tion, Early Bird Ecology, RR .1 Smithville, Ontario, LOR...2AO,,. (416), 643-4252: Chatham Kent,Bait Farm, R R • 7, Chatham, Ontario,- N7M 07, (519) 683-2463. Kumari BaitFarm, Boa 69,:: • Camden East, Ontario, KOK 1.10, (613)'. 378.0023.-14bc SNACKS: Rapidly expanding full line snack company. Has distributorship available in your area. Funds required for inventory. Cube .van necessary. For - further information, send resume to Listowel Banner, P.O. Box 97, Listowel,: Ontario. NW ' 3112. Attention Box. 433.-14bc 29. Tenders FOR SALE BY SEALED TENDER MODEL 1.845 S CASE Skid Steer (Uni-loader) Can be seen at address below. Closing Date MAY 9, 1990 Sold' as is. 10% deposited enclosed with tender and will be returned if tender is not accepted. The lowest or any tender blot• necessarily accepted. UNITED CO-OP, 307 Broadway St.,. BOX 160, .KiNCARDINE, .ONT. N2Z 2Y7 TEL.: 519-396-3451 FARM FOR SALE LOCATION: 6 miles south-west of l+ifingham on a gravel rood LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Ent w Lot 30, Con- . cession 8, East Wawanosh Township, Huron County LAND: Ob acres with 74 acres workable PUILDINGS; Nil NOTES: Purchasers must rely on their own in- spection and knowledge of the hem and not on the above or any other padicuierr* or representations made verbally or in **king by or, on behalf of the Farm Credit Corporation. Before making en offer, those bested= should ascertain thatthe properly can be us- ed and occupied for the purposeeintended in accordance with Provincial Legislation and M.unicipat R•putatione. ' Offers should be madeon forms obtainable on request rd. the �edmbe received Apia 10, field office listed below. The highest or any offer will not' necessarily be accepted. The Corporation could request new offers to purchase after the above mentioned date, it deemed necessary, Purchasers will be responsible for all taxes and all assessments'whethei local improvements', the loan*, or othetwlee charged or eaeeseed against the said'proporty from date of 00114 , subject to the usual adjustments. OFFER REVIEW DATE: April" 16, 1990 A certified deposit of $4,000.00: must accom- pany the offer. • For further Information contact, FARM CREDIT CORPORATION ,Alt: Daryl gall 50 south street, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 31.5 Telephone No., 5194244300 Please refer to File Number 35883-5A1 FARM FOR ` SALE LOCATION: 7 kilometers north-west of. Dungannon on a gravel road LEGAL DESCRIPTION: West 1/2 Lot 6, Con- cession 6, Ashfield Township, Huron County. .AND: 100 acres with 95 acres workable; BUILDINGS: Large frame house with in- sulbrick siding,. Aluminum windows. Needs. sortie repair Swine barn in goad condition. ASKING PRICE: $110,000.00 •. NOTES: Offers should be made on forms ob- tainable on request from any office of the Cor- poration and ,musb bereceived by April 16, 1990 at the field office listed below. The highest or any offer will not necessarily" be accepted. The Corporation could request new offers to purchase after the above mentioned date, if deemed. necessary. Purchasers will be responsible for all taxes and all assessments whether local Improvements, tile loans, or otherwise charged or assessed against the said property from date of closing, subject to the usual adjustments. OFFER REVIEW DATE: April 16, 1990.. A certified deposit of $4,000.00 must accom pany the. offer. For, further information` contact: FARM CREDIT CORPORATION Att: Daryl Ball, 50 South Street Goderich, Ontario. N7A 3L5 Telephone No. 519.524-5366 Please refer to File Numbers 24286-5A0 and 24286-593. • TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS QUOTATIONS Quotations will be received on contractors letterhead. by the undersigned until 5:00 PM April 12, 1990 for rental nates for con- struction machinery. List make of machine,* horsepower and hourly rate with operator and fuel. supplied. Last all types of machinery including loaders and dump trucks. Henry L Clark Road Superintendent Ktnloas Twp. Holyrood, Ontario am' 280 L w Sendoil, Wim►, April 4,1911. -Page 11 30. Employment Wontwd C I. Servide Directory leekhegi.lor esenter elaafltatrm rot. AUCTIONEER SERVICE, Groat Teeswater. Licensed Avelieneer, Seas of All Types. Phase Ripley 309-13i3, Teamster 316417. --tear Pirrone I.Mta 34$.--14x McDonald, Ripley; Wallace BAR^ 31. Service Directory REFRIGERATION aced :aura. --.fur. Appliance THE LADIES District of the Lticknow and Christian school will be glad to look after your catering needs no matter what size. For inform - tion contact Margaret Vandevaart 3054617 or Garda Burgin* ;*71102.--14x PLANNING AN auction? No sale too big or too small!Call Alan teller 305.4463 or Bill Haldenby 395-5142. Licenced Auctioneers.—l4aur IF YOUR HOME has a tank, find out how to keep It . *IP cost- lypumpouts. Free -tl0ia 1152, 24 hours.-14bc ADOPTION - Pregnant? Loving couple wishing to adopt baby, Call .collect (416) 731-5769. 14b, c PLUMBER -RENOVATIONS, new work, pumps, Softeners, central vac's installa- tion. ,Reasonable rates. Phone. Ken Mac- Donald 395.5565.--12.15x FOR Al.L YOUR Funks care ate' grass Seed needs, call Walter or Barry Elliott 3574358 or 357-1532.-41-1W A BETTER TAX RETURN! The best. way to get it is with TaxGuard. When we prepare your tax return, Ayou'll receive every breakto you. You'll pay the least tax possible. Home appoint* meets available . now! Call Toll Free: 1-800.24002. Farm Business Consultants your farm tax experts for 37 years!-4bc PHOTOCOPYING. The Lucknow Sentinel now ries photocopying D In and see us or call 5222822 for de ;--44tfnx'` SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS -' lawn and garden, concrete, automotive, mov- ing, painting, cleaning, sanders, power. tools, much. more. Doupes . Equipment Ltd., 3 miles East' of Kincardine on No. 9 highway. 395.2685.x.-42tfar PIMA'S REFRIGERATION & Appliances Servicer Dependable repairs to all makes and models of major appliances. Phone 1=887:9062.-42tfar • Back -Hoe Service Reasonable Rates George McBride 395-5093 "Puriflr1er. ,IIISilt u■ _ !NAWIN WATER SOFTENERS Drinking syttems Iron Filters Call George Mills 524.8490 or Herman lamaker collect at.482-9948 (no Sunday calls, please) CUSTOM SEWING and alterations, reasoaabk, rates. Call Ruth Ritchie at 41114141 ordrop in at 471 Wolsley Street, SEE US FOR YOUR STARTER, aiter- nator, recht generator Electric, of Whitechurch. Phone 3674405. — lWnar JAMES SYMES PAVING MATERIALS lovimmos ASPHALT & CONCRETE DRIVEWAY Grating - Growl • TOO sod Paving of Roads, Parking Lots & Tennis Courts 5294047 L ucknow JOHN P#'HCKEY • CONSTRUCTION •New construction ' •Ropiacement .Renovations Windows .Oacks and Does • innilnurn Trim Work 'Rooling 'Farm Buiidings • Licensed carpenter after 0 p.m. .13 years Port Albert 5294872 A SNOWDEN' INSULATION Now Avaable BLOWN IN CELLULOSE Sprayed on Urethane Foam Agricultural, Industrial, Raeldeati&lo Commoraial FREE ESTIMATES CAU. TODAY R -R. +1 Lusknow 528-2129 1 34. Personal ADOPTION - pregnant? Loving couple .wishing to adopt baby.: Call collect'. (416)731.5769.-14bc HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help: Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3635,-- 40tf fr 36. Announcements UNCLAIMED PHOTOS, Do you have an'\\ unclaimed photo at the Sentinel. We think • you'd like to have them back, 'but . we can't keep them indef1nitely. Please drop in to our office and reclaim your photo soon.-32tfnx 39. Educotional LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern ' Ontario School of Auc- tioneeri ng. Next class: 'February 10.17/89. For information contact Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. 5 Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9 (519)537-2115.-44bc FREE'. 1990 wide to study -at-home cor- respondence . Diploma courses for prestigious careers; Accounting, Alrcon- ditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel, Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto.1.800.950.1972-50b c j31. Service Directory , Reliable workers available to area citizens for: - *HEAVY CLEANING *YARD CLEANING --Call Barbara to -day --- TOWN and COUNTRY HOMEMAKERS 1-800-265-3039