The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-03-14, Page 4Page 4 slowly Seta Wer, Wink 14 t . . Elnx. 4000 Lucknow, Ontario NOG :2H0 Estabiished1873 528-2822; Fax (519) 5283529 e Thomas Thompson — Advertising, Manager Suknacriptker rates advance: Pat Livingston General Manager 41100. wilds coos *600' Editor *140. Outside Canecia*588. Senior Citizen Second claauss mailing reg. no. 0847 , Advertising IS accepted oh the condition that in the event of a typagraaaphical error, the par* tion of the adverdieing space occupied by the erroneous tent together with a reasonable allowance for signature, Will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertkroment.will be ;paid at the applicable rates. Have 74a1on Viand just €4r the health of int t ; The Emergency Information vial program, sponsored: by . National Trust and promoted by area polio, forces, is one that should': be token advantage of by all .families having a memb.r under a doe, tor's care. During .aa 'crisis siteation in the home.; it is quite often im possible for the poison *offering the medkol problem to proavid. am- butanes attendants or doctors with . the p.rtinent information n#cesssary to seenhiss%her. life. Otters on hand during the .msrg.ncy may be too strrssed to ►.Orli such rrleveint information as sp sclal radical pr oble ms, medications being tokens, • allergies: to drugs oft, , Takes for instance. o baby-sitter looking afteanf sr `e htld, who hash taken a diabolic Solaro. The. ntrdical information may. or.may not, hove been given. to the-- sitter. Considering. chi strsesssful' situation, this baby-sitter may not r.call' fhas 'instructions given by they:parents. With th* vital information - in the .merg*ney information viol, pro-' per and tisnlsely; medication 'con ` `b. `.admin aurid' :: by;.leseler ncy personnels The amber vial Contains two information medical forms/ two bright oranges adhesive stickers and instructions. The .form Aske for 'your name, emergency contact .nausrtbesas, doctor's nom. and phone number and speeiflc medical problems, .media shone or allergies. To tints;"form you are asked to attach a photograph. of tine rperson: Remember no medication is to, bei kept yin the vial., Upon npleting" `i)hr "form,' store the vial In the refrigerator door. One orenew sticker. ht to be stuck on the outsider of the vial and this other . is plaaced"neer the refrigerator door handle. Emergeneayy p.reonnol have boort instrect.d to took for these orange stickers .when .nt ring..er resldonc.. These vials may be obtained from thi Ktincardine OPP or drop in- to The Sentinel officio. where ar supply.'has boon left. A f.vw minutes of your time to properly fill hi. the, form. and store .In your refrigerator may in the futoar, save prrdous time, ,If .you or on. of your loved ones require .mergeatney cur.,. Why not have: this viat on hand - just for the health of it? . (PLj • Salute to nurses I'm ave a recast letter to Aam'Auders made Oa blood, of way wise reiedfag boli. Heck, I'm not a mare and the Iii. tar from "A VI i Roder" gat my dander" upl The War rotor* to sows advection** for decaffeinated ties, that :brows, all of the nurses photoInst, a hospital maternity ward in et havingdangling from their necks. T e w�Ger 'felt that they only "wear these ids to make the statement, Hey, look at me. Fm a pro- forsional." Give me a break. lady! She goea on • to state that loose stethoscopesss can be dangerous, wondering bow many babies in that hospital have been . hit in the head by dangling The writer believed that She. nurses keep their inetruments in their pockets or at their station, asking "how many tunes during the day does a nurse use a anyway?" dangerous, looseetetb� osterme th lld ladyye writing the letter check out whether the nurses in the adverUzement were actually • nurses, or were they actresses; playing the part, being directed by the producer • Of - the commercial.' One.. can hardly fathom the idea of a professional nurse, working in a maternity ward, being so. DAMIUNGS III by Pat Livingston 111111111111111110111111111111.11111111111111 miaow ase- to leave her wtel: — from ler neck. Obviously the writer of the letter wasn't a, nurse, or she would know how many times curing tits clay nurses do bare stEthoscapes. The idea of lowing this in- otrinatat at their work station is *Wt. t+► ly ludicrous considering the number of mils these pe'Can youeopleon their feet in a ot a scene where the d ctar asks his nurse to cheek the blood pressure of a , .. , and the nurse says, "Oh, just aIun to my station to get mdoctor,y. eh ."«" Nurses. are profemional and the ones l know carry the tools of the trade. around their neck with the end stuck in their pocket, or the whole, aqg in their pocket. A nurse without a tethloecope could be compared to 0 mechanic without a screwdriver, a reporter without a notebook; am doctor without a prescription a , ,. i ,. :4 : ' ' :. withouta camera, a wi whams, a butcher without a knife, a carpenter Wtthout a hammer. • If I. may be so blunt, I would Bugged that " Virginia Riader" sit balk, take a sip of the advertised deeaffelnated tea; and Phone a .. PeYchiatrist. And lady, please Make sure he has the tool of his trade. a couch. Ninety skaters took part in the annual Lucknow and District Kinsmen's skate-a- thon held last Monday. This year, Rroape were allowed to enter and the Novice B hockey teamhad six 'participants. The skaters were fait esi`vitn and vigorat 19.a.m. They were allowed a 15 minute break each hour of skating. (Pat Livingston photo) Police raid Lucknow and West Wawanosh homes, seize liquor 70 YEARS AGO, MARCH 11, 1920 A WELCOME CHANGE -At last there is a break in the long spell of severe winter weather. There has been enough sunshine and south wind the past few days to sug- gest uggest the return of spring. The change will be a most welcome one especially to with equally y sofwith empty coal t water cisand terns Crows and other feathered harbingers of spring have been making their ap- pearance during the past week. 50 YEARS AGO, MARCH 14, 1940 FAIR BOARD HEARS SWINE' CLUB PLAN -Directors of the Lucknow Agricultural Society met last Wednesday with J. C. Shearer, Huron County Agricultural representative present to ad- dress the meeting on the subject of Junior Clubs, as sponsored by Agricultural Societies . The local Society propose to sponsor a swine club this year, open to boys from twelve to twenty-one years of doge. A committee was appointed in this regard as follows: Sam Alteon, Chairman; Adam McQueen, John McQuillan and Fred Mar- tin. Particulars regarding the formation and operation of the club can be learned STa,M!M0.IRS from members of the committee nor from the. secretory, Joseph Agnew. Wallace Miller, local delegate to the Fairs' Association Convention at at Toronto, . gave detailed andinteresting report of POLICE ACTIVE IN COMMUNITY OVER WEEK -END -Bruce and Huron. County police directed their activities to. this community over the ►neck end. The /atter, pert of the week Provincial Officer McCievis headed' a. sold in the Village, the result of which charges under the L.C.A. have been laid and we tmderntaud are slated for hearing Friday. ' The first of the week Provincial Con- stable l' D. McCoy, County Constable Jennings and two Rt.C.M.P. officers raid- ed a •farm, house on the 12 con. of West Wawanoeh and according to a dispatch from Goderich seized of a quantity of li- quor, wine and beer. No still was found. Oeeupantis of the residence are newcomers to the district and are com- paratively unknown. The Goderich report states that the tenant was not home when the place was raided, nor has he since been seen. ASHFIELD HOME PREY\ TO FLAMES -The farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fattish, Concession 12 Ashfield was destroyed by fire, which broke out early last Friday evening. Fire. in thestove pipes is believed to have caused the conftgotion. 25 YEARS AGO, MARCH 10 1x115 HURON TOWNSHIP HAS SURPLUS OF 'mol, -Huron Township Council held their March meethig th all members protest. Minutes former meetings were read and confirmed. W.M. (Monty) .;Snider, a representative for the Georgia Ray. Development Association, addressed the Council et- planing xplaninig the work of the organization and asked for continued mmnbersinip in it. The application of Lloyd Lamont was acce0,ed for Warble Fly Inspector and the bander of John Elliott was accepted for supplying warble powder at $4.35 per Council a ted Reeve Lowry and coundlbr as Representatives to the Georgian Bay Developmeet Association. A report on the Good Roads Convention was heard from Reeve Lowry and Melville Pollock who attended the Meeting, and Steve returned his fifty dollar allowance as he did not attend. The Auditors report was read and con- sidered which showed a surplus in the 1964 operations of $6;336.59, compared to a deficit of $2,641.94 for 1963. 11 YEARS AGO, MARCH 12, IMO WINS MEDALAAnother Lucknow has' brought home a medal from figure skating competition this year. Cathy Chisholm, Lucknow won a bronze medal placing third in intermediates ladies free style at the interclub Figure Skating Competition held in Stratford on Satur- day, March 2. Cathy placed third in her flight to go on re she again placed third to `win the the finals bronze. Seven members of the Lueknow Figure aS atin Clubtook 'part in the event which participating. There were 216 entries in the competition.