The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-03-21, Page 7!bourse will allow farmers to inerease knowledge Soil: C,oa ervatien Cearse • A Soil Conservation Course will be held at the OMAF office in Walkerton on .March 22, from 9;00 a.m. to 4:00 pin. The Six bout course will be an o porluni- ty for farmers to increase their knowledge of soil conservation and is practical application to farmland, There . : is. a; $1t) charge: for the day; lunch is not provided. The introduction to the course will in- form participants of the need for post con- servation and the methods that can be used to protect soil and water reeources. Further sections of the course will ex - pod on this information with practical, hands-on labe and demonstrations to lustrate the possible sources of informa— tion that can be utilized at the farm level to develop, a , conservation farm plan. Participants will . be able to analyze their soil samples,. (winchthey should being), for soil texture to determine the amount of sand, silt and clay and thereby • determine -the soil texture, comparisons Will also, be made to determine the soil structure- and water stability. Ultimately: the soil erodibility factor Will be arrived... at and thus -determine the first variable in the soil loss equation. Instruction will also be given in the equipment that is available to measure slopes in the field and participants will be aided to deter- mine their field slopes; • The Universal Soil Loss' Equation will be used to deteranine 'the, Potential soil loss that may he experienced on a:par-. titular field. Erosion, control options will be evaluated from an effectiveness and ' economics standpoint to aid participants in determining the most acceptable op-. tions for their operation. Conservation tillage and cropping options will. be look- ed at in ual detail. with actequipment to allow participants to view the Modifica- tions firsthand. Videos will also be Used to demonstrate the field operations re- quired to implement conservation prac- tises such° as laying out strips for strip.' Logtenbergs A sincere thank you to Heather McC1in- chey for her dedication to our Post Office rn Dungannon. Her last day will. be March 31. Good luck Heather. We will miss you. Dungannon's new Post Office will be . located in Dawson's Store. There will be a mail box outside the store. Welcome to Larry and Ann Johnston and four month old son, Samuel, from Nile, who purchased the home of Charlotte Pollock. The, Johnstons moved into the 'village on Saturday. ' Linda McNee, Margaret and • Jinn Err- ington attended the croklnole tournament • at the Goderich Museum this week. Lin- da McNee's sister Pat Thomson won first prize, a beautiful crokinole board. W5 was fibbing the tournament which will be aired on March 25. Derk Logtenberg and daughter Melissa have returned from a two week visit with -. relatives in Holland. • Helping Derk celebrate his birthday on March 14 and grandson, Joshua's sixth on the 21st were family members, daughter Fran and Jim Farrell -and children Christina, Carmen, Jamie and Glen\ of Pine River; daughter Irene an Joe West • and children Joshua, Katrina and Nathan 'of Stratford; son Simon and. Jan and daughters, Jocelyn, Jessica and Jennifer; son Jerry and wife Kay: Missing was another son Ken whit 'attends Waterloo University and is currently On a co. -op program in Toronto. Randy and torte Turner enjoyed com- pany from Mississauga over the Marche, break. Visiting were Cheryl Steip • and daughter Candice. Helping the Bridges family enjoy the March break were Nancy McCauley and daughters Rachel Keeling, Jessica Smith and son Jordan Smith and Stephanie Kellar, all from Mississauga. Get well wishes. to Deloria Culbert who is a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. Correction - Gwen Caesar and daughter Janice returned from 'a two week holiday REPORT fARM ��COMAF cropping or contour strafp•c. It's easy to do once you've seen howl At the conclusion of the day, par- ticipants will have an understanding of the soil propertios that have an effect on erodlbiUty, bow erosion occurs and how it can be reduced by conservation prac- ticea. Anyone who has taken a soil con- servation comae in the past will find this information very useful. If you have any questions or wash to register, contact the office.., 1980 Junior Agriculturalist Through the Juni Fromm Pro- gram. more than 180 young people from urban centres will have the opportunity to gain job experience and learn agricultural skills: from selected hoot. farmers. Hest farmers Will be required to com- plete a training plan for their Junior Agriculturalist, with the help of student programrvisors. Orientation training i n safety=kills, human relations and • basic jbob skills will also be provided in the. progrmn:- Participating farmers are expected to. supply room and board for the Junior Agriculturalist and to complete biweekly attendance reports. The host farmer is • responsible for contributlng $17 per day of the Junior Agriculturalist training allowance. Youth participating • as Junior Agriculturalists are between 15 and 24 years of age and have not had farm ex: „. perience. They will bring interest and en- thusiasm to your Earns. Past. participants have, found it to be rewarding for all involved. . Applications are•ayailable from the On- tario Ministryof Agriculture and Food: office. get together iUNGANNON ►by Karen. Bridges in Barbados. ' Eleven tables 'enjoyed the weekly euchre game at the Dungannon Senior Citizens Centre on March 14. High lady wags' Bernice Henry 78, low lady, Dorothy Williams 43, high gentleman,Harold Elliott 67, low gentleman John arris, 43. Church News • Rev Peebles delivered the service on Sunday, march 18 on Two Kingdoms. As of April l the time changes for Nile and Trinity—Church arkas follows: Nile at 9:45 and Trinity at 11:45. These times remain in effect until the end of June. • . Please call Karen Bridges 529-3219 anytime with your news or information for. the Dungannon Doings., • li+i ekeew fieadaelo Wedhosadey, Mara tt, 11011 --Page 7 11.411.11011.1.11.1011118.14111111.11110* I.TCV -'1'EA'P Phone 3674838 for 24 hour movie knflormadon JOHN LARROQUE'ITE KIRSTIE ALLEY PLAYING NION riallAY TO ThILMODAY MARCH SSW to mei emovnuess 1MWAY ANO *ATUNlAAY EOM PM *MOAT To MUMMY OAY OHE SHOW EACH LV99IPIO AT $ 0 PM 4 HELD OYER FORAND WEEKEND PLAYING WfOIEEMAY TO $ATIMROAY MARCH slat 10 24th( IHOWTIME: Taffl PM EACH EVENING SAL. MATINEE ON SUNDAY MARCH Mb AT1:80PM Fri. - Thurs. Mar. 23 - 29 Fri. & Sat. 7 & '9 P.M. Sun. - Thurs. 8 P.M. NOMINATED FOR 9 ACADEMY AWARDS BEST PICTURE BEST ACTOR MORGAN FREEMAN BEST ACTRESS ' JESSICA TANDY BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR -Long Distance?? Call 1-800-265.343$ for toll -tree movie :into. • DIDN'T GETAWAYSOUTH THIS YEAR? Then:Come On Out TO. The Lucknow DiatriGt Kinsmen's "HAWAIIAN NIGHT on Saturday, March --24/90 Lucknow Community Centre 9:00 p.m - 1:00 a.m. "SHAKE" • THAT CABIN FEVER!! *8.00 per person Leis And A FREE Rum. Minch Drink With Admission PRIZES Pat Thomson of Lucknow won a hard- fought contest for the Adult finals. For best outfits & worst tans, Limbo dancing & belly dancing contest LUNCH PROVIDED NO MINORS ALLOWED e 'AGE OF MAJORITY MUSIC BY SOUND PROOF DIG OUT YOUR SHORTS, SANDALS, SWIM SUIT or WHATEVER!