The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-03-14, Page 62Raising. the"kids" pfram Inige2 their kids have been weaned, They have also purchased veal calves and finished them on goat's milk, When asked it she has any containing the 'goaats, Judy r ed, "On- ly a. very determined goat get oust".. On their farm, they use Atock fence along with electric fence to contain ,.the goats while at pasture.. In the barn, they. run an electric wire about six inches. above the top hoards of the pen. ..They also use 3/4 Mehr pipe on some pens, It is also positione. d about sec inches above the top board, and prevents', the goats from getting enough grip to ,lwup over. As you talk to Judy Geddes, you can see that she has developed a certain af- fection for these anusnals over the years, As she said, "People either.love them or , hate them, and I happen to love them.'" The Pygmy • Russel Fear of Wingham attended the Farm Show in London three years ago, and was somewhat captivated by a breed of goat that is making eyebrows rise. It's the Pygmy goat 'which. is, a miniature goatthat has Wsorigin in Africa.. It's gaining popularity in the United States and mare recently in Canada. On the average, this little goat stands between 18 and 22 inches high 'At the shoulders, and would weigh:. between 30 and 45 pounds, When full grown. Because of their size, pygmies make ideal pets for children, and also do not require a• great. deal of space for housing. As Russel said, "Actually a doghouse could accomodate a pygmy" A' newborn kid would .be roughly the size of a full grown barn. cat; according to Russel. Unlike other, goats, the pygmy will come into heat at any time during the year. The gestation period is five.months, and Russel stated that he usually prefers to breed his pygmies at eight to 10 - months of age. He did indicatethat some of his ,were bred: younger but required Caeseran section at birthing. The pygmy is naturally not a big milk producer. However, it does produce high quality milk with a butterfat content of six to nine per cent. Something else that is unique about the pygmy is that it can eat any kind of food without tainting the flavour of the milk. Russel said that his pygmies have a real fondness for the leaves that have fallen from the trees. In fact, in the fall, Russel lets them clean up the leaves along his driveway. When asked if they have any special feeding • requirements, he replied, "Not really, just grain and hay in the winter, and grass sup- plemented with grain in., the sum- mer.-.-.end um- mer. -.e d salts and minerals year round". From what Russel said, the pygmy makes an excellent meat goat because of it's build...short and stocky. However. he pointed out that he is into pygmies strict- HARVEST trictHARVEST BUTTERNUT SQUARES 1 cup (250 mL) all purpose flour 1/4 cup (50 mL) granulated sugar 1/2 cup (125 mL) butter 2 eggs, beaten. 1 1/2 cups (375 mL) packed brown sugar 1/4 cup (50 mL) butter, melted 1 Tbsp (15 mL) vanilla 2/3 cup (150 mL) coarsely -chopped walnuts 1/2 cup (125 mL) golden raisins Walnut halves Combine flour and .granulated sugar in small bowl Cut in 1/2 cup (125 mL) but- ter utter until mixture is crumbly. Press onto bottom of 9 -inch (23 cm) square baking pan. Bake in 350 degree F. Add brown sugar, 1/4 cup (50 mL) melted butter, vinegar and vanilla; mix well. Stir in nuts and raisins. Pour over partially bak- ed crust. Return to oven. Bake an addi- tional 30 to 35 minutes or until set. Cool. Cut into squares and garnish with walnut halves if desired. Makes 1 pan. 1Y as a hobbY, and wile them as pots. A young nanny kid would roil, for ;Th to $100, whereas a buck would bring 360. Russel said that he aeils the kids when are anywhere from two to six months, old, He recoinuien k that they be disbodded or dehornedif they we going to be around young children. These lovable little creatures can often be found at petting zone. In Ashfield township, here is a wildlife sanctuary owned by the Harryfamily and here along with the collection of exotic animals, you will find a few pygmies. Once ytlu see these little ones, it's mighty hard.. to reeist thetion of owning one, as Russel Fear�ound out three years ago. FARM iia 1 PAGig8 A Hamel Fear of Wiagham raises pygmy 'goats as a hobby sad fells them for pets. Became they are so small, children can easily handle them. ins .pictured here are.Itassei's. grandchildren. MUZIN Enjoy the benefits: of propane! It is one of nature's most versatile fuels. Propane is clean ' : burning, efficient," portable and 'econom- ical. It is a fuel suitable for vehicles, and appliances in homes, cottages, farms and businesses. 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