The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-03-28, Page 4NVe4 Why, Mira 2$, 11* - P.. BoX 400, iPupknow; Ontario 'NOiG, 2H0 Estabiished 1875 528.2822; Fax (519) 528-3529 Thotna4'Thompson — Advertising Manager Subscription ` gates advance: Pat i ivin9sttpn — General Manager tiro Qutaide canada Editor .01400 Outside Canada $5000 Senioreitizen Second class mailing reg, no. 0047 Advettising:is accepted on the cond,ttpn that in the event of a typographical error, the por tion Of the advertising space occupied„by the erroneous item together with, a reasonable allowance. for signature,. will not be charged for, but.the balance of the advertisement will be paid at the applicable rates. Fond: I3.Bank - there.is::.a geed s. Lucknow and' ora has Ito own Food Rank, siiearhoad.d by the United *Church Wonion. It is , available to those in Hood Within the areal bordered by Rungeannon, . Whit.ehurch, highway '9. and the Ripley bourtdon read. The bo. unidarl.s • wore sit up to :prevent duplication. it. ;ls an off shoot of th. Christmas and anerrolent Fund, but any funds loft from the aforementioned' fund are not used by the Food Bank. Thy try to limit assistance to once or month, but no.' one is turned away who is in need. According, to ,s001;011WOiloni Marion McFarlane, the, inception of the Food Dank •was prompted by changes in government rulings affecting those on welfare and the change in unomploymenir b.n.fits, As well, the case of a single ',twilit vorifi.d their.. was Indeed •:a mood for such .assistance within '.our community.. A young singie Mother, on welfare, with a small Child; who. required certain .medication, woe - forced to us. hear remaining, dollar*. to pay for the medicine. Tho medicine required was not one of thoso covered by govornmont . assistance. The money used was allotted: for groceries :for the week. She then in turn had to apply. for food Voucher to got 'her :through • until her next cheque. arrived: Th.. •following ; month; the amount of . the voucher was deducted • from her `shequce. Mrs. McFarlane said th..hard st time for those on welfare isin a five weak month. The Salvation Army in Wingham assts. ted in starling the Lucknow - Food Bank with a donation of four boxes. of 'groceries. other dopa, tions have boon r.c igod • from UCW mombors,, -'other church groups and congregations in the area. Quito often it is'sold that :there. is no Hood in Lucknobe: and Ern mediate ,area for such an organization but 12 .roforrals, since the in- ception of the Food Bank in mid: February, would Indicate otherwise. Referrals are recoleod from Children's •Aid and Family Services and word of mouth. - .• Donations are welcome to Food Rank:” As 'Mrs. McFariane sold.. "God always supplies, but He needs... some' help." PL Goodbye! I hate staying es, it makes me rather reud , but hue es me feelinggoes. alsociation of 12 years and time maths, it is time to move on. Over those years I have worked in all • .. .., • , , of this ,' eurk..as a part time 1 1 . . , :... and ending up as edit.or. Growing from a person who had no knowledge of the workings of a weekly paper to one who has full knowledge of this weekly, has been quite an ex perienee. An experience that at times made my blood boli, as the temper I have managed to restrain, threatened to ones I • Howeverthe . are the. Being a part of small community such as Lucknow is rewarding. Lucknow . - where you can walk down the street and without fear say hello to those you meet; Lucknow -- where people call you by Your first name; Ltueknow . - `where even the Wicket' in the bods coupe to recognise Yon and say, "1 know you, you took my picture last week". Lucknow - where there is that feeling of family. P11 never forget the ag i hours in the darkroom when I first �: over as editor. I still have some anxious moments each Monday while .the flim is develop- ing. While I may not forget them, I cer- tainty won't miss that part of Mondays. I'll remember the brain racking ses- sions each week to come up with an idea DAMBUNGS by Pat Livingston for a cow. Pll remember the joking comments from certain people asking If I was sure there was film m the camera, P11 remember reprogramming my. brain to go from the MIA Disc Terminal to the IBM I'll rememlier the "anonymous lady" who put somuch time into making sure deserving citizens of the community were I � my Super Scoop 'Coffee club with a great deal of fondness. Fraternizing with the mixture of people who met around that table each morning was a great way to start my day. P11 remember by lunch buddies - the farmer, the nurses, the secretary, the hairdresser, the retired men and our special waitress, who always went out of her way to give us just what we asked for. It can all be put in a nutshell - I'll remember low and most important ly the wonderful people 1 have met and been associated . with :during the past 12 years• .01oo.4' IisdY Apes int sr sap - steal .aced} kip 'Mou Aq *eke* am eget itoJ is asap .10.4 DAY BARGAINS 70 black. tea 134. lbs $1.00 4 Rows Seeded Raisins, 51.00 10 Cans1 Old Dutch, 51.00.: 13:Boxes Pealrline,. $1.00 8 -Plugs Tobacco, ; $1.00 3 40c Cans Saamon, , • 41.00. 0 Nice. prinking Glasses, $1.00: $ilo $1.15 $i;25 Brooms, 5 Cana Tomatoes, 13:liars Palmolive Soap, 51.00 "1.00 $1.00 8 ' Pakagcs . Cornflakes, : $1:40. 'M2c extra in trade on your eggs". Next door to Cameron, Murdoch & Co's. store. Remember when? • No refunding of dog taxes regardless of circumstances, 1920 • 70 Years Ago - March 25, 1920 BUSINESS BLOCK SOLD - An impor- tant real estate deal was transacted the other day when Mr. Wm. Murdie bought . the Campbell Block, that is the block now occupied by the Post Office and Johnston Bros. Furniture store. There will ba no immediate change as Mr. Murdie does . not get possession until Dec. lst. NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS - The assessment of the village of Lucknow is now Wing made, and owners of dogs are notified that there will be no refunding of dog taxes for any reason. If assessment of a dog is made the tax will be col- lected, regardless of what afterwards becomes of the dog. 50 Years Ago March 28, 1940 STORM PARALYZED EASTER 'TRAF- FIC - Easter, falling. on the earliest date on which it has occurred in thirty eight. years, brought with it a four day bliz- zard, with low temperatures and biting winds. An estimated foot and a half of snow fell and whipped by high winds completely blocked all roads for a time. The weather calmed on Tuesday election day, but early Wednesday morning there was further snowfall. Added to the storm conditions, the ENTINEL MEMdIRS temperature dropped to a low of 7 above: ;.zerro en Easter Sunday, with thelour for each of ,the fourdays varying but little. Main highways .suffered the worst dur- ing the storm, as snowplow cuts drifted full, and on Sunday even horse drawn vehicles failed to get through some roads. Dr. W. V. Johnston with Clair Johnston driving, was forced to give up the at- tempt ttempt to get through to Dungannon. TAKES OVER JOHNSTON'S DAIRY BUSINESS L With the enforcing of Pro- vincial milk Pasteurization regulations, this week will witness Lucknow's last raw milk dairyman, Peter Johnston, discon- tinue his business, having 1d out to Mr. Ewart Taylor, who' operiikd a modern pasteurization plant in Lucknow for over two years, and who will now supply the village with pasteurized milk exclusively. Taylor will take over the Johnston business on Monday and is prepared to supply the .added, list of customers. Pasteurization regulations `became el- - festive over a year ago, and have been gradually enforced until .pasteurization ,plants are . now established in all surroun- ding toams. and villages. • 25 Years Ago w March 31, 1965. . INTERVIEW. POLICE- CHIEF PRO- SPECTS - Village Council dismissed ap, plications for the position of Police Chief of the Village at a council 'meeting on Tuesday night of last week. Eight applications were received for the job, and council interviewed a few of these on the weekend. No definite deci- sion had been made on the appointment as of Monday. Luclmow has been without the services of a policeman since the resignation of Joe Balzer several weeks ago. Mr. and: Mrs. Balzer have• moved to Kitchener. LAY PLANS FOR RIPLEY DIAL PHONE AT ANNUAL MEETING OF H AND K SYSTEM. - The fifty-fifth annual meeting of the Huron and Kinloss Municipal Telephone System was held in the .Ripley Township Hall on Friday, March 26 with a small- attendance. Dan MacDonald, retiring Commissioner,, was reelected for a three year term. Present Commissioners are Murray\ Campbell, Dan MacDo0ald and .Stewart Needham. • Needham was appointed. Chairman for the coming year. 10 Years Ago - March 26, 1980 HOSPITALS FACE RN • SHORTAGE - Hospitals in Ontario are facing a shor- tage of registered nurses which will have an effect 'on their operations during the coining years, Norman Hayes, ad- ministrator of Wingham and 'District Hospital, believes. „ He expects the problem to become in- creasingly acute over the .neat three to five years, leading to sharply higher nur- sing salaries and possible curtailment of hospital services. So far this hospital hasn't been troubl, ed too badly, but it will start to feel the pinch during the summer when many of the full time staff take holidays he said, since it is getting more and more difficult to find qualified relief nurses.