The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-03-14, Page 9a %ice Visited Church Women met in the church on Moth R wine oying dessert suppliedUn l LOW andtiqms erson. Geste Henderson, Vraldea Ruth Pritchard. Ti irrtyime membersend throe victors :attended, � �e, meeting which had M ' %.for a theme. For the Healing �N was swig with Edith Webaster at the piano. Words from the moderator were, Love with Tolerance. The se riipltwe was read by Helen Hackett and Prayers of the People was lead by Edna Mi ad nald. Gust speakers frau the. Evi eat Unit 3, Norma Weatiearbesd and Joan T . presenteda most thought prove mehpThe Multiodtural Mosaic, wi asuggeetions for better understanding, through knowing them as people, tate to people, taking a bus trip to- a church. of another Denomination. Other tions included speakers, reading books, ha a ,dial with .different na- NURC�i NEW$ Presbyterian and United Church Aladies hold their ,point meeting �tbe law meeting with, It's a Fourteen members answered the rolled, something you are doing to save the, environmeet. Hapbirthday was sung to Jeannie Planter Donations were made to the Evelyn Cook rept thie Least Coin,, con- cerning Jesus' Sam to need. Margaret Croon* and Lois Wald . reported on their interesting day at Presbyteriel with the tbaltnet Brighten the Corner. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. . agueti Unit 3 ties, use of videos tom; Inters Flus Morrison conductedthe Waimea for Unit 2. Elsie Houston read the faith dialogue - ]laden with an openmind,minutes el he February meeting and ' understand and research,. During Lent it motel minor gave ihatreaasuter'ss •as as 'time . to,; re-examine • and: groW,'. " Iiollcall'1laalaratlswarerl'by 17 challenge and renew' our own faith' and. by naming one of the many Ethnic char. be Willing to change. Let There be Peace( ches 014 make up the United Church on Earth closed tbia part of the mieetit . of Canada. Fourteen imembers have paid A collage el Outreach• meeting. r �.flees..The reader and Lucknow United Church be mad e Blanket Fund . were receiyv and soon to depict activities of the C� dedicated by the leader.. 'heir[ Jar . lima'. M alai owl =peer,: - Sunday Susyabine WINOted fr Oun `those who .. ` tial' .25, mention: a few. TM rather than tell an Ida will ,be shazwsa . ret Paresabyterial level, Groceries' are still. neesied.for Friend- •Luclmow UCW was the second highest in ship House 'and the 'church food bank. contribution for the M.S. favid as ;rePotteci at, the Presbyterial meeting in • A get well card max sighed. for dein Palmerston March 5. Lemoayie. Ruth Pritchard and h Phyllis Unit 1.. Morrison. reported, en, several visas made Following' the. program, Unit 1.met+in • during the past month. The Travelling the par our. with. leader Lois Walden Basket is to be. completed by Jtme. St.' Helen's W.J..; make plans.' for District Annual St. Helen's ,Women's Institute -met on March 5 with Caroline ;Menary , and Florence McCannel` as hostesses.. • Mrs. Menary presided and Edith Coopergave the minutes of the last meeting, followed. by the'flnanadal report • Ten members answered, the rollscall - bring'a recipe for a salad, or pay a'fine and sing a song. The ladies are making plans for -the District Annual meeting to be held in St. iiSINTEE LISTINGS WANTED/ PAUL. ZJNN 52842411 ALVIN ROBS' 91154174 WARREN DIM 529,9710 HIGHWAY LOCATION - 100 acres, brick home, well maintained barn, 2 silos, 85 workable, hardwood bush. RIVER PROPERTY - 3 bedroom, 11/2 etorey stone/stucco home, 24 x 28workshop, Nine Mlle River plus large dug pond. Reduced to *79,900._ 50 ACRES -• on 9. mile river,. 30 acres workable, 20 cedar mixed bush. ttr tc:.$ LUCKNOW - 3 bedroom bungalow with finish- ed basement, all new windows, central vac, main floor laundry, quiet location. *88,000.00. WEST WAWANOSH - 100 acre pasture farm, good treed building site *59,500. 2.5 ACRE LOT - close to town, 30 x 30 shed excellent building site. HURON THP. - Solid 3 bedroom home. 100 acres, 97 workable, lis drained, bank bang, 2 steel barns, set up for hogs/veal, 40 x 80. steel shed. *139,900. 99 ACRES - Ashfi , 9 mile river flows through. 75 workabib, 40x70 ham, 20 acre* bush. 200 ACRES pasture, partlailyy drained, well fenc- ed, 130 acres cleared. Asking *110,000. ASHFIELD 100 acres cash crop, drained at 60 ft. level. 47 ACRES - Ashfield, 5 acres bush, located on highway *47,500. CORNER LOT - Lucknow building approx. 50' x 60' suitable for weeding garage, smali business. Inquire for particulars COMMERCIAL ZONED Heated shop 45' x 65' with office, plus 2 vacant lots, located downtown Lucknow. AU for *45,000. 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW - attached garage, move in condition. 1,100 sq. ft. SIDESPLIT - 3 . ap'in wilit garage, new carpets, well d,: :: ed, quality bullt home. ASHFIELD TWP. b 50 acres systematically tiled, spring possession It is a tradition that the Presbyterian and Dined Church ladies bold theirMarch M A -between cherches. year United parlor. s, vrelcomed all the lac and the meeting witan- nouncement* pertinent to , she tanned the meetingover to Donalday Mol - fat, who chaired the program for the HMS. She opened with the cell to wor- ship and a poem, Heaven's Grocery Store. Mandl* Fisher took the devotions based on St. Luisa 2:4, dealhtg with the 'celebration • of springand how it developed to thebaster tradition.. Mara Raynard, by Nor`' ma Ra<ynard, two lovely solos, I'm Not Alone and Beside the Still Waters. Mrs. Renard introduced: the speaker, Rev. Pouf Lamm, wilco enour Journey Jerusalem, ' we shire as we are never alone. fiilie spoke at all the many Inen erred in the Bible. Rev.Kirwan referred to a book written by Juse Callwood entitled, Twelve Weeks in Spring, the story of Margaret Fraser's Pinney to dearth. She likened Margaret Frames* Journeys to Death, more like a celebration of living on her loam to Jinutalem. Rhoda MacKenziethanked Rev. Fineman for her i ntereating and inspiring message and. Unit 4 et the UCW for the invitation to join with thew The meeting closed' with the idnghig of The Day is Past and and Over and the. Miispah Benediction. The church hall was tastefully • decorated with a St. Patrick's Day motif so several Irish favourites were sung with Mrs. McFarlane at the piano and a delicious lunch enjoyed. • God is One, mission study for South Kinloss WMS ,Hostess, Shirley' Colwell greeted South Tailing in the preYer circle. were Kinloss Women's Missionary iety, Marg Yer, Vera... dt and Olive members in her home the eveningof N The offering was collected and March b. Directors : were Irene. Diddle, offertory prayer given by Muriel Eva Burt and Mary UAL-- President MacKenlze.: Ruth Bell the .meetingwith a 4� rhe. Glad was sung followed byThe Mission Study, from God cis One reading on t. A hymn .from � p� Irieate Didde. she built a a firm foluidationof ourneighbour's roots Clarke provided organ accosnpeanInaent, of "A Tale of Two Marqueea'A and a come - The' minutes of the last meeting, tien and answer' Period followed. An ac - 11 7 lovely Prayer from "Mrs.' Bell, Wilma referring to the Muahm faith. A. viewing tresaSurees report and Ladies Aid tual Qur'an , a �� cloth and the tion '.reports were. also given . on the faith al itsiann was dealt. with. Thanlrs go ;to.'Latnra Lee Cayley► foe thea* articlea3 of . Helens in `May. An invitation • to the 80th anniversary of..Blyth 'Women's Institute on May 3 was received, Card es are planned...for' Mauch. and April. ;. Mrs. McConnel gave a a an Irish contest and • Mrs. Menary gave - entertaining readings, oa, house cleaning and'my.. get up and go has. got up .and, went. Bram* directors Barb Tyler, Marge* t Cranston and Caroline Meaty will bring in thee` slate. of officers for the new year. were receiv . luring the lest mea par beads studied the doctrine Presbytery meeting and the World .Daly Wrest, which added ouch to the study. of Prayer. Mrs. Lavin read an article on shopping Roll call was answered by, a favourite. for happiness, Jesus* Keep Me Near the prayer or a prayer of choice. Crass was sung in conclusion. Mrs. Burt lead in the 'courtesy reonarks and closing Mrs. Levis lead a timely- Bible Study on prayer. the Essence of Life from Eccl. 3. Includ- Rev. Peggy Kinsman will be the guest ed in this *as a reading from Margaret speaker at the Easter offering Keith. entitled .Wasting April 3, 7:30 at the church. E . t • March is the time , to apply clover .because it wiil get a better catch:, in the spring • Our Honda ATV & broadcast spreader offer an even spread with little soil compaction: , • Applying clover now means that you can apply "N" at your leisure. Seaforth Hon*aril Mitchell Ansa Craig Granton Pt. Albeit 345-2545 262-2521 348»0433 2934223 225-2360 5294901'