The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-03-14, Page 22PAGE 2 FARM PICOURE08 10 New blood for Canada's sheep industry Fahr in yews of breeding work at at the Agriculture Canada Reicarch Can - in Ottawa, *se involved in the sheep indumuyhave high aspirations for Ipirations.for Arcot Sheep. h"rrtt" i©derived from: A-Agriculture,It-Research, . C- , ,Ott ttawe. The Areott were developed to attempt to meet the future de rands of the Gael* dian sheep producer, The breeds - the Canadian Aron, the 014901149 Arcott audthe Rideau Areott ii ott - were rued in the sprue of ,MC They combine the best traits of •dorneetie ' and imported Sheep- What snakes the Rideau Arent and the Outaouais Areott special is that both breeds are prolific, explains Dr. Lentis Ainsworth, chairman of the centre's Sheep Production Program. The ewes produce average litters of 2.0 lambs, more than double' the current industry o 7 of 1.2 lanibe per ewe annnually. d of output is good news for the e Canada sheep industry, which ifs slow- ly recovering from a year decline" that saw the number of sheep in the country dwindle to 550,000 head in 1971. The market outlook is even brighter when the breeds; selected fortheir female One, are' bred to.Canadian Arcott. males, Dr. Ainswp $h adds, The Canadian Arcott was developed for .rapid . growth and the lean meat des lred by cors. The centre developed the breeds in can- junction with new technology and. breeding; methods designed to increase - the efficiency and output of . lambing operations. "The availability et the : breeds will provide the Canadian sheep with real potential' for growth and mean, • enthuses Dr. Ainsworth. !This You'd substantially reduce lamb imports.and make it possible to increase domestic pmdnetion anti,, and develop *malty madorts New breeds were, not on researchers' minds in 1118 when they began aelective- ty breeding domestic sheep to imported breed* inreview to to ietry core sus e:*boutfuture. "The ,original intent was to obsess the genetic principles involved in the iris prevennent of sheep through cross- breeding and selection," Dr. Ainsworth says. "Aa the new strains were dex , however, we the potenh : of using tem in the industry" The "111desi Are,ett" Breed Descdption: rapid growingmoderately muscled fecund -type breed with high pro' ductivity aTaan an 11 -month breeding cycle. curstrlbabnrs were the 8u1'folk, fie - de Developed for plrodredrs�g hrybrld ewes for France and'Leiceeter breeds with minor crossing with mat -type breeds. Tim contributions from the ."N C. Cheviot tribrs4ieres fix the N.C. Clot, L+Nicester, Rome* awl COrriedale breeds. Th, "O aMus Are*" lacca l moderately pro- ductivity in breeding Developed for p� hybrid ewes for crossing with meat -type breeds. The p�contributors were the Finnish LL and Suffolk breeds with minor from the Ile de France, East Friedel', Dorset, N.C. Cheviot, Weeder and R� breeds. The "�t Ares*" Breed" rapid growing well muscl- ed breed developed for crow- ing with hybrid ewes to produce crombred market lambs. The 'Amery. •°/' 1 1 .. 1.4 - . M 1 1 1 1 11 • I� 1 . 141 4,4 1 �■ 1 1 primary contributors were the Finnish Shropshire ' Finnish I a drake, • Landrace, Suffolk, East Friesian, Shop:- Lincoln, Southdown, Dorset, East File - shire and Dorset breeds with minor car Sian and Corriedale breeds. Egg Board marks 25 years This year Marks an important "ten Board - Mailman • they celebrate "25 Years of Orderly have come, we can better plan for where we are going.„"The leaf 25 years have seen a tremendous change in the way, we in Ontario,market eggs. By buhldhng on milestone for Ontario's. egg egg producersas GeGerald, "by lookkrg at where we Marketing", In 19.84, the Ontario and Fowl Pro- ducers" Marketing Boa was foamed by this progress we can assure this success Ontarie producers to promote their pro , continues,,, Mr. Morden said ' duct. Twenty-five years later, the Ontario Thseh 25th Annual Meeting to Egg Producers" Marketing Board is not be March 211 and 21, will be 'a only ani award -whining. ae�vertise;r, but is � � the a leader in `or anieed agricultural - Board's Other planear-long an- „marketing and;. a rarnodel' of farmer- vines wm+elelp producersurrsnl ad hseli► both new and' managed production that is the envy of thosepeople outside the egg sector the''world. • w , , understand how and why the Marketing This year's planned events will provide ' system has evolved and how it ,has the opportunity, to look ' back • over a • benefited both roduce and quarter 'of a century ,of successful alike. Chicken cookery Barbecued Metes Tbiglis 1 tb j olive or vegetsbie oil • 1 trap finely chopped shallots or green (191011 1 clove ,garlic, minced 1/2 cup unsweetened from concentrated plc or orange juice, thawed 1/4 cup reed wine currant 1/2 tap dry mustard 1/ tap ground ginger 1 1/2 lb chicken thighs or dmmsticlos Conventional: In saucepan, beat oil; add shallots and garlic; cook over medium heat 5 mint or until Wit. Stir m jug, jet, mar,: mustard and ginger; beat just until jelly melts. Reaxnove from heat; cool to lukewarm, , Microwave: In microwaveabhe dish combine oil, shallots and garlic; cover: cook on High (140%) 1 to 2 minutes 111 softened. Stir in remaining, ingrediente except chicken; heat until jelly melts: cad to lukewarm... Place . chicken in plasmic bag: cover with cooled marinade. Close bag secure, out excess air. Marinate in _occasionally, at least 3 hours or ovv it. • To cook: Drain ruminate into saucn for conventional cooking or 2 -cup glass ' in for microwave cooking.. Sim- mer .5 minutes .or until reduced by ball. Place chicken, skin side up,' on greas- ed grill or broiler pan. Cook about 5 in- ches from heat source 20 . minutes, brushing occasionally with reduced maarinade.. Turn. and cook .10 minutes longer or until juices run clear when chicken is pierce with fork. Makes 4 servings. Wr:%' fix AGRICULTURAL EIIIIPL.OYME Y SERVICES* "Formerly. Canada Farm Labour Poon NEW NAME • SAME 'RELIABLE SERVICE Provide 'employment planning: 'assistance to the agricultural industry, Recruit workers for: agricultural employment • Assist !worker orientation and transportation. Promote good employment standards ' Provide information ,about • -government employment . programs • OWEN SOUND WALKERTON • 371-9522 881-3671 • SAFETY SHOES ARE A MUST!