The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-03-14, Page 34PACE 14 FARM FROMM IS Bee key one of he oldest agricultural industries 4. Smoker is used , to chase the bees. from the hive so honey can be cowmen, • BUILT -TOUGH TRUCKS • ADVANCED ENGINEERING! rlut- Leadership in electronic four -speed automatic overdrive transmissions Available an F Stolle • Econoilne • Bronco • Club Wagon DESIGNED. SPECIFICALLY FOR TRUCKS AND AVAILABLE NOWT Electro*MOM, controlled for sth, consistent shifts with automatic overdrive gear for Improved fuel economy, SELECT 'DRIVE` POSITION FOR SMOOTH FOUR -SPEED AUTOMATIC SHIFTING • Maximum performance under norms! load conditions - 'OVERDRIVE LOCKOUT' BUTTON FOR MAXIMUM CONTROL • Dashboard control. for city traffic and heavy load cxindflaons SELECT 'SECOND GEAR.' 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SUNCOAST ,�F0RD"�'" MERCURY LINCOLN 236 Huron t#d., Godes+ ; '.524-8347 by Sari Itstirksri is- among the *Idiot ot agt1ci aura industries. The Importance 0f hlination to Agriculture is Ruswel Fear of 4/high= has been a beekeeper for 37 years. He began with only two hive.. Today, he keeps • innatelry 800 hives. He hail managaptto 42 yards in a season. Thee yards are usually located within it 25 mile radius of Winghani. He indicated that farmers often contact him and request that he place an apiary on their property to en- sure pollination of their crops. Good bee keeping locations are usually within two miles or so of nearby croplands, and the apiary should be protected fromail- ing winds, . in an area where there is plenty of sunshine and good drainage. The Roney Crops Although most of us spend time and money to rid our lawns of dandelions, that's one "crop" Russel Fear looks for- ward to seeing in full bloom. For him, that heralds the beginning of the honey season in the early spring. As Russel said, "The Dandelions get the bees active in the ," He readily admits. that the honey from the dandelion is not great,. but it does provide excellent food • for the bees. If such food were not available; he ' ' would have to feed the bees a syrup of sugar and water. Thera is another crop that depends on. early spring` pollination and that is the apple. Apple growers often arrange for honey bees to be placed in their orchards to ensure that adequate pollination takes place. Otherwise, .the cold and wet ' weather prevalent at this time of year often discourages insect activity and pollination. The blooming period for ap- pie trees is short but intense' and for --that reason it is, important that the bees are moved in as soon as blooming starts. Russel indicated that the boas are mesially in for abaft 10hand most be remov- ed before the orchard is sprayed. Winder canola is the next where the bee would be used for , Canoia produces a good qualitY,d flavoured honey but to Russel it is a dif- ficult ifficult honey to handle because it has a tendency to granulate on the comb. From June 10 to September 1, honey is produced from the clover crops, This white honey is one of the best for flavour and he says a great honey with which to work. Buckwheat honey has it's own tive flavour, being somewhat stronger than other honey and it also has it's own distlnetive amber colour. The bees would work in a buckwheat crop during August and early September. As Russel pointed out, buckwheat as a crop is not too com- mon ornmon anymore, hence there is not a great deal of buckwheat honey produced. Hive A typical hive would. consist of a hive stand and bottom board, which has a space through which the bees 'enter. Above this are one or two boxes called the brood chambers, phis a queen ex- cluder. The honey supers are the top. boxes. The top super has an inner cover above it, and the complete. hiveis pro- tected bya�hive cover which would have a meT000ls tothat are essential to the beekeeper are the bee veil, the bee smoker and the hive toot In addition to this, Russeluses a blower which will be discussed later. The Bees: There are three types of bees in a -col- ony: ' the queen, the worker and the drone The. only function of the queen bee is to Tunas to page 18 • your irSirEL. s MIN earning only 101/2% and reinvest in a Guaranteed Investment Earning • Frank Little • All companies represented are members of CDIC. We offer professional advice'and quality •: service along'with the highest rates available *NO FEES OR CHARGES" 122 'Court House Square ' GODERICH VESTMENTS 524.3773 • • , 1-800.245.5503 • John Little CFP• • LflERME THE;VALUE& TENNIS PIERSON shoe Counity's >Rgldnai .,M'DeaIer" 396-3367 or 396.9141 856 Queen St., KINCARDINE CHEV OLDS