The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-04-04, Page 1• An Ashfield Township home and eontentn were completely were r:entbig the helve froll'ilman Debra*. (Nell'Oorhett photo);,. destroyed in a fire March 27 about 9 a.m Ron and Heidi Sehmldt Fire destroys • • • • BY NEIL CORBETI' of the house was "completely involved." ed that he wouldn't allow them 0.40 an A fire in an Ashfield Twp. home spread His hair had been singed in getting the inside attack. 'I've never seen one go up so fast that even a fire chief who was on boy out _ so fast," he said. The house burned to ' the scene was helpless against it. "If either of them had been upstairs I'd the ground. .Tuesday, March 27. at 'about 9 a.m. a have never gotten them out' said Steer., • How the fire started "is a mystery to farmhouse, on Hwy. 8 at the comer of the Steer went back into the house to phone all of us," said Steer. He assumes it . township's lath concession caught fire. the fire department, and ' received minor either spread from a chimney, or could The home was being rented by Ron and burns ("a bit of a burn"he said) to his have beencaused by_ electric heaters Heidi Schmidt, hands • and hie 'face from radiant he:at. upstairs In the house." Lucknow Fire Department chief Peter "To be honest I wasn't sure 1 had got- Ron Schmidt and the other child Steer was at the house making a service ten the message out. I was at the end of were away when the fire broke out call for his appliance repair bu.shiess. the cord, as far away from the! fire as I ome and contents The Sclmddts did not have insurance • . "By the time he noticed it and went to could get, and the ,phone was start* to on the contents of theit ham, aad a ad. calf he almost burned his hand on the ' burn on the said Steer. lection al household item and &thing is phone," said Cst. Burgess of the Kincar-• ii‘When you're m t,he fire trucks it being organized 'by Lucknow area dine OPP, who was also at' the fire. seems like you're really getting there amazinglo me that I was in there fast, but when you're sitting 'there • ""' aUrAIW2 and never smelled smoke," said, Steer. ' -waiting it seemed like it took. forever," Milan Behrens of RR 7 Lucknow was Heidi Selmildt looked out the window and said Steer. . • c the owner of the burned farmhouse. He saw flames on the side of the house. "Talk about a helplessfeeling. .You're had insimmee, but it wasn't adequate to Steer got her and her son out of the supposed to knew What you're Mpg, but cover the complete loss of the building. house and into a vehicle outside, but by you. can't do anything." ! He said he lost more in the fire than did the time he cloded the truck door and Steer aid when the Lucknow lire the Schmldts with the loss of all their looked at the house the fire an the roof fighters arrived the blaze was so initolv- contents. ajority against county restructuring A small, but interested gathering of area reeves, councillors and other In- terested citizen." turned out for the pubile meeting called by the i'Bruce County Restructuring Committee in Teeswater last Thursday evadrig. The indication of those attending was they were not In favour of restructuring and they like things just they way they are. Members of the committee in often - dance included Warden Dave Thompson, Reeve of Brant Township; Monte Fitzsinh mons, Reeveof Tiverton; Graham Cassidy, Reeve of Teeswater; Jed Riley, Reeve of Greenock Township and John Maddox, Project Leader, Ministry of Muni Affairs, Them men represent tiny half of twee &deg on the committee reviewing the Wiles of enudcipal structure, representation and function of all municipalities in Bruce 'County. The review defined the moot ap- propriate form of localgovernment in the • county in terms of municipal structure, boundaries, organization and !service responsibilities of the county and local municipalities. .. In his opening conuherds, Reeve • Cassidy stated that the committee had . met on an individual basis with 30 of the . 31 municipalities within the county, prior • •to the.public meetings. Areas of concern include unfair .representation of municipalities on county council, boun- dary disputes and intermunicipal agreements within counties and the in- ability of many small municipalities to deal effechica with- growth pressures and eomplex and expensive service An enlarged map of Bruce County, in- cluding existing municipal .boundaries, was displayed showing crossover in ser- vice areas between villages and • townships, regarding fire, recreation, buliding hspection, waste management, • hospitalsand public works. The commit - Turn to page 2 • hieves steal doctor's car On Mirth 27, ammisirs el the Khoo. dime Detschmeaf of the Oshwie Previa - dal Polies responded le a cal to.* Huron TeemeW rfaidesea, slowstbill arrested two Ad men far bag revealed that two observed unlawfully in aide:4sursbteoetigatien a pickup tnicle in the ditheentze and upon checking the interior of the house feesd the too men inside. Police are commendbig the neighbours for the vital action they took.' Thieves in Lucknow made off with. a 1904 Lincoln belonging to Dr. KM Cor- rin, from his 'reeidence around 2 a.m. recoverim Satuerr undamagedy, March 31b. t'le:t.ethclart samewas day abandoned on the old railway bed east of Lucknow. The investigation continuos. Vandals were at it again on the the m the edge of weekend pulling outIgwalkway at ne saplings fro tarps' Beach. Huron Township employees had plotted the trees. . • Rick ill and his five year old-` son, both of lOncardine,!' were gulded safely back to the harbour in Kinear- dine, late Saturday evening after being caught on the lake by a heavy fog and losing sight of shore. Detachment " members used roof lightti; sirens, highway flares and V.H.F. ritdio to locate the smsdli craft north of town and direct it back . to the harbour. Town lice and OPP had set ambers and highway flares at the end of the north pier to act as a beacon. Mr., Dwinnell's boat was well 'equipped with compass and V.H.F. radio and wasnever in. dasiger. < A raccoon suspected of behig rabid Was held at bay by a Huron Ridge resi- dent on Stinday, who Wed a 2 x 4. The did not have. contact. with. *Mans° or dot:nettle ',pets. Constable, Brian:Ferris tended to the dispatch of me animal. Veldcle- checks during the last week resulted in one -12 hour suspension, two liquor licence charges and one pro- Mbited driver being apprehended. An early burning accident on March 30 on county road one, south of Kinlough„ resulted in. minor injuries to Kevin Ackert of R. 1, Holyrood and the total destruction of his 1990 Pontiac. Mr. Ackert was southbound when his car went onto the west shoulder, lost con- ol,' crossed the roadway, entered the ditch and rolled over striking a hydro pole. There were three motor vehicle ac- cidents involving property damage only during the past week. • County budget up W.ALICEiTON—Bruce County's 1990 budget increased by 9.99 per cent from last Year, but an increase in the county asseaa- ment reduces the budget increase, t�• municipal taxpayers. . Finance chalrman Ross Herron saidthe county assessMent, which reduced the tax increase by 4,2 per cent, is partly based on the construction of new homes and bushweens. He also said it is the largest in- crease in Witty engagement in quite a *the. The county's reserve fund of 1290,000, a 90 per cent berewse from last year, in - dudes MONO for county homes for the ag- ed, .20,000 for Walkerton's Cayley Street complex, and 050,000 for thew county library headquarters, Social Services' received a.$1,017,850 budaet pertly because owe levels are expecteifto increase by an additional 239 cases in 1990.. wantio remind council that a lot of thought was put into the budget. We. thought the request for a 144 per cent in- cluse for county promotions was a bit much, so we cut the increase back," said ROSS Herron, finance chairman. Bert Perkins, Port Elgin Reeve, said the motion budget should not start at a< er level .because the county would ever cathe up if it falls behind in pro- ofing tourism, . Turn to e 2 •