The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-03-14, Page 18Page 18-4Ate#aow 80 04 eI, Wednesday, Mora 14, UN Clayton Corky) Corcoran London *RRSP's *Annuities . • •GlO's *Life Insurance •RIF's *Freedom 55 GODERKKH 524-2269 R CQUU. MR HOME.:.HARD! Why•take the chance?, Buy now, before you feel the tax blow. Right now, no one knows for certain how the proposed Federal Goods and Services Tax will affect new home prices. Even optimistic estimates, however, are not favourable, Why take the chance on paying more when you can order a new Royal Home now, take delivery this summer, and beat the G.S.T. hands down.: And don't forget, if you're a qualified lot owner, your lot can be your downpayment on a factory-bulit precision -crafted Royal Home The Original Factory Horne Builders MODELS ON DISPLAY AT: Chathem•Bloomield Rd. at Hwy. 401 Box 1360 Chatham, N7M 5W8 15191 351-8622 1-800465-9471 Peterborough -Hwy. 7 East at 134 Box 4700 Peterborough, K9J 8J6 17051 295-4180 1.800481.6533. ' Sudbury -Corner of Armstrong & Hwy..69 2192 Armstrong St., Sudbury, P3E 5Gt(' [705( 522-9429 1.800.481-4889 Tomtit-S.W. Corner Meier McKenzie Dr. & Hwy, 400 Box 696 Map4e, L6A 1S5 14161 832-1700 1-800-387-7061 Wktpham-1kr East of Wlnyham on Hwy. 86 Box 370 Wutghekn; NOG 2W0 (519) 357.24441.800265-3040 CLOSED SUNDAYS FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR EMPLOYEES AND THEIR FAMILIES YI^� igam. f or our full colour catalogue, send $S.00 t8 your. nearest Royal Homes Sales centre, Name IAddress s city Postal Code Phone L rrr. § Red Meat II deadlines The end of March is an important deadline for Rod Meat 1l. For the first year of this program, enroimeats will be accepted up to March 31, 1#M for any 6 weights, records or breeding records, For the qg years of Meat II, one mod k ski aoUad before weights; are taken or calves are born to be eligible for any of the yearly incentives. Allcomponents from the first year o� Meat 11 must be submitted to your local OMAF office by March 31,. r100. ee. ,parts for each coin-. Stocker/Slaughter, Sheep and Meat Goats moat be met before any of the optional grants can be collected. The pink workbook for Enterprise Analysis can be submitted up to the end of May for the previous year's financial' data, 'the Only exception to this rule is if CAM REPORT Bruce County OMPF Enterprise Analysis is used as one of the' compulsory components of the Stocker/Slaughter plan. Then this workbook mud be in our office again by the end of Much. Eft and application forma were sent to anyone previously enrolled in the first. Red .Meaat Program. Anyone Anyone who hasn't received an enrolment form, can contact the local OMAF office to obtain a copy. Plan ROW to. participate and use the. benefits of hied Meat 11. The grant ap- plication deadline for the Bret year is fast approaching. Novice A 'series with Clifford tied at one game each On Tuesday, March 6 the Lucknow Novice A hosted Clifford and won bya close score of 2 ' ., 1. Goalie Aam Cameron played a very steady game bet- ween the pipes and the defence kept clearing the zone all night. Greg Courtney, Cameron Moffat, Nathan Vanderclippe and Nathan Ferguson turn- ed back the Clifford boystime after tom., Craig Moffat opened the scoring in the first period with assists going to Jonathan MacKinnon and Shane Petteplace. Ean .Moffat scored the eventual game winner in second on :a breakaway. Clifford scored their_ only goal in the third period for , the final score of Lucknow 2, Clifford 1. Lueldiow-Clifford. eeriest tied Sunday. night Lucknow. travelled to CLifford and lost by a tore of 5" - 3. Clif- ford took - a two goal lead after 6:07 of ..the second .:period. Luclmow scored the neat three goals to take a 3 - 2 lead but Clifford scored three more goals to win the game. • -: Scoring for Lucknow were- Ean Moffat assisted by •Jonathan MacKinnon,. Greg Courtney assisted by Ean Moffat and Jeff Andrew and Shane Pettealace assisted by Greg Courtney and Craig Moffat. Atoms up onein group playoffs Game one of the Lucknow Atoms series ed four more to take a comfortable lead with Hanover was played at home on and managed to hold onto it despite' the µ March.. 5. The first period remained rugged style that Hanover met them scoreless,, with both teams having some with. This in turn resulted in several excellent opportunities but both .goalies penalties .being called to keep the game kept their respective teams in the game. under control. Total minutes in the box Lucknow scored their first goal at 13:38 were 20 for Hanover and eight for of the second period with Trevor Moffat Lucknow: denting the net assisted by -Jeff Porter an Scoring :in the third went as follows: Lee Drennan. Lucknow went ahead 2.0 Jason Kerr for two; Jeff Porter for two; when Luke Sprout scored on .a setup from: assists to Ed Courtney, 'two; ° with singles Jason. Kerr and Glenn ' Ferguson. This to ` Lee Drennan, Trevor Moffat, Stuart was the result of some solid positioning Rantoul and Colin Becker. in front of the Hanover net. Curt Humphrey and Tyler Brooks Late in .. the second, Hanover tame shared the net mindingvchores and came within one of a tie game. The home town up with the puck when challenged by the team managed another one to put them Hanover players. • up by two as the second period ended. ' Lucknow played well at both ' ends ' Lee Drennan made good on this one, throughout the game and showed that assisted • by linemate Ed Courtney and they were able to hold their heads in this• defenceman, Colin Becker. • somewhat aggressive game. Final score During the, third; period. Lucknow add- Lucknow 7 * Hanover. 1. Voice .for; Life meet • The March meeting of the Wingham 'author of "Who Broke the, Baby." Also, Voice for Life' was held at the home of onril 23 the Ap Wingharn annual banquet Mr. and Mrs. Ed-Skbin. Rev, John will be held at St. Andrews Presbyterian Vaudry led 'the , ' : devotions with a Church. Tickets are now available from medltational reit, : , tied "Let Martha .the board. On June 2 a national day of and Mary Join Hands." . We are in- ' prayer andpraise is to be held on Parlia- sfucted to strike a Christian balance bet- • , ment Hill in Ottawa. Mso in June there ween . prayer and action. We must be is to be a• pro-life day at the Martyr's doers as well, as Welters. Shrine in Midland. Sally Campeau, educational • convenor, . Chairman Jim Bakelaar welcomed all ' informed the board of the purchase of .members and informed of some upcom- :two .video tapes, "Chastity, . A Question ing eventsOn April 18 Dr. Jean Garton, of Choice" and. ".Ask Me, I've Been President of Lutherans for Life, will be There." These tapes are availablefor the guest speaker at St. Peters Lutheran group presentation. The next meeting will .Church in Stratford. Dr. Garton is the be held April 2 in Wingham. . Pinecrest happenings The residents of Pinecrest will be hosts to an afternoon St. Patrick's tea from 2 - 4 p.m. on March 16.. ' Staff and residents extend their sym- pathy to the families of the late Margaret Haycock and Mary .Johnston. Residents celebrating their birthdays. this month are Arlene Kramer, Sarah Jean Scott, Sadie - Graham, Minnetta Wyld, Harty Crain, Margaret McPher- son, John Cazneron and Hiram Collings. Silverts Cothing Store will visit on April 17.. They carry a large variety of clothing, including adaptable clothing for the handicapped male or "female. The Eastern Star will visit on April 18. A welcome is extended • to Sadie Hamilton, Louisa Reid, Cora Barr, Clara Strauss . and. Grace Campbell. Family members or friends are welcome to wor- ship with residents every Sunday after- noon. The adopted grandchildren program is continuing for the rest of the year. The. residents enjoy seeing the school children come to visit or put on one of their pro- grams for them. They enjoy company whenever anyone has some spare time. The residents appreciate the. visits and • entertainment the received . during the long winter months: