The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-03-14, Page 72Diverse course line-up for 1990 The following courses are DOW under development by the University of Guelph for its Independent Study School. Pet/Animal •Care: A basic Manual designed for anyone with an interest in the practices of veterinary medicine, esnecially recep- tionists and untrained staff in veterinary 'clinics. ibis course will familiar' lie the student with the procedures of everyday veterinary practice. Chapters cover - elementary anatomy and physiology, genetics, drugs, premise disinfection, , small animal nursing, emergency care, grooming, office procedures. making biapie udng weexeandsligeoandspetrifiepotential Syrup: endear*: energy in the ben, the bens„ the lams home - conservation; future sources of energy. Weedsin Agriculture and Weeds hi Horticulture: Anyone who grows crops knows that weeds are a daily fact of life. To help deal with weed problems, Independent Study is developing two courses: Weeds in Apiculture and Weeds in Horticulture. Both courses will familiarize growers A complete guide to maple syrup pro- duction: identification and pest manage-. ment of sugar maples; preparing the site for sugaring off; pros and cons of dif- ferent fuels; how to build an arch, Make an evaporating pan; how to tap trees; Methods of sap gathering; use of pipeline; evaporating off and sap storage; cleaning the equipment Includes maple syrup recipes. Included is one slide videotape. • • Energy . . Engmeermg: understandhig of the basic Irks - can lead to cost effective on-farm energy control to agriculture et horticulture. Students will man about weeds and tier biology, as well as the five major methods of weed control: preventive, cultural, mechanical, biological and chendcal. This Information is then applied to specific situations, in- cluding field crops, vegetable crops, nursery stock or turf. The final section of the course deals with an area of current concern — weed control in non-erop land such as railway lines, hydro right-of-ways and roadsides. Both courses emphasize an integrated ap- proach to weed problems that avoids dependence on any one form of control. After taking this course, growers should ,be able to Identify and manage harmful weeds, while keephsg the environment in ciples of t,he agricultural energy syst,em • poultry management. chapters examine - What is Management: energy? Sohices of energy for farms; the, • cost of energy; how enerStfie.:11180 in Developed for the hobbyist, Poultry • MMEINIIIIIIIII MO uommimmtimmOmmw 11111111•111111111111111111M 011M1151111111=il U 7:171,4C4 IIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIN IIIIIIIIIIMSIIIMMONI MIIIIMMIIIIIIMIIIIIIMI P Mb* IMMININOMMil nine MIIIIIIIIMINIMIIIIIIIIIIP Vesiameemeasniew- we SpeekiliZe in trucks! Your Complete Centre! INTERNATIONAL DIRECT PARIS524-7399 - BLUEWATER .4W • " • .. .. : TRUCK CENTRE AIRPORT RD., GODERICH •BUSINESS: 524-7379 RESIDENCE: 5244210 1 Probates ewersthe beim d raising aid precessiag a.haws fleet The course inehales imisrasnise a= et stock avdp.pinandeew. sad nada& aspect bresdhe sed Ueda - It cares ha* Oe*" arid brooder, law and breeder fie* asmene- meat and gives a concise overview common flock health and problems. pop ends with tariusys, waterfowl and game birds. Commercial Floriculture: Growing plants in the greenhouse is an exciting art, This course details the pro- pagation and culture of some of the im- portant commercial crops of the floriculture industry, including chrysan- thenums, carnations, roees, pot plans and bulbs, bedding and foage plants. One slide videotape is included. • Agricultural • Marketing: A Risk Management Approach. Marketing should begin long before a crop is planted or replacement livestock Is purchased. This course is a practical guide to .the science of marketing agricultural commodities and addresses the decisions a producer must make to remain competitive. describes the Canadian economic environment and • discusses the tools and strategies available to marketing managers. using case studies, 'the test analyzes futures markets and other price risk manage- ment tools in depth. finally, the course demonstrates how to execute the strategies presented In * course. For more information on this Indepen dent Study courses contact the Universi- ty of Guelph Continuing Education •Department at 519124-4120. "ARM P19490.1111 IS nos * A Hardier strawberries fireeders of a tasty me strawberry, the first to ha erested spseiticelly kr Qesbee aresal, m taot= IP" ste 01mosso far The ileibumbly strawberry is standier and aweeter, has a better colour and yields a •uslr crap am Its rivals, says Dr. MahroU. Khanizadsh of Macdonald College's plant science tirspartmeat. The plant can also withstand extremes ol heat and cold — it can tolerate temper:dames as low as 45C — and is resistant to most diseases that common- ly bug strawberries, including scorch, • mildew and red spot. "This is the first variety to be bred specifically for local conditiOne," says ithanlzadth. "The plant Is better able to survive the winter than some European and Californian strains." Also, the fruit doesn't soften In the beet and himsidity of summer, so less fruit is lost in the picking and Aiming stagers. The chalablY, named for -_rpgion in which it has been growing, yields bet- ween 40 and 50 per cent more fruit than the Redcoat, a popular variety of strawberry in Quebec. The firmness of the fruit, its uniform red colouring and a distinct 'neck' which enables it to be detailed 'by machine, make the new strawberry well suited to processing, says Khanizadeh. Having been grown successfully in Quebec reeearch stations, the ChamblY Is now behsg tested in Nova Scotia and New Bnuiswi .ok Mardis/deb expects the plait to be available to commercial growers by 1991. After apples, strawberries are the se- cond most important cultivated fruit in Quebec. They represent a $14 million share of the province's agricultural production. Some funding for the research was pro- vided by Agriculture Canada, • (Canadian Science News) . AIR IT JUST FEELS RIGHT! PRICED ..... • ,r, 00ThelagawAgOONOWV so, 913 *MODEL PIM - INCLUDES MAZDA FACTORY INCENTIVE. • M W.11110.,YORS LTD. 300 SUNCOM s DR., GODERICH 524-2113 Sales • Service • Parts s Leasing • • •