The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-04-04, Page 6•SAVE Pigs 4 Wow tlestiesi, ifeassday, Apt 4,1* Lucknow hosts CGIT rally Lucknow CG1T booted a Tri.County Rally fur car Bids and leaders from Itoleswortb, Godericla and Dungannon. This. WAS a day of celebration of 0G17* •15th Anniversary with the thecae Visione and Decisions• After each parson made and shared a flan* talk_ Lucknow president Morita MacDougall welcomed mem,. Sono for Jamboree were led by Penny Hodges with Anne Pritchard accompanying on • the the groups will he atteadAng the On. tario Jan3boree, June 22 . 24‘ Each per. son made a special necklace to wear•tO that camp. The craft was led by Doreen Mali with CGIT grad Julie Nicholson aseistim, Girls from the four groups led in a variel$ of pmes amd *Wog weds Mrs alio enjoyed Each grey prmentod a ddt. The simulation game, Mho are the Ludlum Ones, *hewed the bast ine- qualities in the distribution of world tenure* Diomedes escomaged a quo - tion* attitude toward the morality of the ways goods are new &tanned. The bn Ghee Howe further skewed the divi- sion between Us rich and the poor. MOT 75th Anniversary cakes and pima were served. The calm were made and decorated by Lucknow grads Kim Laidlaw and Bonnie Henderson. Worship was led by Goderich CGIT• girls with. a • medal message en the theme by Rev. 'KU i thimeik. 'The lay of fun and fellowship cloned with talk. North Street United Chunk Ceder** was the setting fertile weddisg el Gerald Bradley 1Prieetep, son el Gerald and Mary Lou Priest* of Lucknow, and Ann Louise Baeehler, daughter of Robert and Lorraine Baechler of Goderich, en September 14, 1184. Rev. Kathi Urbasik- -.1thideY officiated. Maid of honour was Kelly Leda, ot. Goderieht Mend of the Wide. Beat man was. Chris Collyer of htenford, •.• friend of the. groom. .."" • Bridesmaids were Lisa naechler of Lon- don, -cousin of the bride; Heather ".'PrieShip. Ludmow, sister el the glum Junior bridesmaids were Tiffany. • Buechler .of Sarnia, Combs of the bride and Jessica Stiller of Elmira, cousin of. the bride. Ushers were Kevin Delo of cousin of the groom; Scott Reedier of ,GOderieb, brother of the bride; Dale Priest* of Lucknow, brother of the groom. and Chris Irwin, friend of the Mom ..The reception was held in Ooderie,h, Township. Following a 'honey- moon in Myrtle Beach, the couple is res •1n Mr, and Mrs. 0, Bradlerprieetap At Cook's we pride ourselves on beinga full-service business. Our 6 locations have everything you. need this spring, from seed and fertilizer to crop protection' products - and all at competitive prices. But Cook's can give you more ... whetherit's crop planning advice, soil testing and blending of custom application. Cook's' people" have the expertise to help you get the "maximum economic yield" from yoni crop. Por all your inputs this spring, talk to the experts atCobk's. Head Orrice: Hensall t519) 262-2910 Branches: Centralia (5191 228-66(1 Kirkton t519) 229-8986 tValton (5191527-1540 - Amberley k5191 395-Z601 Atwood k51913562292 * N 4 • ' 'Parr of the Cook's Cropinput 'Rain ititvrt Itlikkright): Kirkton Apti,Sales Representative. 13 YearS with Cook's • Der4n Hodgins • Walton Brunch Manawr, 4 years with, Cook's Dale, Passmore Applicator Operator, 12yeats with Cook's . , . Division of Parrish St Heimbecher. Umitcd "Where you can trade with confidence." • The Ludlow 00IT hooted a Tri-0,ounty Rally last Saturday to which con ghls and leaders from Molesworth, Godes** and Dungannon were invited. This was a day of celebration of ourrs 75th Anniversary with the theme Visions and Deckles. Pictured . are Heather Thompson (left) and Natasha Helms, both of Molesworth; working On • a special heart necklace that all the gids willswear who attend the Outs*Jamirree June 22 - 24. (Pat Livingston photo), _ V,T est Wawanosh Mutual Insurance Cobpany Dungannon, 529-7922 .10 forote2ction55;5oi: CANCER. INFORMATION SERVICE CALL 17806263-6750, SUNWORTHY• WA LL.CO'V ER I N GS • 3#' 4.*44:72- 44101.: S1014******0160164 For a quotation; please contact any of the following 'agents: FRANK toRAN, • Lucknow 528-3824 LYONS & MULHERN , • .Goderich • 524-2664 DONALD R. SIMPSON . Ripley 3955362 JOHN NIXON Bruatiels 887-941 DELMAR SPROUL Auburn 529-7213,, KENNETH*1VIACLEAN • Paisley 3694537 SLADk INSURANCE BROKERS INC. Kincardine 396-9513 LAURIE CAMPBELL Brussels 1 IMI1 ED TIME. OFFER ROHDE W. INCLUDED ri% BRIC S INt" 1 0F 1) Discount Applies Only UM! April 14th, 1990 ANN Mr. ••••i TI 0111•110W 1141 A1,11 ‘1,r 1,••• (mark" 1•1*1.• ttttt 141 FINLAY DECORATORS RAIIPAPIYI AND< I 4 411%Th (4 (KNOW I 441.1Z0